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Final Boss | 7.5 Update Notes (w/ 7.4 Bonus Balance)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 29, 2020 1:37pm | Report

Final Boss | 7.5 Update Notes

By: TitanIsiah | 2020/4/29

Source (7.4 Bonus Balance):
Source (7.5 Main Patch):

7.4 Bonus Balance Patch scheduled to go live: May 5
7.5 Patch scheduled to go live: May 19

*NOTE* For full patch notes, please visit the source. Only Update Schedule, Item and God Balance will be listed here.


  • 7.4 Bonus Balance

MAY 19
  • Final Boss Battle Pass
  • Grim Omens Chapter 3
  • Galaxy Hero Chest

  • 7.5 Bonus Update Content – More info coming soon!

Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change.




"Baba Yaga will forever hold a special place in SMITE history for both being a crazy unique character, and also for being the first god shipped while working from home under quarantines. Baba launched in a clearly underpowered state which was exacerbated by some bugs. Baba is seeing damage increases to her ability 2 and 4, as well as increased projectile speed on her 4. This goddess has potential to be powerful, and we expect to see that soon after these buffs and more bug fixes."

  • Increased base damage from 55/95/135/175/215 to 65/105/145/185/225
  • Increased Magical Power scaling from 60% to 70%

  • Increased Burst Damage Base from 60/85/110/135/160 to 75/105/135/165/195
  • Increased Burst Damage scaling from 30% to 35%
  • Increased Burn Damage scaling from 10% to 12.5%
  • Decreased travel time of the Witchfire Bolt from 0.8s to 0.53s
  • Added 10% Magical Power Scaling to the amount of Shield HP gained at all ranks


"In a similar realm as Thor, Heimdallr has been nerfed multiple times and his core metrics have dropped considerably, yet his ban rate remains at the top of the top of the list. We are decreasing one key damage hit, which is his initial hit on his Ultimate ability. We are also decreasing his vision radius to limit his utility.”

  • Decrease Vision Radius from 120 to 80

  • Decreased initial hit from 150/240/330/420/510 to 120/200/280/360/440.
  • Decreased initial hit scaling from 90% to 70%.


“Some impressive plays have been happening via Horus crazy ultimate ability: To the Skies. We have seen phoenix rotations and jungle boss baits like never before. Horus has picked up in popularity, especially in ranked, but his win rate still falls behind. That is why we are keeping this a small nerf. We are partially reverting the amount of speed he gains while ulting to limit his strategic options, especially for competitive play.”

  • Decreased Movement Speed Horus gains from 135% Increase to 70%


“An old god is now the new top meta! In a patch filled with nerfing newer gods, it’s great to see some old favorites still dominating the ranked scene. Hun Batz has become a top pick in S7 and he maintains a stronger win rate than most of the other gods we are nerfing here today. We are toning down his damage from his passive as well as increasing his ultimate cooldown. Hun Batz’s ultimate is the premier assassin team fight ultimate and it should have a cooldown to match its effectiveness.”

  • Decreased Empowered Basic attack from 20% to 15%

  • Increased Cooldown from 100s to 120s


“The Master Wizard continues to dominate ranked and pro play, especially in pick rate. Merlin outputs a large amount of damage in the late game, especially to CC’d targets or jungle bosses. Merlin’s abilities have a high amount of ticks, which multiplies the magical power scaling to very high levels. These power scaling reductions should bring down his top-end damage across the board.”

  • Decreased scaling per tick from 20% to 15%
  • Hits up to 8 times so total scaling decreased from 160% to 120%

  • Reduced max stacks of protection reduction from 8 to 6
  • Decreased scaling per tick from 20% to 15%
  • Hits up to 13 times so total scaling decreased from 260% to 195%


“The Allfather has maintained very high metrics even through his last round of nerfs. This time we are focusing entirely on Odin’s Cooldowns. This warrior can dish out a lot of damage and CC, but can also protect himself through shields and leaps. It is a common frustration when playing against Odin to nearly have him dead but then his Raven Shout and Lunge come off cooldown and he escapes again. These slight cooldown changes across his kit will give his opponents more room for counterplay.”

  • Increased cooldown from 15/14/13/12/11s to 16/15/14/13/12s

  • Increased cooldown from 15/14/13/12/11s to 16/15/14/13/12s

  • Increased cooldown from 12s to 14s


“Sobek has risen from the Nile after his boost in HP scaling and self healing. This additional capability to stay out for longer allows him to fulfill the support role in poke and roaming situations much more effectively. His raw ability to survive engagements however has become too potent due to the combination of this extra HP, healing, and passive protection. A reduction to his passive will make him more vulnerable in direct fights while still keeping the more active sustain he brings himself.”

  • Changed to per-level scaling from 10 per stack to 4+0.3 per lvl


“Even after considerable nerfs the god of thunder has held a near-top ban rate for multiple updates. The past nerfs have affected his metrics heavily, but he is clearly still considered a top god pick by a huge majority of players. We are applying an additional nerf, albeit a smaller one, to bring down Thor’s all-in damage a bit more, which is where he seems to continue to excel the most.”

  • Decreased Physical Power Scaling from 100% to 90%


“Ullr has performed gloriously lately, with skyrocketing popularity in high end ranked and competitive scenes. Ullr brings heavy pressure and quick rotations to a team, all while being able to play multiple roles. We are increasing Ullr’s mana costs to slow down his ability to spam, and we are also decreasing the base damage on his primary lane clear ability. These changes should keep him more in line with the rest of the Hunter class.”

  • Decreased Base Damage on Bladed Arrow 90/140/190/240/290 to 80/130/180/230/280
  • Increased Mana cost from 50 to 50/55/60/65/70

  • Increased Mana cost from 60 to 60/65/70/75/80


“This unique healer-guardian is defined by her ability to cast her abilities repeatedly. We do not plan to add any specific rules to change this, but we can limit how many abilities she can cast by slowing down the gain of her Omi. We are combining that with another base damage nerf to her primary damage ability, to ensure Yemoja deals less damage even when building no magical power.”

  • Increased the level at which Yemoja gains additional Omi from levels 4 and 12 to 6 and 14

  • Decreased Base Damage from 40/80/120/160/200 to 40/75/110/145/180



“Two hybrid items are being nerfed this update, and ones that are often used against each other. These items tend to slow the game down by reducing lethality on both sides, and heavily punishing the player that skips over buying these items. These changes should facilitate more diverse item builds in solo lane in magical vs physical matchups, as well as increase some chances for solo kills.”

  • Increased cost from 2100 to 2150
  • Decreased Physical Protection from 60 to 50

  • Decreased Magical Power reduction from 50 to 40
  • Decreased HP from 200 to 150



“A common frustration from Artemis players is the responsiveness of her Ultimate pet: Tusky. This boar can feel clunky and often fails to hit in situations where players would expect him to. To fix this we are tightening up his AI to make sure he finds targets more quickly and charges at them more quickly after firing. We are also planning some additional visual FX adjustments to make sure his functionality is more clearly understood on the battleground.”

  • Decreased warmup time from 1s to 0.7s.
  • Increased delay between charges from 0.5s to 0.6s.
  • The additional responsiveness from the changes below make this feel similar to its current timing.
  • Added additional effects when spawning to see where Tusky is.
  • Added a warmup targeter for the initial charge so allies and enemies can see its range and timing.
  • Tusky has undergone AI improvements.
    - Fixed an issue where Tusky would not charge targets at max range.
    - Fixed an issue where Tusky would ignore targets who were selected in the frontal cone.
    - Fixed an issue where Tusky would freeze between charges for a significant amount of time.
    - Tusky now better understands when people enter and leave line of sight.


“The seasons have changed quite a few times since Cernunnos has been buffed. This god has maintained strong player perception while his win rate has fallen over the years. We are adding an interesting new feature to his Shifter of Seasons ability, where now Autumn stance will be able to debuff enemies magical protections as well as physical. This lets Cernunnos be even more of a team player without directly buffing his damage, and makes this stance more attractive to use.”

  • Autumn now reduces Magical Protections in Additional to Physical


“This elegant goddess brings a unique play style to SMITE, and a unique role flexibility. Chang’e has alternated back and forth over the years between damage and frontline builds. As her stats have dropped a bit, we are looking to bring her back with a damage buff through power scaling, to make sure those aggressive Chang’e players out there can impact a fight.”

  • Increased Magical Power Scaling from 50% to 60%


“Mulan’s performance has evened out quite nicely for a new god. Players do not seem to think she’s overpowered, and her stats are on the low end but not alarmingly low. We are looking to specifically address player feedback on parts of her kit that feel underwhelming. Previously this was her Ultimate, and now it’s the reward for skilling up her Ability 1. The attack speed boost was hardly noticeable so it’s being increased.”

  • Mastery Bonus Increased from 5% to 10% Attack Speed


“The Goddess of victory is staying true to her name, and doing quite well in the metrics since her rework. However, many players have stated that her vulnerability to knockups feels inconsistent and frustrating in certain matchups. Nike seems to be continuing her niche as “low popularity but high win rate” and we hope this change makes her a more attractive pick in some matchups.”

  • Nike is now is knockback immune while channeling


“Rama doesn’t have a passive. This is what the SMITE team has been told for years. Instead of reworking his current passive entirely, we looked at Rama’s kit as a whole and found a few problems to solve. First we decided to double down on the current passive, and make it more impactful and more closely related to the rest of his kit. This design direction allowed for the most improvements without changing the core flow of his kit. We applied some balance adjustments and quality of life adjustments after that to make Rama really feel smooth.”

  • This ability now includes: Every Astral Strike Arrow Rama lands has a percent chance that an Astral Arrow pickup will appear on the ground. Drop chance = 30% + (1*level)
  • Additionally, picking up an arrow heals 10 mana


  • Removed Drop chance for Arrow Pickup from this ability
  • Added: While this buff is active, every 3rd successful hit on an enemy god will immediately generate an Astral Arrow

  • You can cancel this ability after rolling
  • Increased Physical Power Scaling of 25% to the arrow shot bonus damage

  • Every time Rama generates or picks up an Astral Arrow, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 0.2s (includes passive regen + picked up deployables + generated arrows during stim)


“The Demon King has fallen out of favor a while but he is ready to pack a punch. We feel that Ravana is right on the border of a breakthrough, so he is getting a small increase to his primary jungle clear to ensure he can keep up with the meta.”

  • Increased Base Damage from 80/135/190/245/300 to 90/145/200/255/310


“YMIR IS HERE. Ymir need buff, not do so well lately. Ice wall can help team but also hurt team, so I DESTROY now. Ymir ult not fair sometimes, I try hard deal damage but still die, so now I deal damage EVERY TIME! Thanks for play Ymir. Bye Bye.”

  • Ymir can now re-fire this ability to destroy the wall early, he can re-fire this while under the effects of CC or while dead.
  • This ability now goes on cooldown only after the wall dies
  • Decreased cooldown from 14s to 12/11/10/9/8s

  • If Ymir dies while channeling this he will still deal damage for his current amount charged


“Zeus has broken free from the underworld and is back in action! However, he continues to struggle in conquest specifically, while performing very well in all other modes. Zeus is getting a small buff to help his early lane clear without boosting his teamfight damage, which should help him get back in the conquest meta.”

  • Increased Static Damage from 50/60/70/80/90 to 55/65/75/85/95

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 29, 2020 1:37pm | Report
Ladies and Germs, patch notes for 7.4 Bonus and 7.5 are up. Chat away!

For myself, some thoughts:
  • Baba Yaga definitely needed help, but a lot of it was, IMO, her bugs, and her ult. I think what they've done with her ult is good/fine, but I'm not so sure she needed a damage buff on her Baba's Brew. If anything, I think a good speed increase on the projectile (just like they did on her ult) would really help. Revert the damage buff and just slightly speed it up, and that would feel just fine.

  • I accept the Odin nerfs.

  • Those item nerfs are boring. Geez.

  • That's a nice buff for Nike without changing her damage.

  • Not sure exactly how effective this is going to be for Rama, but these various changes really increase his utilization and management of his arrows.

  • Ymir talking about himself makes me so happy for some reason. Also, absolutely huge buffs that are really going to make him feel a ton better.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » April 29, 2020 2:19pm | Report
Don't you dare say you accept the Odin nerfs >:(

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 29, 2020 2:25pm | Report
So, my toughts about the patch:

Damn, a lot of buffs (and no nerfs) for my mains!

The Mulan and Chang'e nerfs are small, but more than welcome.

The buff for Nike might seem small, but it's huge. The only way to cancel her Barrier Formation now is by applying a stun or a silence. Also, with one more ability granting knock-up immunity, Stone of Gaia became a even more useless item for her (to the despair of SOME MEMBERS of this site).

Also, Aphrodite got by TWO patches untouched? I'm not going to complain about it.

The Ymir changes are really good, and I may test him now that I can cancel his wall.

This battle pass is a must for me. A new Guan Yu skin after YEARS and that Hades skin might be his best skin yet.

The only point I disliked about the patch was the Runic Shield nerf. I think everybody liked it, but I didn't.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 29, 2020 3:38pm | Report
boogiebass wrote:

Don't you dare say you accept the Odin nerfs >:(

Boogie, he was ridiculous at jg. I'm sorry but that's the truth.

Also my other thoughts:
  • Jormungandr skin is at the same time trash, weird, cute and nice. I DO WANT IT.

  • Baba Yaga now is getting the deserved buffs. Let's see if her kit still kinda bad

  • Heim got nerfs on his ulti. Thankfully I'm already 10 with him :v

  • Not sure about Merlin nerfs. Seems that HR lost their patience to slowly nerf the gods XD

  • Sobek nerf finally. It was really hard to fight with someone that has 30 protections at lvl 1 at solo specially.

  • Artemis buffs are kinda ok, though I don't think it will change anything.

  • Mulan buffs were completely unnecessary

  • Rama can now be interesting to play with (less boring) with these shifts and buffs.

  • No more Ymirs blocking themselves with the wall and committing suicide nor dying without get the kill on the ulti because he didn't explode it. These were fun moments.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 30, 2020 1:00am | Report
overal skins are great. the art team is doing really quality work.

for the bonus patch

funny that horus ult got nerfed again immediately. they probably did not test how far he could go with it.

sad to see the sobek nerf, however I think we will see a shift for other gods becoming an option now with all the other nerfs.

Main patch

Okay love that they nerfed the items making solo lane physical magical match ups boring. we might actually start to see a shift away from these items. I do however think runic got hit harder then jade emperor's.

love the ymir and rama (has finally a passive) changes after that it's slightly minor things with a QoL buff for artemis and yes the shield immunity is also going to be great.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » April 30, 2020 5:25pm | Report
Vini_sds wrote:
Also, with one more ability granting knock-up immunity, Stone of Gaia became a even more useless item for her (to the despair of SOME MEMBERS of this site).
I'm shocked that this patch didn't see a Stone of Gaia nerf. It's simply too strong of an item in its current state.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IceColdPappsi » April 30, 2020 8:13pm | Report
I will now be playing a whole lotta Rama in the next split, holy cow his buffs. And Ymir was always a top tier pick for support, but with these quality of life changes, he can be way more aggressive with higher reward.
Also, many gods were nerfed, but Odin definitely got hit the hardest. While cooldown increases may not seem all that much, to 3 of his abilities, he will slightly less impact, and most will find themselves building more CDR to combat this. While that may increase productivity, it may be at the cost of their survivability. Waiting for the patch to drop to see how the meta shifts.
Also, amazing skins this patch, but no gems for the battle pass :( But did we really need another Medusa skin? It looks like a reskin too

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 30, 2020 8:15pm | Report
Medusa best Hunter.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 1, 2020 7:40am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Medusa best Hunter.


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