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Open Beta 4 Update Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 21, 2025 5:46pm | Report


Main Patch scheduled to go live: February 24

Welcome to our Open Beta 4 update! This patch features the highly anticipated return of Artemis from SMITE 1—reimagined and ready to conquer the battleground in SMITE 2.

We also have a fresh lineup of Cross-Gen and Classic skins making their way into the store, including Foxy Amaterasu, Baron Frostchild Ymir, La Roca Hercules, Summer Fun Medusa, Hellforged Thor, Lil Bites Sobek, and Nano-Mancer Baron Samedi. The Boss Man Danzaburou skin also arrives as a Divine Legacy unlock for those who earned it in SMITE 1.

Thor is also receiving a brand-new Aspect, allowing players to alter the God of Thunder’s gameplay for a truly unique experience. If you haven’t played him awhile, it might be time to put him back in the rotation.

Looking ahead, Awilix is set to arrive on March 3, bringing her dynamic combat style to the roster. Dive into the details below to learn more about these major additions—alongside the extensive balance changes, quality-of-life improvements, and bug fixes that round out this update. Strap in and prepare for the next phase of SMITE 2’s open beta!


Artemis (Live with the Update!)

  • General
    -Deals Physical Damage
    -Strength Scaling
    -Ranged Basic Attacks

  • Passive: Still Target - Artemis deals 15% increased Basic Attack Damage to gods and 30% to minions that are affected by Crowd Control
    -New: Artemis is able to detect nearby enemy gods in stealth grass.

  • Ability: Transgressor's Fate - Place a trap on the ground. Enemy gods that come in contact with it activate it, Rooting, Crippling, and repeatedly dealing Physical Damage over 3 seconds.
    -New: Added motion to the enemy version of the trap to make them easier to see

  • Ability: Vengeful Assault - Greatly increase your Movement Speed and Attack Speed.
    -New: While the buff is active, gain a charge each time you hit an enemy god with a basic attack. After reaching 4 charges they are consumed, extending the duration of the buff by 3s.

  • Ability: Suppress the Insolent - Fire a volley at the target area dealing Physical Damage and Slowing enemies.

  • Ability: Calydonian Boar - Summon the great Calydonian Boar that charges the nearest enemy god.

  • Aspect: Aspect of the Wild
    -A01 (Transgressor’s Fate)
    --Transgressor's Fate no longer roots or cripples gods but can now target minions. Triggered traps now also heal Artemis and deal damage to enemies in a larger area.

Awilix (Planned for Release March 3, 2025)
  • General
    -Deals Physical Damage
    -Strength Scaling
    -Melee Basic Attacks

  • Passive: Initiative - If you have not taken or dealt damage in the last 5 seconds, gain 30% increased Basic Attack Power and Strength for 4 seconds if you strike an enemy first.
    -New: The duration of the buff is increased by 2s if triggered by Summon Suku leap.

  • Ability: Summon Suku - Mount your Panther Suku, gaining movement speed by decreased strafe speed. You may Leap off of Suku to deal Physical damage in the target area.

  • Ability: Feather Step - Flip over the last enemy you hit within 1.5 seconds, Rooting, Crippling, and dealing Physical Damage to them. The damage dealt is increased by 50% based on the next attack in your Basic Attack progression.

  • Ability: Moonlight Charge - Suku comes to Awilix’s aid, rushing forward dealing Physical Damage to all enemies. If hit from the side or behind, enemies are also Knocked Up.
    -New: Can now be fired while riding Suku.

  • Ability: Gravity Surge - Pull the closest enemy god to you that is either Knocked Up or Leaping. The target god takes Physical Damage and is Stunned when they land.
    -New: While the Gravity Surge buff is active, you now always gain the maximum benefit of Feather Step regardless of the next attack in your progression.


  • Classic (purchasable for 100% Legacy Gems)
    -Foxy Amaterasu
    -Baron Frostchild Ymir
    -La Roca Hercules

  • Cross-Gen (purchasable for 50% Legacy Gems)
    -Summer Fun Medusa
    -Hellforged Thor
    -Lil Bites Sobek
    -Nano-Mancer Baron Samedi

  • Divine Legacy
    -Boss Man Danzaburou


  • Updated various face models including Aphrodite, Achilles, and Phantom Seas Poseidon
  • The Assault mode has been changed! Check out the details in the Gameplay section
  • Thor has a new aspect! Aspect of Thunderstruck
    -Thunderstruck is always active; triggering it 3 times on a god heals Thor, slowing and trembling them. Warrior’s Madness grants Protections instead of Strength. Mjolnir’s Attunement no longer deals bonus return damage, and Tectonic Rift has no damage scaling.

  • Two new chests are now available for Classic and Cross-Gen skins:
    -Classic Skin Chest - Contains 8 Classic Skins
    -Chaos Chest - 15 dark, fiery, and supernatural skins!


  • New Featured Store to showcase new skins released with each patch in one convenient location!

  • Scoreboard QOL that allows players to read each god’s abilities by selecting their portrait.

  • God Page multi ability display toggling has been added.

  • Jump Stamps can now be seen on raised pedestals on the God Page


  • Titan
    -The Titan's Basic Attack cleave no longer hits Minotaurs
    -Reduced Damage Vs Minotaurs coefficient by 30%

  • Minotaurs
    -Will now try to get close and use melee attacks against enemy Titans

  • Arena
    -Primal (Blue) Buff now grants +5 MPS and +20 CDR in this mode

  • Assault
    -NEW FEATURE - Team bench
    --Whenever a player re-rolls, their previously owned god is placed onto a team bench
    --Teammates can freely swap their current god with a god on the bench
    ---You will not be able to swap to gods you do not own
    ---You can, however, swap back to any gods you’ve rolled
    -Reduced respawn timer multiplier from 3.0x to 2.5x XP Level
    -Pushed up the overtime penalty start time from 30min to 10min (adds +1sec to respawn timer per minute)

  • Jump Stamps no longer visible through fog of war


  • Player Kill XP Rewards
    -The base reward for a player kill has been increased from 50 to 130
    -The inferior multiplier has been increased from 0.1 to 0.2
    -The superior multiplier has been decreased from 0.25 to 0.2

  • Runic Bomb
    -Players can now use the Runic Bomb to destroy the enemy’s base doors

  • Obsidian Dagger
    -Increased the duration of the Damage buff from 6 to 9 seconds when used without reviving

  • Tower Bounties
    -Removed from T2 Towers
    -Increased Gold Reward of the regular bounty from 15g to 30g
    -Increased Gold Reward of the final bounty from 30g to 60g

  • Lane Minions
    -Increased Damage Vs Towers
    --Melee attack scaling coefficient Vs Towers from 0.4 to 0.8
    --Ranged attack scaling coefficient Vs Towers from 0.4 to 0.6

  • Fire Minions
    -Increased Damage Vs Minions
    --Fire Melee attack scaling coefficient Vs Minions from 1.25 to 1.5
    --Fire Ranged attack scaling coefficient Vs Minions from 1.25 to 1.5

  • All Structures
    -Reduced attack scaling coefficient Vs Minions from 1.0 to 0.6
    --(This effectively makes regular minions able to tank 1 extra Tower shot on average)
    -Reduced attack scaling coefficient Vs Siege Minotaurs from 1.0 to 0.7

  • T1 Tower
    -Decreased Max Health from 2700 to 2500
    -Decreased Magical Protection from 125 to 100
    -Decreased Physical Power from 250 to 225
    -Decreased Penetration from 30% to 10%

  • T2 Tower
    -Decreased Max Health from 3200 to 3000
    -Decreased Magical Protection from 135 to 120
    -Decreased Physical Power from 300 to 275
    -Decreased Penetration from 40% to 20%

  • Phoenix
    -Increased Max Health from 3600 to 4000
    -Decreased Physical Protection from 150 to 50
    -Decreased Magical Protection from 150 to 30
    -Decreased Physical Power from 350 to 325
    -Decreased Penetration from 50% to 30%
    -Added a damage reduction effect when the Phoenix takes Basic Attack damage
    --A single hit of damage from a Basic Attack (after mitigations) is reduced if the damage is greater than 2.5% of the Phoenix's Max Health
    --The reduction starts at 0% when the incoming damage is equal to 2.5%, and increases as incoming damage rises
    -Decreased HPS from 8 to 4
    -On Respawn
    --Increased initial Health on respawn from 20% to 50%
    --Removed the -50% Max Health penalty on respawn


  • Sol Nerf
    -Aspect of Conflagration
    --Unstable Manifestation
    ---Decreased Ability Damage Increase from 7.5% to 6%

  • Izanami Nerf
    -Death Draws Nigh
    --Decreased Physical Penetration per stack from 0.4 to 0.3 (decreased from 20% to 15% at max stacks)
    -Fade Away
    --Increased Cooldown from 15s to 17/16.5/16/15.5/15s

  • Cupid Nerf
    -Aspect of Love
    --Heart Bomb
    ---Decreased STR Scaling on initial hit from 40% to 30%
    ---Decreased STR Scaling on Explosion from 40% to 30%

  • Ullr Nerf
    -Expose Weakness (Invigorate)
    --Decreased Buff Duration from 5s to 4s on both stances
    --Decreased Axe Stance Movement Speed buff from 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% to 8/10/12/14/16%

  • Aladdin Nerf
    -Genie’s Lamp
    --Decreased Base %Stats from other items from 2% to 1%
    --Decreased %Stats from other items per level from 0.5% to 0.4%
    ---Decreases total stats from other items on the lamp from 12% to 9% at lvl 20

  • Hercules Nerf
    -Driving Strike
    --Decreased Base Damage from 90/160/230/300/370 to 80/150/220/290/360
    --Decreased Base Damage from 85/140/195/250/305 to 75/130/185/240/295

  • Aphrodite Shift
    --Decreased Jealousy Damage INcrease from 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% to 6/7/8/9/10%
    -Back Off
    --Decreased Slow from 25% to 20%
    -Love Birds
    --Increased INT Scaling per tick on the Damage over Time from 15% to 17.5%

  • Odin Buff
    --Increased Base Damage from 120/165/210/255/300 to 120/170/220/270/320
    -Gungnir’s Might
    --Increased Pulse Damage from 45/70/95/120/145 to 50/80/110/140/170
    -Ring of Spears
    --Decreased Cooldown from 110/105/100/95/90s to 100/95/90/85/80s

  • Bacchus Buff
    --Increased Heal from 0/20/35/50/65/80 to 0/40/60/80/100/120
    -Belch of the Gods
    --Increased Damage per tick from 20/35/50/65/80 to 25/40/55/70/85

  • Susano Buff
    -Wind Siphon
    --Decreased Cooldown from 16s to 15s
    -Jet Stream
    --Decreased Cooldown from 16s to 15s
    --Increased Max Damage of the travelling Typhoon from 210/270/330/390/450 to 220/285/350/415/480
    --Increased STR Scaling from 110% to 115%

  • Cernunnos Buff
    -The Wild Hunt
    --Increased STR Scaling from 65% to 80%

  • Pele Buff
    --Decreased Cooldown from 15s to 14s
    -Volcanic Lightning
    --Increased Slow from 20/25/30/35/40% to 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%


  • NEW - Magi’s Cloak
    30 Physical Protection
    40 Magical Protection
    10 Cooldown Rate
    Passive: Protects you from a single hard Crowd Control once every 60s. When this triggers, gain 1.5s of Crowd Control Immunity

  • NEW - Nimble Ring
    45 Intelligence
    20% Attack Speed
    15% Lifesteal
    Passive: For every 30 Intelligence, you gain 2 Basic Attack Damage and 2% Attack Speed

  • NEW - Bancroft’s Talon
    40 Intelligence
    150 Max Mana
    2 Mana Regen
    15% Lifesteal
    Passive: You gain additional Intelligence and Lifesteal scaled from missing Health. This caps at 60 Intelligence and 10% Lifesteal at 40% Health

  • REWORKED - Typhon’s Fang
    50 Intelligence
    20% Lifesteal
    Passive: Healing obtained from Lifesteal is increased by 10%. Your Intelligence is increased by 1.75x the amount of Lifesteal you have.

  • Soul Reaver Nerf
    Decreased base % Health damage per tick from 1% to 0.5%

  • Lifebinder Nerf
    Increased Cooldown 15s to 20s
    Remove the Kill/Assist Clause

  • Olmec Blue Nerf
    Decreased Health Regen from 3 to 2

  • Totem Of Death Nerf
    Decreased Penetration per Stack 7.5% to 6% (30% to 24% at max stacks)

  • The Executioner Nerf
    Decreased Penetration per Stack 7.5% to 6% (30% to 24% at max stacks)

  • Obsidian Shard Nerf
    Decreased Penetration from 20% to 15%

  • Titan's Bane Nerf
    Decreased Penetration from 20% to 15%

  • Heartseeker Nerf
    Increased Cost from 2850 to 3000

  • Rod of Tahuti Nerf
    Decreased Penetration from 10% to 5%

  • Genji's Guard Buff
    Decreased Cooldown of the passive trigger from 45s to 30s

  • Warrior's Axe Buff
    Increased Strength from 10 to 15

  • Sundering Axe Buff
    Increased the Heal from 100 to 125

  • Bumba's Cudgel Nerf
    Decreased True Damage on “After casting ability” trigger from 20 to 10

  • Leather Cowl Buff
    Increased Strength from 10 to 15

  • The Reaper Buff
    Increased Strength from 30 to 35

  • Divine Ruin Buff
    Increased Duration of the Healing Reduction debuff from 4s to 6s

  • Brawler's Ruin Buff
    Increased Duration of the Healing Reduction debuff from 4s to 6s

  • Lernaean Bow Buff
    Increased Duration of the Healing Reduction debuff from 4s to 6s
    Enemies hit by this have their HP shields reduced by 50%
    Increased the projectile range from 8.8m to 10.5m so it matches the currently used targeter

  • Pharaoh's Curse Buff
    Enemies hit by this have their HP shields reduced by 50%

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 3, 2025 10:01am | Report
Hey everyone, Awilix is live on SMITE 2 and our database, and is ready for build/guide creation!

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Mythical (401)
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