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Season 6 Gameplay & Project Olympus Announcements

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 17, 2018 4:29pm | Report
Hi-Rez has recently released information that provides good detail on plans they have in store for Season 6 (likely to be in PTS in January, and go live sometime in February).


We have lofty goals for Season 6 SMITE, especially on the competitive side! More info will be shared after HRX, but i’m excited to drop the first sneak peek of Season 6 right now! Official HRX at Dreamhack ATL details can be found here: Dreamhack Link

Keep in mind that we are a few months out and have lots of playtesting and iteration to do. This means that things are subject to change, but we will do our best to stay true to these goals listed here.

First, NEW gods! Friday we will be teasing the entire S6 God lineup; naming the first few while hinting at the others.
  • We want the community to know that the identities of Gods 99 and 100 will be a bit of a surprise. There have been subtle clues in the game as to who they may be, but we did go to extra lengths to keep their true identities a secret until HRX. We hope their unique aspects will spark some huge discussions and attract more players to SMITE from all walks of life.

  • The Gods immediately after that will be some of the most highly requested characters from the SMITE community. These additions will return to the original pantheons of SMITE, diving deep into the mythology that inspired the game's creation. We take feedback from our passionate players very seriously. Many decisions in Season 5 and 6 have been influenced by these discussions, and we can’t thank you enough for helping us get to where we are today!

  • A few Gods at the end will not be named, but only teased in visuals, theme, or pantheon. In 2019 the SMITE lore will unfold as these new characters are introduced to the battleground. Each God will have a purpose in the story and meaningful relationships with the Gods that come before or after them.
Season 5 SMITE, by the numbers and referencing community feedback, has been the best season in SMITE’s history for balance.
  • To preserve this, we plan to make less overall balance changes as we go through Season 6. We are looking to add fewer but more meaningful balance changes.

  • The design and balance teams will focus on specific design goals and ways to address them, and will avoid implementing “change for the sake of change.” We as a team want SMITE to be the best in our genre for players to return to, easily allowing them to pick up and play their favorite gods with success.
The Conquest map will be receiving a few specific updates. The Season 5 map was a great success in balancing the snowball effect, fostering God and role diversity, and allowing for many different types of competitive strategies. The weaker aspects of the map seem to be the late game objectives, sieging enemy bases, and the solo lane. These will be our primary points of focus in the 6.1 update.
  • Gold Fury will be updated to provide new and different bonuses as the game progresses. The objective will still provide gold, but we want to add other bonuses to make killing it more relevant in the mid to late game.

  • Fire Giant will be updated to regain his Lava Pools attack and provide a stronger buff from his enhanced state. This buff will aid in base sieging.

  • A completely new type of objective will be added to the Solo Lane. The goals of this objective are to encourage early aggression and to give the Solo Laners a way to benefit their team that does not directly snowball their lane.
There will also be out-of-game changes to improve the Ranked experience. These changes have largely been driven by community feedback and discussions with pro players.
  • Ranked Splits will be faster: soft resetting every 2 months. There will be no more Qualifying matches. Players will now start in Bronze, but will be able to earn much more TP per game if their MMR is high and they win their matches, allowing very quick progress.

  • We will allow players to view their MMR (Match Making Rating, also known as Elo). It will also be available in the SMITE API for external sites. Players will not be able to look at their allies or opponents MMR, but they will be able to track their own as they progress through Ranked Modes.

  • Masters level leaderboards will be based on MMR, not TP. This means that the quality of your matches will matter much more than the quantity. Diamond and below leaderboards will still use TP to rank players.

  • One last announcement for our Season 5 Ranked grinders. The reward skin for earning 75 Wins will be Gladiator Guan Yu! His horse will also be receiving appropriate armor, although not currently pictured, and the Loading Frame reward for 150 wins will be in a similar theme.
The entire SMITE team is super excited for HRX and Season 6, and we hope you are too! As we continue to work towards SMITE’s sixth season, continue to provide us feedback.

Tomorrow, TitanRyu and TitanIsiah will discuss Project Olympus and a new initiative, The Olympians, to better gather community feedback and collaborate.


Let’s talk about the awesome plans we have for Season 6! We’re still a few months out and have lots of planning to do. This means that things are subject to change, but we will do our best to meet the goals below. Here is what we have planned to roll-out throughout Season 6:

The Olympians
  • Currently, SMITE Pros are able to directly contact us about concerns via a Discord system we have set up; however, we want to be able to get more feedback from the community. We are working on a new way of gathering feedback from our community, and we are confident that this new system will improve communications between our studio and our players! We will provide more information about what this entails during this year’s HRX and we can’t wait to start working with you!
Role Queue
  • Role Queue will be coming to SMITE! Before queueing a Conquest match, players can specify a primary and secondary role (or fill). When players enter the lobby, the game will automatically designate roles to all 5 players based on their preference. You won’t always get your role, but this system should make a huge difference in how roles are chosen by players.
  • We acknowledge that Clans still need to be revisited. This year a couple of big projects took priority (announcing tomorrow)! We want to continue to reward players who play games with their clanmates, and later into Season 6, we are planning to implement an improved clan system to provide better rewards for using teamwork to make the dream work!
Streamer Mode
  • Our content creators do a lot for our community, and we want to ensure that while they are streaming live to their audience, that they are still able to participate in fair matchmaking. To create a more fair matchmaking for our content creators, we are planning to add a new feature, Stream Mode, that will help alleviate stream sniping by having player names not be displayed.
Recommended Items: Updating for New Players
  • When playing SMITE as a new player, we encourage users to get a feel for the game before diving into the world of items. We created the Recommended Items page to help assist players in this process; however, it limits players to one build for each game. We are updating this page to be more accessible. Now, we will be adding more, diverse builds while also enhancing what already exists.
Update Notes in the Client
  • All of the updates coming to SMITE will be in a place you already go: the game!
Assault Visual Upgrade
  • We have been upgrading our maps in SMITE throughout our previous seasons, and next on our list will be Assault! The Assault map is going to be influenced by a God that has yet to debut on the Battleground!
Skins for More Gods
  • Everyone loves expressing themselves and personalizing their favorite Gods.
SMITE is not only free-to-play, it does not have pay-for-power features. Skins are how we support the game and the nearly 100 developers pouring their talent and passion into the game and community we love (thank you).

We will continue to make skins for the most popular Gods. But we want to ensure that players have opportunities to alter their appearance in-game for more obscure picks, so we are working towards sprinkling more skins for some of our less popular Gods, too. Zhong Kui is still coming in December, and we have another surprise later this year...

We can’t wait to reveal a few more announcements during Hi-Rez Presents. TitanRyu will be presenting; don't be too hard on him.

Be sure to tune in at 10:30am ET on Have a great HRX weekend!

If you missed our earlier posts from this week check them out here!

Season 6: Announcements coming this week

Season 6 Gameplay announcements

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » November 17, 2018 4:44pm | Report
Bran, you might want to fix your formatting of this...

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 17, 2018 5:07pm | Report
Been trying, lol.

Wayne, help!

Edit: Fixed. Phew. That was a pain.


The 99th and 100th release new gods...Merlin and Arthur? I guess we're getting away from actual gods now? I mean...there are some totally great things they could do with these 2 characters, but...

Some much needed Conquest map changes sound nice, including making the Gold Fury relevant for buff function in the mid/late-game.

I love the idea of Role Queue, and glad it's finally coming here.

Updating the recommended items for newer players is also going to be very long as they do it right this time.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » November 17, 2018 7:48pm | Report
lol recommended items will never be updated properly for newer players. If it was up to me it would be a standard set of 3 builds per god, updated (if needed) for each patch. Builds can be done by pro or high level players so it isn't a chore for Hi Rez.

Or if per patch is too regular, then once every 3 or 4 patches.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » November 18, 2018 12:37am | Report
If it were up to me all physical gods would be building Deathbringer and all magical ones Rod of Tahuti.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » November 18, 2018 6:42am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

If it were up to me all physical gods would be building Deathbringer and all magical ones Rod of Tahuti.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 19, 2018 8:35am | Report
Better than never they will bring role queue!! The question about this is: If some role is missing, will the game force you get this role?

Also Hi-rez should make 5 bans in rankeds for each team and each player ban 1, better than just 1 person ban everything.

All the changes are welcome, but as said, We probably are going to see Sun Wukong, Chaac, Tyr and many other with Deathbringer in "recommended" list.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » November 19, 2018 9:21am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:
All the changes are welcome, but as said, We probably are going to see Sun Wukong, Chaac, Tyr and many other with Deathbringer in "recommended" list.

Hush! Maybe if we don't mention it people won't buy it...

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 19, 2018 10:04am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Hush! Maybe if we don't mention it people won't buy it...

Oopss! I'm sorry...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 19, 2018 10:29am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Better than never they will bring role queue!! The question about this is: If some role is missing, will the game force you get this role?

All the changes are welcome, but as said, We probably are going to see Sun Wukong, Chaac, Tyr and many other with Deathbringer in "recommended" list.

You'll choose your preferred role and an alternate role. They'll try to match you up so you get one of these roles.

In the case you don't, your following match will have a much higher chance of giving you your preferred role.

As for DB, I highly, highly doubt we'll see it in the recommended lists for Warriors.

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Mythical (401)
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