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Season 6 Gameplay & Project Olympus Announcements

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Forum » News » Season 6 Gameplay & Project Olympus Announcements 12 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 19, 2018 10:39am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

You'll choose your preferred role and an alternate role. They'll try to match you up so you get one of these roles.

In the case you don't, your following match will have a much higher chance of giving you your preferred role.

As for DB, I highly, highly doubt we'll see it in the recommended lists for Warriors.

So if the game does not find the roles I chose it will make me take 8 minutes queue again with a "high priority?", I'd prefer the game put me into a match as other role and next time I get this "higher chance". Wait 8-9 minutes for a ranked (time on Xbox) and get a warning saying nothing was found is disappointed.

Also you underestimate smite players power and their high skill level when building hahaha


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 20, 2018 10:21am | Report
No, the countdown should remain. When you get into a match, and if they're not able to fit you into either of your preferred roles, then the NEXT match would get you into your role.

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