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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » March 18, 2020 5:56pm | Report
Combat is still turn-based, but you're only dealing with your character and NPCs instead of whoever you're playing with. There's a talent called "lone wolf" that helps with only having a party of two players, but only if both people get the talent. It can be a bit slow, but I've been through a good chunk of the story, so I won't be holding you back.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » March 18, 2020 11:37pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

You are playing MHW? What is your rank? I just finished the main quests some days ago!
My advise is: If you are a stressed player DON'T HUNT alone, because you will get really tilted with some monsters like Kadachi, Kushala, Behemoth (Impossible kill this one without lose your mental sanity, I felt like in Dark Souls), Nergigante...

Oh, I got it at first release on my xbox and got about 1000 hours in before I got burned out and then got Iceborne as soon as it came out and have put another 500 hours in since then. Haven't been on for like a week because I've had a lot going on and got back into smite again since season 7 but I am High Rank 321 and Master Rank 145. I usually do play alone. On tougher monsters I will get a grimalkyne or gajalaka and depending on the monster and where it is i'll get the tailrider as well.

I group with family members sometimes too but I will sometimes gamble on getting decent groups through the flares. I don't mess with Behemoth, I got tired of trying when it was out. I got what I wanted off of it and never did it again. lol. Nergigante is one of my favorites and it wasn't too long ago, maybe a month and a half ago i'd gotten Master Rank 100 so I could fight Ruiner Nergigante. One of my favorite games ever, for sure....

This is my current layered armor setup. It is a combo of Kushala and Damascus sets.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 19, 2020 2:36am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Dev: Played portions of Witcher 1 and 2 but never finished either. After playing the masterpiece that is Witcher 3, I just don't think I'll be able to go back to them. Instead, I'll look forward and play Cyberpunk when it comes out (it's already been purchased for me as a gift).

That's why I haven't touched 3 yet. also waiting for cyberpunk but it's not high on my buylist atm (mostly since I decided to buy less games overall)

Branmuffin17 wrote:
Played Payday 2 for a while, but it got old after a bit.
It does I return to it in waves, atm my friends also joined in and that's mostly why I play it. also achievement hunting can sometimes be fun too.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

And as for LoL...holy hell, I mean I know I'm not a good player (still new, ~30 total games), but holy hell I played with Taco, Jaben, and GGF last night and got completely demolished. I just don't like the control scheme that much (especially compared to SMITE), and I seriously got blown up in less than 1 second (basically not enough to allow me to survive even if I had insane reaction time) from the jungler. How is that fun? I know positioning is a big thing, and in the case I'm referring to I was squishy (Tristana Bot), but this was one enemy doing it in...probably 1/2 a second.

control scheme is something I dislike too, I'm not really able to click fast enough. That's why I mostly keep to top laners and supports as they are less punishing (and well as a top laner I learned how to abuse wave control)

dunno how much the others played, however with the amount of smurfers new players get demolished a lot.

dunno who the jungler was, but yes most assassins are able to do that. especially with how lethality worked. An assassin meta is always no fun. Same goes for mages they can also delete someone with 1 combo hit. that's why my premade mostly played with an initiating solo lane and a peeling support (or leona that can just initiate with ult and stay near to peel). Also there is a lot more to learn in LoL then smite in terms of laning phase. It will certainly take lots of hours even though you already know the general moba concept (however the mechanical skill is way different and knowledge you can use from other mobas is quite basic)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 19, 2020 5:18am | Report
silentshell wrote:

Oh, I got it at first release on my xbox and got about 1000 hours in before I got burned out and then got Iceborne as soon as it came out and have put another 500 hours in since then. Haven't been on for like a week because I've had a lot going on and got back into smite again since season 7 but I am High Rank 321 and Master Rank 145. I usually do play alone. On tougher monsters I will get a grimalkyne or gajalaka and depending on the monster and where it is i'll get the tailrider as well.

I group with family members sometimes too but I will sometimes gamble on getting decent groups through the flares. I don't mess with Behemoth, I got tired of trying when it was out. I got what I wanted off of it and never did it again. lol. Nergigante is one of my favorites and it wasn't too long ago, maybe a month and a half ago i'd gotten Master Rank 100 so I could fight Ruiner Nergigante. One of my favorite games ever, for sure....

This is my current layered armor setup. It is a combo of Kushala and Damascus sets.

Damn, I am the only one who is "low level" ;-; on this game. I didn't buy Iceborn because I don't own this game, it's from gamepass. I also hunted alone most part of the game, sometimes using the SOS, but most part alone. I would love to play together but this game isn't crossplay ;-;.

This is my Hunter, yes, I prefer fashion armors, I'm using Kadachi hat on my cat just because it's cute :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » March 19, 2020 12:10pm | Report

You have to start somewhere and there are lots of games out there. Too many games and not enough money for all of them usually. lol. If you end up liking it enough getting Iceborne is nice. I feel like there has been enough additional content that I was fully justified in getting the expansion. They have been pretty awesome about adding free content regularly from day one. Yes, some of that has been reworking some of the monsters, but they do it in a way that keeps things fresh and challenging. They add new monsters regularly enough as well, at least for me.

Also, I play Monster Hunter on XBOX so if you ever find yourself needing help with something just let me know and i'd be happy to lend a hand. I'd just need to do it between work and family time but it would be no problem.

Nothing wrong with the layered look you have. I actually really love the brigade armor and that is what I wore for a long time and once layered came out used. The great girros layered armor is pretty cool too with the whole plague doctor look. honestly a lot of the armors look pretty sweet and often i'll roll with mismatched pieces from different sets and no layered armor if they fit what I am doing because they still look pretty slick.

as an update in general to this thread I have gotten to actually play the Phantasy Star Online 2 Open Beta since it rolled out Tuesday and have enjoyed what little I have been able to play. Any other Phantasy Star Online people out there, if you didn't know about it or weren't sure it seems like a pretty solid game thus far.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 19, 2020 12:28pm | Report
silentshell wrote:


You have to start somewhere and there are lots of games out there. Too many games and not enough money for all of them usually. lol. If you end up liking it enough getting Iceborne is nice. I feel like there has been enough additional content that I was fully justified in getting the expansion. They have been pretty awesome about adding free content regularly from day one. Yes, some of that has been reworking some of the monsters, but they do it in a way that keeps things fresh and challenging. They add new monsters regularly enough as well, at least for me.

Also, I play Monster Hunter on XBOX so if you ever find yourself needing help with something just let me know and i'd be happy to lend a hand. I'd just need to do it between work and family time but it would be no problem.

Nothing wrong with the layered look you have. I actually really love the brigade armor and that is what I wore for a long time and once layered came out used. The great girros layered armor is pretty cool too with the whole plague doctor look. honestly a lot of the armors look pretty sweet and often i'll roll with mismatched pieces from different sets and no layered armor if they fit what I am doing because they still look pretty slick.

as an update in general to this thread I have gotten to actually play the Phantasy Star Online 2 Open Beta since it rolled out Tuesday and have enjoyed what little I have been able to play. Any other Phantasy Star Online people out there, if you didn't know about it or weren't sure it seems like a pretty solid game thus far.

I know, Gamepass offers me too many games and I feel like I don't have enough time to play all of them so I play Smite instead :p
I thought about buy it but due this virus I really can't do it right now, the companies' future here are unknown so I can't risk + I don't own MH, once it's gone from GP I will lose the DLC so I don't feel that I should buy it. Plus MH recycle so many monsters (The rainbow Rathalos, Rathian (Rathalos with poison), Jagra and the Blue Jagra spitting lava, etc...) that I'm not sure if I should buy the DLC and end up with the "same monsters" but stronger or recycled ones. Nice to know it adds some decent content because this DLC is not cheap :p

I WOULD REALLY LOVE if you help me kill that ****ING BEHEMOTH and other quests because sometimes I use the SOS people join the mission and die and my mission fails. Seems that they can be even worse than me :p . If you wanna play just tell me when and we will play since I will be free all the time now since Covid suspended my work and classes.

I don't like most part of the armors, except this one I'm using and Damascu. The other ones feels too ugly to me :v or they are not good enough at this game stage.

For my cat I want to make him look cute and that's it, and Kadachi is the only armor that is really cute and beautiful so I still using its hat even though it's only Rarity 4. I compensate using Xeno body that's 8 :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » March 19, 2020 12:30pm | Report
I got back into playing Warframe after the Railjack and its missions dropped because there was such a large content drought that I go bored with the game. If anybody here plays on PC and wants into a clan, let me know what your alias is in there and I'll add you to mine. It's not a big clan, but we do have most of the weapons and gear researched for replication.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » March 19, 2020 1:42pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

I know, Gamepass offers me too many games and I feel like I don't have enough time to play all of them so I play Smite instead :p
I thought about buy it but due this virus I really can't do it right now, the companies' future here are unknown so I can't risk + I don't own MH, once it's gone from GP I will lose the DLC so I don't feel that I should buy it. Plus MH recycle so many monsters (The rainbow Rathalos, Rathian (Rathalos with poison), Jagra and the Blue Jagra spitting lava, etc...) that I'm not sure if I should buy the DLC and end up with the "same monsters" but stronger or recycled ones. Nice to know it adds some decent content because this DLC is not cheap :p

I WOULD REALLY LOVE if you help me kill that ****ING BEHEMOTH and other quests because sometimes I use the SOS people join the mission and die and my mission fails. Seems that they can be even worse than me :p . If you wanna play just tell me when and we will play since I will be free all the time now since Covid suspended my work and classes.

I don't like most part of the armors, except this one I'm using and Damascu. The other ones feels too ugly to me :v or they are not good enough at this game stage.

For my cat I want to make him look cute and that's it, and Kadachi is the only armor that is really cute and beautiful so I still using its hat even though it's only Rarity 4. I compensate using Xeno body that's 8 :p

I completely understand with all the craziness going on and how it is affecting your work and everything. When things calm down and you get to a point where you can look at purchasing some games again I guess it would all come down to how much enjoyment you get out of Monster Hunter and your perception of regular, recycled content and completely new content and how you like it. Personally I feel like they balance recycled content(monsters made more powerful and or given new abilities and weaknesses) and new monsters and content pretty well.

There are two new variant monsters coming I think within the next month and a new monster to Monster Hunter World I think in may or sometime. With the way the do the event schedules and the different festivals I feel like they do all they can to keep players engaged or even if they don't like what's going on currently, keeping them in the loop when events happen they want to take part in. Probably part of your issue too is that you have finished a lot of the content from the regular game already and didn't purchase the original so to pick up the full game with the regular content and the expansion after you have been playing most of the regular game probably might not sound too attractive.

From what it sounds like you haven't really probably had a chance to do the arch-tempered elders and some of the other content added since first release. There are some other good looking armor sets there. One of my personal favorites is the arch-tempered Vaal Hazak(really hope they add layered armor for that and some others soon) and I really love the helmet on that one.

On my palico I just usually run with the most defense/damage or best defenses and attack type if I am having trouble against a particular monster.

My xbox gamertag is niveky so feel free to add me. I am not sure about the rest of the week but probably sometime this weekend I could see about helping you with some stuff if you like.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 20, 2020 2:28am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

I got back into playing Warframe after the Railjack and its missions dropped because there was such a large content drought that I go bored with the game. If anybody here plays on PC and wants into a clan, let me know what your alias is in there and I'll add you to mine. It's not a big clan, but we do have most of the weapons and gear researched for replication.

might be worth starting the game up, haven;t really been playing since some of my friends dropped off fully into playing LoL with their other friends and several other games


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 20, 2020 10:54pm | Report
Finished Ori, loaded into State of Decay 2, played for 5 minutes and uninstalled XD

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