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Conquest Ranked Experience

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Forum » Introductions & Matchmaking » Conquest Ranked Experience 43 posts - page 1 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » September 2, 2019 2:06am | Report
Why is Ranked so painful and snowbally?
I tried out ranked and lost every single game by a unfun margin.
There was no competition from the start.

When I looked at the matchmaking it was mixed with Golds and I'm a bronze?

Gold5 Jungler has 18 deaths? (Do they just not farm after lvl3?)
Gold2 player doesn't ban Arachne and Arthur which I've seen banned in every draft? Doens't call miss but says we should have map awareness?

List goes on..

In Casual ppl split push and never team, in ranked its just hyper aggression even when behind. Am I missing something?

I played ADC for most games and rotated when enemy ADC rotated, but fights were lost by the time and I just ended up getting killed, lol.

Played Solo, was winning my lane but same result team lost everywhere else.

Also the builds are not what I expected at all... Merlin building CPendant 4th? Thanatos AA build? Supp never warding...

How exactly are they higher MMR than me? haha


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 2, 2019 2:49am | Report
I don't ban Arachne in my ranked but I know she can run very rampant in lower elo due to the lack of grouping up in low elo (she's still very annoying at high elo though, especially early game). Arthur isn't as worth of a ban as before, though you can still ban him if you don't want to see him potentially snowball in lane like what sometimes happens if he gets through (though picks like Osiris can do fine into him).

Mainly on PS4 at around Diamond Elo the top bans I see are Thor, Set, Isis, Zhong, Chronos, Susano (lots of Susano mains on PS4 I think), Arthur, used to see Skadi banned quite a bit but not often anymore.

>Also the builds are not what I expected at all... Merlin building CPendant 4th?

I've got to see the rest of the build to understand whats wrong with the overall build.

At low Elo like this you just can't play Smite normally. Your best bet is just to play a lategame hypercarry and try to carry games. If people on the enemy team don't know how to build you can also use that in regards to your advantage (e.g. getting double lifesteal or skipping percentage pen etc....)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 2, 2019 5:41am | Report
The fact is: We usually talk about things here like if we were fighting against enemies that have a good knowledge of the game but it isn't what happens in most part of the times.

I have a 2.57 KDA (117 / 64 / 95) with Cupid in rankeds. I literally never lost my lane to any opponent there (because my elo should be gold/diamond, so playing against Bronzes and Silvers are easy, even if I get a cupid counter like Anhur), but I still losing the game because I can't fight 1 vs 5 late game so I lose the game due idiots teammates.

So my recommendation is avoid getting non-carry lanes like support/solo and get carry/mid so late game you can just try to carry alone or get Jungle and try to force a snowball.

King Arthur isn't a must ban anymore 'cause the enemy solo can build Contagion and stop part of his healing. Same for Arachne since her nerf she isn't a ban anymore, she is hard to deal with, but not a ban.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 2, 2019 6:33am | Report
Actually you don’t have to always build contagion against Arthur. If you’re playing someone like Osiris it’s better to just get Void Shield instead, you can get antiheal later in the form of pestilence.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 2, 2019 6:35am | Report
I mean, Arthur can only snowball you due his healing with Gladiator's Shield. A way to counter it would be with Contagion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 2, 2019 6:37am | Report
Yeah but contagion doesen’t really reduce his healing by that much and void shield will let you trade with him better. Besides Osiris has 100% antiheal in his ult so he can use that to stop Arthur healing during ganks and turning it in his favour.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 2, 2019 6:39am | Report
Also runic Shield is a better early counter to Zhong/Baron and healer solos than pestilence because it not only gives you offensive stats but the aura reduces their power in turn reducing their damage and their sustain.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 2, 2019 7:24am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Yeah but contagion doesen’t really reduce his healing by that much and void shield will let you trade with him better. Besides Osiris has 100% antiheal in his ult so he can use that to stop Arthur healing during ganks and turning it in his favour.

I wasn't considering any specific god


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » September 4, 2019 4:16am | Report
Thanks for the input guys, but like still wondering "WTF" to Matchmaking. Are you just not supposed to farm?
-Arthur isnt a problem if you counter pick/build ... both not happening in Gold/Silver.
-Arachne still pubstomps after nerf. I am witnessing it in the 1 game she was there.

I am no way saying I'm great, but I was high plat in my last MOBA, so game sense isnt an issue.
(Ping and god kits familiarity is... didn' even know Anubis passive till recently, haha)

Still how the heck do you carry when everyone from enemy is fed and they just towerdive?

The number off games I am the last one standing, only to get tower dove from back by assassin and front by rest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 4, 2019 5:00am | Report
You can't. Your best bet in lower elo games is probably to split-push, and look for 1vs1 opportunities with characters that excel in those situations. In lower elo games, players also tend to lack good positioning and teamfights can sometimes be a bit of a clown fiesta.

>Arthur isnt a problem if you counter pick/build ... both not happening in Gold/Silver.

I mean you can ban him. Or if you're Solo yourself and you go against him you can just pick Osiris or someone like Set.

>Arachne still pubstomps after nerf. I am witnessing it in the 1 game she was there.

She excels in 1vs1 scenarios.

Also if the enemy team is building badly, or isn't counter building (e.g. building antiheal) you must remember to use that to your advantage.


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