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[RMSEP13] Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge(Roman)

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » [RMSEP13] Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge(Roman) 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KaleaMenshaKhaine » August 25, 2013 12:45pm | Report
(Second Edit is up, all changes in Light Blue! Sorry about the Ultimate I had to go just after writing this, I had no times to finish it)

The Revenger
In SMITE Nemesis joins the battleground of the gods as a Melee Magical Carry
Pros: High Single Target Damage, Medium Crowd Control
Cons: Low Defence

Appearance: Morrigan's hairstyle with the robes worn in the picture.She also holds a bastard sword in her right hand

Health: 405 (+75)
Mana: 230 (+35)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack Speed: 1.00(+.02)

Magical Power: 25 (+2) (Designer's Note- You don't normally start with Magical Power, but I thought without it, she would be self-shutdown early game, if there is way of circumventing this, I would love to know how.)
Physical Power: 0 (+0)

Physical Protection: 30 (+1)
Magical Protection: 12 (+2)

HP5: 10 (+0.68)
MP5: 4 (+0.30)

Passive- Revenge
When Nemesis is killed, all Gods that helped kill her gain a debuff, the which lowers all stats by a set percentage, to a total of 5 across all the gods that killed her. This debuff is lost upon death. Nemesis also gains extra skill effects against Revenged foes. Also, Nemesis adds 50% instead of 20% of her magical power to each melee attack.
(Designer's Notes- I wanted to passive to fit the lore and not be OP, also here are some examples if the description makes no sense:
1 god contributed to killing her: 5%
2 gods contributed to killing her: 2.5%
3 gods contributed to killing her: 1.6%
4 gods contributed to killing her: 1.25%
5 gods contributed to killing her: 1%)

(Designer's Notes 2- I also have three alternatives to the current passive, 1- the percentage only applies to protections, 2- the debuff is instead just percentage bonus damage, 3- Nemesis gets bonus gold and XP for killing a revenged enemy)

Active 1- Revenger Unyielding
/ability lore
Her basic attacks deal 20/35/50/65/80 +(15% Magic Power) extra damage and gains a 3/6/9/12/15 crit chance to her auto attacks passively, this crit chance is doubled when the ability is used. for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8
Mana Cost: 60/75/80/96/110
Revenged gods take extra damage equal to 3% of the revenged god's max health with each attack Nemesis makes while this is active.

Active 2 - Avenging Strike
Nemesis deals 85/105/140/180/215 (+15% magical power) in a cone the size of He Bo's water cannon.
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9
Mana Cost: 75/95/110/130/140
Revenged gods take 10% of what damage this ability would've done before protections as true damage.

Active 3 - Agonies of Injustice
AoE slow of 15% for the first half of the duration and silence for the second half, the AoE is inbetween Ra's 2 and 3 in size. (Centred on herself)
Duration: .5/1/1.5/2/2.5
Cooldown: 10/18/16/14/12
Mana Cost: 75/100/120/135/160
Revenged foes 'enjoy' the effects for an extra .3 seconds per rank in the skill.

Ultimate/Active 4 - Indiscrimate Revenge

When this ability is activated all damage dealt enemy gods while they are within the AoE is used to charge up this skill, this skill, it charges for 3 seconds before detonating. It can be detonated early by pressing 4 again. When this skill is detonated it does all the damage that was dealt by enemies in the 3 second period, this damage is dealt to all enemy gods within the AoE,.
(Designer's Notes- I'm not sure whether or not to add a cap to the damage done, thoughts/opinions in this regard? After explaining this more, it should be clear, before giving criticism on this think about is potential, it designed to be a skillshot, and for the best possible effect the Nemesis player has to think about where to position herself. )

Thank you for reading, all comments and constructive criticism are welcomed!

I hope I haven't made her too OP!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » August 25, 2013 1:31pm | Report
Add are physical, not magical. Also what is e debuff of? Just protections? For her 3 at max rank of 1.5 and such a long cool down, that is not worth it at all. Isis's silence is soo much better than that. And her ultimate makes no sense, all it says is that it charges up and detonates, what does it do exactly?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KaleaMenshaKhaine » August 25, 2013 11:10pm | Report
3 Things, First a Magical Carry is not impossible, and why not have a unique idea to get a better chance of winning the competition?

Second, I have edited/added a few things, which you can find in Light Blue.

Third, It says a debuff to all stats, so that includes movement, power(s), protections, regens.

List of Changes in Edit:

More Detail added to appearance, her sword specifically.
Skill effects made bold for ease of reference.
Ultimate expands upon, sorry about this, I was running out of time and forgot to add the last details.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » August 25, 2013 11:17pm | Report
The rules specifically say an Adc which stands for an attack damage carry. Or physical carry. So yes, in this instance it is impossible. And a magical carry is just called a Mage. And I apologize if my words are bad, becuase I'm on my ipad. But the rules say Adc, so you can't go and change them, I mean why don't I go making a magical tank and submit it? He did say he is doing more so the roles could change. For the ultimate. How is it a skill shot? It says damage form all gods friend or foe. And making it damage allies is bad. Yes I understand that you want to make it a no boundaries thing, but honestly, that's bad just imagine there are 2 Ao Kuangs, 1 on your team, 1 on the other. They both ult in that time. That is ~2400 magical damage to everyone including your team. What about her ult be something like a Karus ult, but it scales based on how much damage allies TOOK during a 3 second channel? That would be better.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KaleaMenshaKhaine » August 26, 2013 12:49am | Report
ADC= Attack damage Carry as you say, if her auto attacks(that are magical) deal a lot of damage, what is to stop her being an ADC? In this case I believe that as this is us both thinking about the terms differently a verdict from Raze would be best so lets leave this point alone for the time-being.

And the ultimate is designed to be a very careful skillshot, remember she has 5 seconds to get to the enemy team so that it doesn't hurt her allies.

It's time like this when I wish I could make a smite god and test them in single player, to see if you could use the ultimate like I imagine.

One of the main reasons the ultimate is as it is now is due to the fact that I want it to be different from Circle of Protection. I do however understand your points and hope you receive mine regarding similarity between the two ults with your idea.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » August 26, 2013 12:57am | Report
Ummm, ADC needs crit. This is more of an Assassin or Mage maybe

Actually, ADC is taken from LoL where mage doesn't do magical (ability power) damage on their basic attacks


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KaleaMenshaKhaine » August 26, 2013 1:07am | Report
So, it has to be physical?

Okay, would making it physical be fine Raze, or is there more that I have to check legality wise?

Sorry M4ii for the argument, I hope you can forgive my misunderstanding of the term.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » August 26, 2013 1:46am | Report
For more information maybe look here
or here

Notes :
Marksman = carry


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KaleaMenshaKhaine » August 26, 2013 4:34am | Report
Okay, so none of that explained why she can't be Magical Carry or why she shouldn't be classed a carry regardless.

I even made sure to follow SMITE's carry formula for most carry abilities:
Steroid, Direct Damage and Slow.

Am I missing the obvious here?


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Posts: 32
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KaleaMenshaKhaine » August 26, 2013 4:56am | Report
Edit 2 on the way, one of my friends has helped me with balancing, the changes are as follows:

Revenger's revenged effect changed to 3%
Avenging Strike revenged effect changed to 10%
Indiscrimate Revenge changed to all damage dish out by enemies.


Notable (1)
Posts: 32

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