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Community Guides Collaborators - Special Thanks!

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Forum » News » Community Guides Collaborators - Special Thanks! 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » June 12, 2020 9:20am | Report
Hello everyone. I hope you're all well and safe through this tough year we're all facing!

I've created this thread to show appreciation to the community members that have helped us create community guides over the past few months. Quality guides and friendly members are what makes our community stand out, and it wouldn't be possible without all of you, especially these kind authors that joined forces to create fresh community guides for everyone to use!

Special Thanks To Our Community Guides Contributors!

These contributors will be the first bearers of the Guide Collaborators badge, and hopefully many more will follow them!

Creating guides is not an easy task and these authors surely know it. It takes three things to create a guide: time, effort and knowledge. We have many knowledgeable visitors and members that have the potential to create top-notch guides, but might not afford the time to do so. This is where Community Guides come in, where players join together to create guides that the SMITE community can benefit from! :)

I will briefly describe the process behind Community Guides for anyone that is curious:
  1. Contributors vote on a God to create a guide for (usually a God that could use a newly updated guide)

  2. Once the God has been selected, a Google Doc is created with a template that's easy to follow

  3. Contributors add valuable information whenever they have the time and feel like it

  4. Comments and discussions take place within the Google Doc, as well as on our Discord server (#collaborative-guides channel)

  5. Once the Google Doc has been filled with information, the first draft is created on SMITEFire

  6. The first draft gets reviewed by all the contributors and the guide is published when everyone is satisfied!

Creating guides together makes it easier for everyone, and also increases the quality of the guides, as the knowledge of multiple players is combined. For example, having 5 contributors writing a few sentences in 5 - 10 minutes and then adding up everyone's information is better and will result in a new comprehensive guide more quickly. This also applies to keeping guides updated, a vital and tough aspect! ;)

Here you can find all the Community Guides that we've created together so far:
If you main any of the Gods found above and you have any feedback for us, please let us know and we will be happy to update the guide with your input! If your insight has brought significant improvements to a Community Guide, you'll be added to its list of contributors!

We're continuously working on keeping the guides updated with the most reliable information.

We're always working on a new guide and if you're interested in joining us, feel free to let me or Branmuffin17 know and we'll be glad to introduce you to the team. We all love SMITE and aim to create reliable content that will help newcomers and existing players to better play their favorite Gods and learn new ones to expand their God pool! :)

If you prefer working on your own guides instead, that's great! We can also help you by providing feedback when you need it or any formatting tips to make your guide look better and easier to read. Let us know!
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » June 12, 2020 9:46am | Report
A new badge <3
Congrats to everyone contributing. All guides we did were AWESOME


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » June 12, 2020 11:46am | Report
Ayy congratulations everyone! This is an awesome project that I'm happy I've been able to (in the most minimalistic way possible) contribute towards! Love you all sm <3
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 12, 2020 12:30pm | Report
A big thanks to you, Hades, for organizing all of this.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » June 12, 2020 4:54pm | Report


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