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5.15 Update Notes | Royal Champion

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Forum » News » 5.15 Update Notes | Royal Champion 13 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » August 10, 2018 4:19pm | Report


Royal Champion Awilix
Abyssal Acolyte Agni
Warp Tech Janus

Shadow Claw Bastet
Riptide Poseidon
Sunny Chibi Amaterasu

"Embark on a journey back in time and lead your team to victory on one of SMITE's most beloved battlefields! Classic Joust provides a fast-paced 3v3 battle fit for the Gods. Experience a new medieval backdrop complete with a looming castle filled with minions cheering for their champion."

Bring a Titan to its Knees!
  • Destroy the enemy Tower and Phoenix and then strike into the enemy team's base to square off against a mighty Titan to achieve victory!
One Path to Victory
  • Charge forward! Go face to face with the opposition in fast-paced 3v3 action as you and your team fight for control over a single lane.
God of the Jungle
  • Classic joust is surrounded by a jungle inhabited by an array of fantastical and mythological creatures. Slay them and unlock their powers to gain an advantage on the battlefield.
Royal Champion Bundle
  • Royal Champion Awilix
  • Royal Champion Recall Skin
  • Royal Champion Global Emote
  • Royal Champion Music Theme
  • Sir & Dame Titles
  • Gold Key


New Cosmetics
  • Cutesy Janus Avatar
  • SMITE Prime Avatar
  • Portal Jump Stamp
  • Royal Champion Avatar
  • Royal Champion Loading Frame
  • Royal Champion Loading Screen
Awesome Chest
  • New addition to the Awesome Chest
    • Crystal Colossus Ymir
Godlike Chest
  • New additions to the Godlike Chest
    • Kuku Kukulkan
    • Solstice Hel
    • Star Lancer Anhur
Fantasy Points Store
  • New additions to the Fantasy Points Store
    • Queen's Guard Erlang Shen
    • Super Chronos 64 Chronos
    • Devil Horns Raijin


  • Fixed an issue where Pele would hear the drums sound much more often than intended - This issue has been hotfixed in 5.14
  • Fixed an issue where Da Ji and Kumbhakarna ult interacted in a unintended way - This issue has been hotfixed in 5.14
  • The Pyromancer's attack chain will now reset as intended
  • Fixed an issue where buff icons were not showing up next to gods on spectator UI
  • Fixed an issue where the surrender UI didnt show visuals as intended
  • Fixed some issues where friends would appear "In Game" on the friends list even when they are not
  • Hitting the Escape key with chat open will now close chat and clear any text there instead of bringing up the settings menu
  • Fixed issues where certain UI text would be cut off in certain languages
  • Fixed an issue where Kali's passive UI could get stuck on screen
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck while entering the Adventures Vault
  • Remastered the following Voice Packs for more consistent audio volume
    • Primal Huntress Artemis
    • Super Chronos 64
    • Sir Penstworth IV, Esq. Kukulkan
    • Squirrel Squad Ratatoskr
    • Madame Blade Serqet

  • Violet Lord Thor
    • Ultimate ability audio has been adjusted to be more consistent in volume with other Thor skins

  • Geek Beak Thoth
    • Fixed an issue where ability 2 was not using the intended audio

  • Primal Fire Ares
    • Adjusted audio on his ability 2 and 4 to more accurately reflect the abilities actions

Ao Kuang
  • Fixed an issue where Ymir wall could cause issues with Ao Kuang's ultimate
  • Fixed an issue where his shield would be stuck floating near him
  • Athena's taunt (Confound) will now properly highlight enemies in the area
Ne Zha
  • Fixed an issue where players could be teleported across the maps after being ulted by Ne Zha
  • Fixed the updated targeter for her Deathbane ability on the Dread Queen Skin
  • Fixed an issue where players would experience performance issues while using Susano's first ability


Blackthorn Hammer

"Blackthorn Hammer has rarely been seen in Season 5. The Item has a strong passive effect but lacked a clear focus on role. We are shifting the stats on this item to make it a clear option for Warriors who want to play more like true tanks. The passive effect works especially well on tanky characters as they can maximize the time spent above or below 50% hp."
  • Increased Health from 350 to 450
  • Decreased Physical Power from 30 to 25

Silverbranch Bow

"Attack Speed builds have many items fighting to item slots. Silverbranch Bow was reworked recently to be an item that provides exceedingly high attack speed as its unique feature. However, compared to the way attack speed is available on other items and on god abilities, this extra attack speed was often wasted. Bonus Attack Speed will never be wasted again with the new Silverbranch Bow! Now players will be able to build this item to gain extra Physical Power when overcapping on attack speed. This item can work especially well with any gods who want high attack speed, or gods with attack speed self buffs."
  • Costs 2200g, Builds from Hunter's Bow
  • +20 Physical Power
  • +35% Attack Speed
  • +10 Physical Penetration
    • PASSIVE - for each 0.02 attack speed you go over cap (2.5) you gain 1 physical power
    • Ex: if you would go to 2.6 attack speed, you instead go to 2.5 + 5 physical power



"Anhur's ultimate has a hard time outpacing normal hunter basic attack damage. We want to mitigate this scenario that feels like a lose/lose and help him feel like he has a true ultimate ability. Desert Fury is getting a significant late game damage boost to make sure Anhur has the ability to finish off enemies."

Desert Fury
  • Increased base damage from 60/85/110/135/160 to 70/95/120/145/170
  • Increased Physical Power Scaling from 20% to 30%.

Baron Samedi

"Baron Samedi is in a much healthier place after his damage adjustments which moved his performance more in line with the rest of the gods on the battleground. However, Life of the Party is still creating some scenarios where there is little counterplay available to his enemies. We are bringing the Hysteria generated by this ability down while further slowing Baron Samedi during his channel. Enemies should be pulled more slowly and have more opportunity to create distance to escape Baron's grasp."

Life of the Party
  • Decreased Hysteria per hit from 8 to 5.
  • Increased self slow while casting from 40% to 60%.


"Wild Hunt's Mana cost was quite large for a standard Hunters ultimate. We are bringing the cost to 100 for all ranks, allowing Cernunnos to gain flexibility with where he is spending his Mana."

The Wild Hunt
  • Decreased Mana cost from 100/110/120/130/140 to 100 at all ranks


"The Lord of Darkness has made himself known, bringing heavy global pressure for his enemies to deal with. He can rotate quickly to any fight and have a massive impact with his damage mitigation and damage. While he needs the high mitigation to really mix it up in the late game, we are bringing down the early game mitigation to give opponents more room to deal with him when he lands."

Crystallized Curses
  • Decreased Base Damage of the Initial Hit from 70/100/130/160/190 to 70/95/120/145/170
Living Nightmare
  • Decreased mitigation scaling from 20/25/30/35/40% to 10/17.5/25/32.5/40%


"Fenrir heavily relied on gaining kills to reset his runes, allowing him to chain kills or bring extra control to escape from his opponents. Like other passives that relied on getting kills for a powerful effect, it felt lackluster when a teammate ended up getting the kill and leaving Fenrir players with no bonus runes. Fenrir will now gain 3 runes for getting an Assist, helping to mitigate that feeling."

Unbound Runes
  • Fenrir now gains 3 runes for getting an Assist


"Pele definitely brought the heat during our Public Test Server, resulting in a few nerfs before she hit our live servers. After more players have had their hand at throwing lava around she is not performing at the same level as PTS. We are bringing up her base survivability and giving her a reduced cooldown on Pyroclast, giving her more opportunities to poke or engage her enemies. Additionally, Magma Rush is seeing a partial revert. Pele will be moving much more quickly around the map, enhancing her ability to position well and be in the right places at the right time."

  • Increased Base health from 440 to 460
  • Decreased cooldown from 14 to 13
Magma Rush
  • Increased Movement Speed from 20% to 30%

Ne Zha

"Ne Zha's passive rework allowed him to gain quite a bit of Physical Power early game, allowing him to clear and gank with overwhelming pressure. We are reducing the amount of Physical Power this provides to slow down and reduce his early game pressure."

Righteous Spirit
  • Decreased Base Power from 1 per stack to 0.5 per stack


"Thoth has an ability that can cause item effects to trigger at a very high rate. Glyph of Pain has the potential to let Thoth abuse items that work on ability damage, especially at high levels of play. We are preventing Thoth from triggering items in this way, as we have done with similar abilities in the past that can cause this issue."

Glyph of Pain
  • This ability no longer triggers any item effects

*Source: The Official Patch Notes

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » August 10, 2018 5:31pm | Report
Chibi Ama is the greatest thing HR has made, I will love and protect her at all cost.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » August 10, 2018 5:56pm | Report
Stuke99 wrote:

Chibi Ama is the greatest thing HR has made, I will love and protect her at all cost.

I shall join you in protecting her. That skin is everything I hoped it would be and more.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » August 10, 2018 8:21pm | Report
That Poseidon skin tho...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 11, 2018 5:14am | Report
This Poseidon has the same face of the worst Brazilian YouTuber of Smite.

Plus, anyone know if there will be some awards for this new adventure such as Medusa? Or will be just the map to play?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IceColdPappsi » August 11, 2018 12:35pm | Report
Yo that Fenrir buff tho

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IceColdPappsi » August 20, 2018 11:33am | Report
That Silverbranch Bow buff is going to turn into a Attack Speed Cap ADC meta, or an increase in Steroid hunters used. I am all for it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 20, 2018 11:37am | Report

That Silverbranch Bow buff is going to turn into a Attack Speed Cap ADC meta, or an increase in Steroid hunters used. I am all for it.

And that is why we can't have nice things.

I called it too...(from my thoughts on 5.15)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » August 20, 2018 2:36pm | Report
That sounds good to me!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » August 20, 2018 5:47pm | Report
Sunny Chibi Amaterasu is so cute! I also like Shadow Claw Bastet. To me that's how a cat goddess should look.

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