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SMITE 2 Open Beta 2 Update Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 24, 2025 1:41pm | Report


Main Patch scheduled to go live: January 24


  • Danzaburou Party Animal
  • Khepri Living Brain
  • Aphrodite KissMeXOXO
  • Cyber Geisha Izanami


  • Added new HUD Color setting to swap health bars and minimap colors to help colorblind players. This setting is found in UI - HUD Colors - Preset 1
  • Added contrast and color correction strength to help colorblind players. This setting is found in Usability.
  • Added Duel Picks and Bans as a custom lobby mode
  • Added Text Chat to End of Match Lobby
  • Added in zoom in/out functionality while in-game on PC. Currently bound to the mouse wheel up & down, with the ability to change in Keybinding settings.
  • Added Pinning functionality on the Gods page to save favorite Gods to load at the top of the list


  • Purple Buff
    -Now provides Strength or Intelligence, depending on whichever is higher
  • Fire Giant Buff
    -Now provides Strength or Intelligence, depending on whichever is higher
  • Layout Update
    -Increased height of some islands to block long lines of sight into other jungle camp areas
    -Added more length to some islands to block long lines of sight through the jungle paths
  • Jungle Update
    -Increased respawn time of side harpies from 80s to 120s
    -Reduced side elder harpy base gold reward from 17 to 10
    -Reduced side small harpy base gold reward from 3 to 2
    -Reduced overall buff camp gold scaling from +3 every 3 minutes to +1.5 every 3 minutes
  • Obsidian Dagger now always deals 500 damage


  • Updated Tower Portraits
  • Fixed being able to channel the teleport while moving in Joust
  • Adjusted collision around Blue camp to prevent some abilities such as Hercules’ Boulder and Danzaburou money bags from getting stuck outside of the playable area
  • Increased stealth zone grass area to fill the entire width of the pathway
  • Purple Camp
    -Pushed initial spawn time further from 00:20 to 00:25
  • Lost Knight Stats
    -Now has a maximum Level of 25 (will stop scaling around 25 minutes)
    -Increased base Protections from 30 to 33
    -(Joust) Increased base Physical Power from 64 to 76
    -(Joust*) Increased base Max Health from 2750 to 3000
    -(Joust) Decreased scaling Max Health from +360 to +350
    -(Duel) Increased base Physical Power from 54 to 64
    -(Duel*) Increased base Max Health from 2000 to 2400
    -(Duel*) Decreased scaling Max Health from +360 to +175
    --(*change was already applied in a hotfix)
  • Lost Knight Buff
    -Decreased Penetration bonus from +20% to +15%
  • Titan
    -Decreased base Physical Power from 250 to 225
  • Phoenix
    -Fixed Joust Phoenixes attacking faster than intended
    --(fixing this reduces base DPS from 250 to 200)
    -Adjusted Phoenix leash radius so the back of it is more visible


  • Healer Rules have been added! If one team were to be randomly given a “healer” god, then the other team will also be given a “healer” god
    -These gods are placed in a tier list and both teams receive gods from the same tier list. Tiers will be monitored and adjusted as more healer gods join the SMITE 2 roster
    --Tier 1
    --Tier 2
    --Tier 3
    ---Baron Samedi
    -There can only be one “healer” god on each team.
    --Players who do not have a “healer” god cannot re-roll into a “healer” god.
    --Players who have a “healer” god can ONLY re-roll into a “healer” god.
  • Updated tower and Titan Portraits
  • Updated the Loading Screen and God Select Lobby text to display Random Pick


  • Trio Queue Ranked Matchmaking Update
    -Ranked matchmaking imposes a hard limit on the SR range in a match that expands over time. The longer a player waits, the wider the range possible.
    -Trio queue is healthy for the top end of the Ranked funnel, and brings in many new Ranked players, but under the standard set of Ranked matchmaking rules created undesirable outcomes, especially with top Ranked players.
    -Note: we are working towards future technical ability to limit party sizes based on player SR and that may follow in a future patch.
    -Moving forward, we will treat Solo or Duo queueing as “Standard” Ranked queueing, and Trio queueing under its own set of rules.
    -Parties of size 3 will be evaluated based on the maximum SR of their party (as opposed to average SR with Duos)
    -Parties of size 3 will be hard limited to matches with a range of 1,000 SR, capping at 5,000 SR
    --This means parties of size 3 can incur indefinite wait times in Ranked if no viable match exists
    --This will be based on the maximum SR of party members on the opposing team as well
    -311v2111 was removed from the viable matchmaking pool in Ranked
  • Skill Rating (SR) Post Match Adjustment Update
    -A bug resulting in players gaining or losing an incorrect amount of SR based on quality of opposition was discovered, and fixed.
    --This resulted in many nonsensical feeling adjustments post match.
    -Skill Rating adjustment now factors quality of opposition much more heavily
  • Regional Ranked Update
    -A few regions which previously had minimal restrictions placed on their Ranked matchmaking will have slight adjustments made due to increased Ranked population, but will be monitored closely. These regions are:
    --LATAM - South
  • Backfill disabled in Ranked
    -Backfill as a system was causing near-random placements of players into Ranked matches after a player failed to connect to the initial lobby
    -For probably obvious reasons, this was disabled until further work can be completed on the system


  • Team Balancing update
    -Discrepancies with how teams were balanced was uncovered, and the first potential fix is being implemented, but work will continue on this front
    --Examples of this issue previously looked like matches where one or two player swaps made logical sense to create a more balanced match state
    -This incoming fix affects both Casual and Ranked matchmaking


  • Replaced Ymir bot with a Target Dummy Totem
    -The Target Dummy has 0 base Protections
    -Max Health can be configured by adjusting its Level via the Practice Menu
    --(1 Level = 250 Max Health)
  • Practice Menu
    -Different God Bots can be spawned by cycling through their portraits next to the Spawn Bot option
    -*New* Add Protections - This option adds Protections to a God Bot or Target Dummy in increments of 10, up to a maximum of 500
    -Apply Settings To Bot - This should now more accurately apply to the God Bot directly in your crosshairs


Below is a quick summary of the remainder of the patch, focusing on new gods, new aspects, new items, item balance, and god balance.

  • New God: Vulcan released January 24. Maintains similar kit to SMITE 1, but with 9 unique items he can purchase in the store that are unique to him. These are called Mods. 3 sets of 3 (set 1 at level 1, set 2 at level 7, set 3 at level 14). Only one Mod can be purchased from each set, and they change or add unique effects to portions of his kit (mainly Inferno Cannon).
  • New God: Hun Batz releasing the week of February 3. Maintains similar kit to SMITE 1.
  • New Aspects: The following gods gain Aspects:
    - Vulcan - Aspect of Fortification
    --Vulcan's Passive gains: Being near one of your turrets grants you and the turret increased Protections and Health Regeneration.
    --Backfire and Magma Bomb have lower Damage Scaling.
    - Hun Batz – Aspect of Disruption
    --Infused Strikes Slow gods hit by them, but do not grant Hun Batz the stacking Strength buff.
    --Overhand Smash Stuns gods hit by it, but deals reduced damage.
    - Sobek – Aspect of Prey
    --Charge Prey now passes through all targets and knocks them forward. Sickening Strike's cooldown reduction now additionally triggers off Jungle Monsters but healing is halved.
    - Ares – Aspect of Reverberation
    --Call to Arms no longer grants Protections or affects allies. Instead, Ares empowers his Shield for his next Basic Attack, stunning the target and spreading damage to nearby enemies.
    --Damage: 30/35/40/45/50% of Empowered Shield Hit
    --Stun Duration: 0.75s
    --Damage can apply Basic Attack Item Effects.
  • New Items: Starter item Gilded Arrow and its upgrade, Sharpshooter's Arrow, provide basic attack power, lifesteal, attack speed, bonus god, and restore mana. The upgrade also adds critical strike chance.
  • Item Balance (Nerfs): Item nerfs include Stampede, Screeching Gargoyle, Tekko-Kage, Gem of Focus, Soul Gem, Qin's Blade.
  • Item Balance (Buffs): Item buffs include The World Stone, Chronos' Pendant, Blood-Bound Book, Dagger Of Frenzy, Hide of the Nemean Lion, Avenging Blade, Warrior's Axe, Sundering Axe, War Flag, War Banner, Eros' Bow, Shifter's Shield.
  • God Balance (Nerfs): God nerfs include Ullr, Medusa, Jing Wei, Thanatos, Hecate, Aladdin, Aphrodite
  • God Balance (Shift): God balance shift includes Ra
  • God Balance (Buffs): [God buffs include Poseidon, Bacchus, Sol, Neith, Danzaburou, Cabrakan, Susano, Nemesis.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 5, 2025 8:46am | Report
Adding some quick patch note links for additional Open Beta 2 patches:

February 4, 2025 Patch: Hun Batz nerfs + Screeching Gargoyle silence duration nerf.

February 5, 2025 Patch: Minor bug fix and Jing Wei nerfs.

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Mythical (401)
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