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Scylla's 3

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Scylla's 3 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Torchman220 » May 30, 2014 12:46pm | Report
In my opinion, it should be changed. She can place down her 3 and simply run extremely far into the enemy and pop back to it. With her 3, she can escape and travel insane distances just by pressing 3. Why am I making an entire thread about it? 1. We can think of setbacks to her 3, and 2. Chaac can do the same thing as scylla... but he has to use both of his main damage abilities. He has to press 1 and 2, which wastes both mana, poke, AND AoE. Unless you are initiating. All Scylla has to do is press 3 twice, and she still has root, slow, and a LOT of dmg. I hope we can think of good set-backs to the skill


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » May 30, 2014 1:03pm | Report
1) It's her only escape, and it requires double activation

2) It's easy to play around. Ever play league of legends? Leblanc has 2 of these, they create INSTANT distance, not just on reactivation, and it's instantaneous, and yet no one complains about that.

3) It's short range to cast, despite the infinite reactivation

4) She can't use it while CC'd

5) Its cooldown is hella long.

6) She has no other form of escape.

It's very balanced and is really easy to play around with a smart team. Sure she can activate it frmo anywhere but it takes a while for the double activation and results in an entire 15 second CD where she is RIDICULOUSLY vulnerable. I don't think it's unbalanced. Yes, it's strong, but in respect to the rest of her kit, it's fine.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » May 30, 2014 1:18pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

1) It's her only escape, and it requires double activation

2) It's easy to play around. Ever play league of legends? Leblanc has 2 of these, they create INSTANT distance, not just on reactivation, and it's instantaneous, and yet no one complains about that.

3) It's short range to cast, despite the infinite reactivation

4) She can't use it while CC'd

5) Its cooldown is hella long.

6) She has no other form of escape.

It's very balanced and is really easy to play around with a smart team. Sure she can activate it frmo anywhere but it takes a while for the double activation and results in an entire 15 second CD where she is RIDICULOUSLY vulnerable. I don't think it's unbalanced. Yes, it's strong, but in respect to the rest of her kit, it's fine.

1) Her ult can be used as an escape, not other gods have 2 escapes, but she kinda does. Double activation isn't that bad either, it can even help you set up an easier escape by allowing you to pop it earlier and than kite with it.
2) League has its own problems and is really unrelevant unless you bring up an actual argument and not just point at an other game. Not sure if leblanc can also just blow up people in .3 seconds either.
3) It's not short range at all and you can kite with it as I pointed out earlier.
4) Nor can anyone else except for pre-nerf bastet/if you have beads or natural immunity and that isn't on a lot of gods either.
5) Just compare it to most gods and you will realize it's not that long.
6) see 1)

Respect to the rest of her kit? You mean how her 1 and 2 kill any other mage ans her ult can 1 shot people, twice?

Let's not kid ourselves, she is broken.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » May 30, 2014 1:33pm | Report
Ok, I'm not kidding myself, she's nowhere near broken, so let's do this.

Her ult is an escape, sure, but without that she loses basically her ability to do anything, especially oneshot people like she's designed to do. It's like Loki using his ult as an escape - he loses basically all of his ability to kill something, which at the core, is what he's designed to do. Scylla without ult gets some serious burst off, but cannot kill anyone unless they're SERIOUSLY behind.

It is very short ranged, if you read what I said. The range on Sentinel is short, the REACTIVATION is long. And for it to get long, she'd have to kite for quite a while, which is pretty impossible considering how easy it is to CC or get to her.

In respect to point 4, there are a lot of gods that avoid CC with their escapes, especially Xbalanque and Agni (well, previously). That's what I'm referring to, she doesn't get that, and she can't reactivate it while CC'd. While Chaac can survive while CC'd until he can dash to his axe, Scylla can't. She's one of the squishiest mages in the game because she has 0 built in stats or survivability

Finally, her 1 and 2 do a lot of damage, but she doesn't have a third ability and if she doesn't have the perfect setup, her ult should nearly never hit anyone. It's easy to dodge and takes her a long time to even get into her monster form.

I'm not kidding anyone, she isn't broken. Why isn't she picked competitively, then? Why is she rarely picked in ranked OR in tournaments? Because she has horrific waveclear early game, she's short ranged, all her spells travel extremely slowly, dodging any of the abilities basically kills her as she's VERY reliant on combos, her CD's are pretty long, she dies in an instant to people like Loki or Thanatos while some other mages can definitely survive, and she takes a while to activate her escape while Agni or Hades are instantaneous. And never underestimate the time it takes to double activate it, it can DEFINITELY be long enough to get her killed on numerous occassions.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » May 30, 2014 1:54pm | Report
Okay, couple of things...

1) I don't know about you, but Scylla is being picked in the competitive scene left and right. She even gets banned sometimes. Scylla on Poseidon are the top tier Mages at the moment.

2) You are right. She can't really 100-0 someone with her base abilities. Sic'em into Crush does roughly 60-70% of a squishy's health. But, just a reminder, Polynomicon exists. With it, she can easily 100-0 someone from level ~14 and on.

3) Sic 'Em is quite hard to land, but, honestly, it's not as hard as hitting Earthshaker or antything like that. Oh, and Crush is as hard to hit as tornadoes because tornadoes have a delay before they actually start damaging enemies. By the time she throws Crush and by the Time Ao casts Tornadoes, it's the same time.

4) Compared to He Bo or Chronos, she is safer early game and her late game is as scary as theirs. True, her clear might not be so potent early, but so is Chronos'.

5) I sense a very subjective tone coming out of you. It seems that you really like this goddess, but, I'll tell you that. Her ultimate is too powerful. I'm not talking about actual damage, but, if you compare it to an ultimate like spirit's tempest, it bests it in any way. I don't think it's harder to land than the dragon ultimate, it does the exact same damage, but it also grants Scylla movement speed & CC immunity for 6 seconds. Oh, and she can rofltstomp the entire team. All I'm asking is too slightly reduce the duration of the form, to 4.5 seconds, reduce the speed to +25%/50% at max rank instead of 35%/70% and limit the additional hits to 2 (you could argue for 3, but keep in mind she can hit more than one enemy with a single ult). I also think that she could use more base damage on Crush and lower scaling, but that isn't as important IMO.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ZangsLegacy » May 30, 2014 1:57pm | Report
im not smart enough to bring up all these facts but i can say as a mid laner only player her escape is ****ing broken lol but she makes it up with a high skill cap but i think this forum was about scyllas 3 only

so scylla escape broken

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » May 30, 2014 2:07pm | Report
What I don't like is how almost all mages have no escape, and can't even compare to the damage Scylla puts out, nor can they compare to her high amount of CC. The problem is that she has so much CC and so much damage, while also having plenty of mobility + a free (albeit short-lived) ward. Removing the teleport on her 3 would make it a pretty useless skill though, so they'd have to buff it somehow.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » May 30, 2014 2:15pm | Report
Jordenito, while AK's tornadoes have a delay time for damage, Scylla has a delay time for reactivation on crush, meaning while AK's tornadoes are a guarantee, hers are not, especially for how slow the projectile to place crush travels. Much slower unless it's point blank. Additionally, it should never be as slow as Earthshaker, that's an ultimate that travels hella far.

Also, Poly exists, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to survive that. Unless you stagger out 2 activations across her 2 spells but I'm not seeing that 4 second window as viable.

Chronos got nerfed pretty hard, his late game is still good but he's a duelist, not a mage. He's an odd character that shouldn't be included in this discussion. Otherwise, no, He Bo is scarier than Scylla multiple times over - his CD's are only a few seconds, his ultimate WILL hit people if you play smart, not if they play dumb, and has the opportunity to hit many more people, and he has a hard CC instead of a soft one.

As for the ultimate, I can see that being a viable change. I don't care for the subjective comment - everything I've listed has been logically and numerically backed - but I can see that ultimate change making sense. The crush change would help significantly too, it'd make her early game a bit stronger.

I *think* that covered anything.

Anyway, back on topic, Zangs, I know the thread is only about her Sentinel, but you can't JUST look at sentinel, it has to be in context. If someone has an ability with 1000 base that hits everyone in an area, that's OP. But if their other 3 abilities do 1 damage to everyone in an area, they're still garbage and need a change. You have to look at her escape in terms of the rest of her kit. Yes, her sentinel objectively is strong, but it's very easy to play around, and considering her kit - very slow moving, easy to dodge, short range, dangerous abilities, she needs a decent escape or she'll be rolled over by an assassin who looks at her funny. And if the assassins get beads, she's dead, no two ways about it. Hence, sentinel HAS to be good or she's a free kill. But it's not overpowered form of good. It's not pre-nerf bastet/agni or such.

Hence, I think her Sentinel is fine, but on an off-topic, I do like Jorden's suggest Crush/Ult changes. It doesn't harm her too significantly, it actually helps even out her game, instead of a game that scales heavily into the late game while compromising significant early game gold.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Torchman220 » May 30, 2014 2:37pm | Report
I just think scyllas 3 should be nerfed a LITTLE. Just enough where she can do damage close range, but still have limits. Atleast bastets pounce only has 4 seconds til she cant pounce back where scylla doesnt have to be as close as bastet and still has 5 seconds to 1-2 combo someone and come out unharmed. And I was wanting suggestions for a little nerf. Not a yes-no argument but whatever


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 30, 2014 3:47pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

Ok, I'm not kidding myself, she's nowhere near broken, so let's do this.

Her ult is an escape, sure, but without that she loses basically her ability to do anything, especially oneshot people like she's designed to do. It's like Loki using his ult as an escape - he loses basically all of his ability to kill something, which at the core, is what he's designed to do. Scylla without ult gets some serious burst off, but cannot kill anyone unless they're SERIOUSLY behind.

Well to be fair, why would you be trying to kill an enemy when you're trying to escape? I mean, both gods have 2 escapes but, that's not really a disadvantage you can argue that they become useless after they burn their ult as an escape. Even then, Scylla can still deal muchos damage with her Crush when landed correctly,

And I agree with you Crush is harder to land than tornadoes, although the delay is about the same, still need time to be able to press the key binding.

Imo, her kit is fine, but I'm a Monster needs movement speed nerf and a limitation to how many times she can lay an attack down, what Jordenito suggested is perfect

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