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Suggestion About Bakasura

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Suggestion About Bakasura 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Torchman220 » July 18, 2014 2:18pm | Report
Recently i've overheard rumors about Ao being redone to more fit the lore and look of the actual Ao Kuang. Once i've heard that, I thought about other gods that might be the same way, so I looked at the gods and Googled them. I noticed that the depictions of Bakasura look waaay more like ***bha and less like a tiny creature with blade arms and a huge head meant for endlessly eating. What i've seen is that he is actually a large man with a club/mace, and has fangs and stuff like ***bha. In the Hindu religion, BOTH Kumbhakarna and Bakasura are a rakshasa and by definition of a rakshasa, they are a HUMANOID spirit or being in the Hindu religion. That being said I want to bring a suggestion for Bakasura being remodeled, and his kit to be modified a very tiny bit. For example his 1 could be a mighty leap, he can still eat minions, he can still get an attack buff, and hi-rez could find a way to make his ult look different. Just imagine a slightly modified ***bha leaping over walls, eating minions and bashing people with his attack buff. I'm imagining him to be hunched over on his fists, and walking on all fours, almost like a tank from Left 4 Dead. But that's just my suggestion, and i'm wondering on what other people think :)


Posts: 26
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SherriffTurtle » July 19, 2014 12:50am | Report
Imo baka's fine the way he is. It's a good model and there's no reason to remodel him. Ao kuang's rework is mainly because of power issues with the added benefit of giving him a vu. Now the person that needs a remodel is Zeus...
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Torchman220 » July 19, 2014 2:05am | Report
Im not trying to say that baka's model is bad, im just saying that if you were to look at the lore/depictions of the god, hi-rez didnt really stick to it. But thanks for feedback, and imo i think bacchus needs a remodel as much as zeus :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Joysie » August 17, 2014 11:24pm | Report
I agree with OP.. he's actually a gargantuan masculine man with claws & fangs.. clothed in traditional Hindu garments..

This would be a welcome update to a god that's been butchered by SMITE.. just like Chronos who was depicted as being a three headed serpentine creature with the heads of a man, bull & lion..

"Chronos and his partner circled primal world egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky"...

Cronus.. Zeus's father... and son of Uranus & Gaia was the god who's symbol was that of a sickle or scythe. NOT CHRONOS -_-


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Joysie » August 17, 2014 11:25pm | Report
And on that subject.. Chronos doesn't really seem like he'd fit in SMITE... and by the look of him.. Cronus already does..


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