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ADC Theory-Crafting: Balancing Power & Attack Speed

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Forum » Theory Crafting » ADC Theory-Crafting: Balancing Power & Attack Speed 17 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 29, 2018 8:20pm | Report
Okay, Qin's should provide better DPS all the way through, vs tanky and squishy targets. I should have figured that...I've always said that, as a single item, Qin's provides a bigger jump in DPS compared to other comparable DPS boost items (e.g. Exe or a first crit item).

Mark 5: Ninja path Basic Attack Damage of 223, Attack Speed of 1.96 (+ 0.15 - 0.3 w/ Banner active / in range). Gives about 40 DPS more than Exe at full stacks.

If you can afford it, it might be better to get Qin's before even Exe. Biggest issue is $$$, but at this point it's only 350 difference, so if you can afford and decide you're going Qin's, then Qin's first is good.

The nice thing about Exe is that, if you decide you want to go crit, you can build into that instead of Qin's if you get it first.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » April 29, 2018 11:11pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

The nice thing about Exe is that, if you decide you want to go crit, you can build into that instead of Qin's if you get it first.

Agreed and thanks!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » April 30, 2018 12:48am | Report
Full power build ADC is a lot of fun when hitting towers.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » May 1, 2018 9:19am | Report
Lately I have been building Ichaival a lot in place of The Crusher (yes, I'm trying to give you more work again, lol, sorry).

When we consider the price difference between both items (700 Gold), I find that they provide very similar benefits.

Attack Speed:
0 (+30 situational)

I think it would be interesting to see this visually using your chart.

It is also worth noting that due to how much cheaper the item is, you can move into the rest of your build quicker and get an earlier power spike.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 1, 2018 10:27am | Report
Yeah I've seen that BaRRa has been building Ich sometimes lately. I definitely want to start using it again.

With very similar stats (once stacks are built), I don't think there would be much of a difference in how it would look in the chart, other than to show the swing in power. The biggest parts of the change in functionality are not even shown on the chart (e.g. ability damage, power shift against the enemy god, price difference).

I absolutely agree it can have very nice function overall. It gives that nice boxing advantage if the enemy doesn't build it, and it allows for a smoother power curve with the opportunity to continue increasing DPS late-game with a replacement item of your choice.

The negatives are that The Crusher is a very solid T3 item and it will continue to grow as you continue building (due to scaling on the passive), and it gives full ability damage with added passive damage, and without the need to stack basics first.

I'd say if you're fighting more to get a wave-clear stalemate and aren't a particularly strong boxing god (or have a boxing advantage over the other god), then Crusher might be the better option. If you're looking to box early, Ichaival might be the better earlier so you can be aggressive, and the power shift will help.

In your determination, do you feel Hachiman is on the stronger early-game side overall? And where would you place Medusa? If we rank early-game boxing as tiers, I'd say Hachi is A+/S-, while Medusa is maybe B. I'd thus say Hachi is a better candidate for Ich, while I'd lean toward Crusher for Medusa.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » May 1, 2018 11:50am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Yeah I've seen that BaRRa has been building Ich sometimes lately. I definitely want to start using it again.

With very similar stats (once stacks are built), I don't think there would be much of a difference in how it would look in the chart, other than to show the swing in power. The biggest parts of the change in functionality are not even shown on the chart (e.g. ability damage, power shift against the enemy god, price difference).

I absolutely agree it can have very nice function overall. It gives that nice boxing advantage if the enemy doesn't build it, and it allows for a smoother power curve with the opportunity to continue increasing DPS late-game with a replacement item of your choice.

The negatives are that The Crusher is a very solid T3 item and it will continue to grow as you continue building (due to scaling on the passive), and it gives full ability damage with added passive damage, and without the need to stack basics first.

I'd say if you're fighting more to get a wave-clear stalemate and aren't a particularly strong boxing god (or have a boxing advantage over the other god), then Crusher might be the better option. If you're looking to box early, Ichaival might be the better earlier so you can be aggressive, and the power shift will help.

In your determination, do you feel Hachiman is on the stronger early-game side overall? And where would you place Medusa? If we rank early-game boxing as tiers, I'd say Hachi is A+/S-, while Medusa is maybe B. I'd thus say Hachi is a better candidate for Ich, while I'd lean toward Crusher for Medusa.

Nice assessment!

Actually, I think that the Hachiman and Medusa are in pretty similar spots in terms of early boxing potential. I'd even go so far as to say that Medusa comes online earlier, as Hachiman is more mid-game. She isn't quite at the level of an Izanami or Cernunnos (or god forbid an Ullr), but she isn't too far behind.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 1, 2018 12:11pm | Report
Hmm maybe I'm underestimating Medusa.
  • Quick burst of her Viper Shot (which will only have 1 point in it by level 4 and 2 points into it at level 8) gives her 3 quick shots with better enhanced damage compared to Hachi's Eagle Eye, which will probably only have 1 point in it for a longer time. This is a significant advantage.

  • She likely won't be using her Acid Spray as a boxing tool, while Hachi can and will use his Heavenly Banner not only for initial damage, but a steady AS boost. He gets a significant advantage here.

  • She loses out a bit on actual function from Lacerate which is just a root, but does have anti-heal. Hachi has that stun potential and similar damage as long as he connects on both hits. Roughly equal.

  • Ults are a mixed bag. Hers will do a bit more damage early game when it's at level 1, as long as they're facing it...but equal damage if they turn away. Hers stuns facing or slows when not facing, while Hachi's got a slow and much better chase functionality (or escape).

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