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Official Mentoring Program (Please read before posting below)

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Forum » Mentoring » Official Mentoring Program (Please read before posting below) 160 posts - page 3 of 16
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » April 17, 2013 5:18pm | Report
As far as I know it's free...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » April 17, 2013 5:32pm | Report
I charge 1-1.5$, but the money goes to smitefire. Lesson in depth depends on length of time.
All Hail Queen Storm, Queen Storm, Queen Ragingstorm!
You may call me Miss Storm.

"I have returned to the battlefield of these men, and this time, there will be no more salvation,"~Ragingstorm

BB Coding Queen of Smitefire: In the Olden Days, at least.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Rkraz3d » April 17, 2013 5:33pm | Report
Im sorry, Raging, but whats your ign, just wanted to know cause you seem all pro.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » April 17, 2013 5:35pm | Report
Oh, how? An editor =\= "pro"

In fact, I don't play ranked. Too competitive for me.
All Hail Queen Storm, Queen Storm, Queen Ragingstorm!
You may call me Miss Storm.

"I have returned to the battlefield of these men, and this time, there will be no more salvation,"~Ragingstorm

BB Coding Queen of Smitefire: In the Olden Days, at least.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nogglez » April 17, 2013 5:40pm | Report
Well, I'm starting to get back into smite and smitefire. So I'm now officially available for mentoring help on any carries/assassins.
Rep me up if I helped!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » April 17, 2013 5:49pm | Report

(Gah! Him as well?)

But Nogglez, ElGrizz labeled you as good guy. Therefore, you should be known as the merciless mentor.
All Hail Queen Storm, Queen Storm, Queen Ragingstorm!
You may call me Miss Storm.

"I have returned to the battlefield of these men, and this time, there will be no more salvation,"~Ragingstorm

BB Coding Queen of Smitefire: In the Olden Days, at least.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nogglez » April 17, 2013 5:54pm | Report
But I don't have it in me to be merciless :'(
I'll pull a good guy greg here and play it off as Good Cop.
Rep me up if I helped!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ElGrizz » April 18, 2013 5:05am | Report
All mentor services should be unless someone is Mega pro and wants to make money off it, but its your own fault if you pay someone Nd aren't satisfied lol

Add me to Smite! IGN: ElGrizz

Hit that +Rep, I can tell you want to...

A Fetus?! Mother of God!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UnleashedDelta » April 21, 2013 9:09pm | Report
I would appreciate a mentoring on this game i am experienced in dota so this is not my first moba but i just need to know about this game. My ign is my tag


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » April 21, 2013 9:16pm | Report
Well, you kind of have to select one of us. Perhaps PM one of us for a time that your lesson can occur.
All Hail Queen Storm, Queen Storm, Queen Ragingstorm!
You may call me Miss Storm.

"I have returned to the battlefield of these men, and this time, there will be no more salvation,"~Ragingstorm

BB Coding Queen of Smitefire: In the Olden Days, at least.


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