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LF Mentor for PC

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Forum » Mentoring » LF Mentor for PC 18 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pengruen » June 19, 2019 7:23pm | Report
Hi I'm Pengruen (IGN Pengrün),

I have around a years worth of experience in LoL as a support main. I expected to have success in the same role when I transferred over, but my play style is different in Smite. I'm not quite sure which role is right for me as I have very little experience in Smite (I played on Xbox for around 2 months with some friends.) so i vaguely know the basics of skills and what not for a few gods.

I'm trying to get into Conquest as Arena doesn't interest me since it seems like a big FFA anyway. The only god that I am sure I'm comfortable playing is Skadi.

If anyone is interested in helping me out that would be super cool. Please go ahead and DM me on here or add me through my discord Pengrün#1896. If you have just any basic tips on how to find a good role as well feel free to add to the thread.

Thank you for reading.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 19, 2019 7:36pm | Report
I would also post this on reddit too


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 19, 2019 8:28pm | Report
If you don't mind reading, you're welcome to read over my Conquest guide:

You might want to advise what platform you're on (PC, XBox, etc.), and your location and optimal play times as well.

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Mythical (400)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 19, 2019 10:07pm | Report
He did mention he's on PC on the title papa

@Pengrün, if you could please mention your region and when you're on, I could look into helping you with your endeavors.

Also, I do recommend reading Bran's Conquest guide, it's really well developed and well maintained.
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

<Mage Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 19, 2019 10:26pm | Report
Oops my bad.

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Mythical (400)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 19, 2019 11:15pm | Report
Ah I feel you support between LoL and smite are so different. Especially if you preffer backline supports.

Luckily most other roles are reasonably the same so you probably get easier in one of those roles depending on your preferred type of support prefference.

My advise for finding a preffered rome is finding some gods you like to play and onetrick them for a while on the role and see how yoou like which role


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pengruen » June 20, 2019 8:32am | Report
I am on NA


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sixstarfool101 » July 16, 2019 9:00am | Report
I am also looking for someone to help me out and help me be more successful at conquest. I have read the conquest guides and have a decent understanding of conquest but am still horrible at smite. I mainly play hunter and assassin are the 2 classes I've enjoyed the most but fairly open in role selection. I play on NA I'm west coast usually on around 3:00 PM until 5 PM. Ingame name is Sixstarfool101. Looking for a mentor mostly someone to play with or help me evaluate my game and call me on my mistakes.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 16, 2019 9:58am | Report
Hey Sixstar, sounds like you've read my Conq guide and you've got at least some general understanding of how Conquest is played.

When referring to your familiarity of gods, for Conq, it's best to refer based on role rather than class, as some gods from one class can potentially play many roles.

I don't think I'll ever be able to help you in-game, as although you're in my time zone, your playing time is just totally not in line with mine. I'm guessing you get out of school and are able to play a couple of hours, or, if you're older, it's after work or something. I only play late night, usually sometime after 9pm. Maybe some others might be able to help you though.

In any case, in getting more familiar with Conquest, my suggestion is to pick at least 2 gods for each role, and stick with those until you're comfortable with them in those roles. If you need suggestions, we can provide some.

Some questions to give us a better understanding of where you're at:
  • What account level are you (e.g. how long have you been playing)?

  • What are your "best" (most comfortable) gods to play?

  • How much do you understand item builds for the gods/roles, the concept of counter-building, etc.?

  • What do you feel are your biggest weaknesses? Where do you struggle the most (e.g. which phase: laning/early, mid-game, late-game, don't know where you should be, you lose 1 v 1s, etc.)?

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Mythical (400)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sixstarfool101 » July 16, 2019 10:42am | Report
I am account level 25 and have been playing mostly everyday atleast 2-5 matches a day for about 2 or 3 months now. I guess I should say I enjoy the carry and jungle role. I have gotten pretty comfortable playing olorun out of the carry role also have a decent understanding of anhur hachiman and chernobog to a point. For the jungle I enjoy playing bakasura mostly.
As far as builds I mostly have been just sticking to the smite fire builds listed as highest rated and playing off of those. I dont have much concept of counterbuilding except when playing as a support against magic magic protection or physical build physical protection. But counterbuilding is something I feel I dont understand.
My biggest weakness I would say is both early game laning and farm and understanding rotation and mid-game. And I also tend to absolutely suck 1v1. I very commonly have double digit deaths regardless of God and role i play.


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