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Lamenting Hydra's Lament

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Lamenting Hydra's Lament 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by kewlbuttz » April 5, 2013 4:11pm | Report
Has anybody noticed how relatively useless this item is? Even with the patch change to it (125 percent of base attack, before items and buffs), the amount of damage it does is so negligible that you'd be far better off getting... anything. Qin's blades, or hell, even eye of retaliation. Physical gods just don't seem to have spammable enough abilities to use it. If you need the cdr, jotun's wrath is FAR more viable.

Anyway, thoughts?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MechaBowser » April 13, 2013 9:12pm | Report
I've been thinking about this a lot, and I actually think Hydra's lament is an aspect of the game that really hasn't been explored yet. Since Tanky DPS gods like Hercules and Thor have entered the scene, original melee carries like wukong, while still fantastic, have fallen out of style. However, if played as an AD caster, Wukong adds a whole new aspect to the game.

I've been toying around with builds for him, but what I'm finding is Hydra's lament coupled with Jotunn's and Transcendence turns him into an excellent jungler and one of the most formidable nukes in the game. If you get his CDR maxed, which it is with this build, he outputs enough damage to half or three-quarters health carries, without even having used an auto attack. His contributions from phys power are high enough that straight damage along with these items makes them incredibly dangerous, and boosting his follow up auto attacks with an extra 200 damage (from Hydra's, assuming, conservatively, it only procs twice) means that a full rotation of his abilities could theoretically hit for upwards of 1400 ( this is assuming you can land furious monkey on more than one target, preferably all gods). That kind of output on a god that can still hit for 250-300 with auto attacks is frightening.

Now, granted, I don't play carries as often as I do support, but recently I've been trying this build and it's working for me. I think Bastet has similar potential, especially with her recent jump buff, considering her abilities are designed to hit almost all her damage within five seconds.

I essentially think that AD god's based around casting their abilities as main damage output and auto attacks as supplementary as opposed to the other way around is an area that needs to be more explored, and that's where I think Hydra's fits in

For reference's sake, I did the math, and assuming I tabulated correctly, a build with:

Warrior Tabi
Jotunn's Wrath
Hydra's Lament
Eye of Retaliation

Yields 326 physical power (assume Transcendence is fully stacked) and 1.74 attack speed, which, while not perfect because of the lack of Critical Chance, is still a pretty nasty carry build. This is pretty raw, I've never gotten the full build in game yet, and I'm sure eye and fatalis could be substituted with Soul Eater and Rage to improve life steal and crit chance (lower base damage though). Any thoughts would be much appreciated


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » April 13, 2013 11:11pm | Report
Hydra's Lament is best built early on, when your build is nowhere near maxing out, and it keeps getting stronger until you hit LV20. That moment right there is when it's reached it's peak, and after that, it starts making less and less of a difference due to your basic attacks getting stronger and overshadowing that bonus damage by the endgame. A Loki who rushes it does insane damage early on, especially since most non-tanks won't even have any protection items built at that point of the game.

Physical "caster" builds are something of an afterthought to most players. Most players immediately dismiss mana as an inefficient stat on physical gods, when this couldn't be any further from the truth. It doesn't help that the higher-ranked players are under this stigma that spamming skills is a sign of inexperience (Go on, pick Meditation in a ranked game, I dare you), and that they should always be saved up for the crucial moments. I personally feel these builds are totally viable, I always build Neith and Wukong like this, and with the recent penetration buff to Jotunn's Wrath, they've become a LOT better.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 20, 2013 7:19pm | Report
I like the item, but not really because of the passive. More because it gives you 50 physical power (which is as much as you get from Devourer's Gloves), the cdr is okei as well and on top of that you get the passive which makes your damage potential a little harder to predict.
Would like it if they changed it to something like Polinomicon though (ofc not 100 percent of your physical power). Then it would be more useful late game too.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orbmaniac » June 21, 2013 3:26am | Report
be carefull about what you necro ;), this forum aint hyperactive.
IGN: Orbmaniac
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 21, 2013 10:20am | Report
haha, raise all the dead threads oO
IGN: Marki

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