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Possibly Perfect duo pairing

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Possibly Perfect duo pairing 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Joysie » November 8, 2014 8:59pm | Report
This was a brutal pairing, my boyfriend has been getting into Ares.. and he is perfect for him... the best Ares I've seen ^_^

Then when you pair me with him as my main goddess it is just mean.. I actually felt guilty..
But those tanks & heals were brutal!! It's usually easy to just out sustain the enemy until we start to get ahead, or until they nerf my heals entirely :p

P.S. one of our team mates DC'd before loading into the game.

Ares died while distracting Fenrir from our minions in the last 20 seconds, we relied heavily on them to push...

Pairing these two lovers in duo can be super effective. Aphrodite kisses the enemy, then her man follows up by landing all three of his shackles and then before you can count your toes!!


Thoughts on our builds & tactics are greatly appreciated!! ^_^

Some more examples:
And another Joust:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ASDF9000 » November 8, 2014 9:06pm | Report
In that conquest we had Rama and Sun Wukong in duo.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » December 16, 2014 11:21am | Report
Does look like a very solid duo pairing, that double Rod of Asclepius would be incredibly obnoxious unless the other team had Pestilence, Brawler's Beat Stick and Divine Ruin on almost everybody.
Smite Account: Zilby__________Steam Account: Zilby
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 17, 2014 12:33pm | Report
Zilby wrote:

Does look like a very solid duo pairing, that double Rod of Asclepius would be incredibly obnoxious unless the other team had Pestilence, Brawler's Beat Stick and Divine Ruin on almost everybody.

even then duo rod is bad because it aura's don't stack.

(yeah I know this is necroed)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BoredAsUsual » December 19, 2014 5:13pm | Report
Lovers......I just love how they are brother and sister and still sleeping with each other. The duo rods is also confusing...But I am more stuck on the character pairing that you are doing in your head. xD
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » December 19, 2014 6:22pm | Report
Technically Aphrodite was born from Ouranus' (the sky) Genitals being thrown into Pontus (The sea)... which means she is not only more distantlly related (Think Great Aunt) but she also has two fathers... ewww. But yea she is not Ares sister.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ASDF9000 » March 12, 2015 3:05am | Report
way out of date to reply the duel asclepius was a temp thing with Ares as at the time I was mucking around with him still mainly had it for the damage and movement speed though I have replaced it since with ethereal staff I think and Stone of Gia has been swapped heartward amulet to and the void stone has become shoes of focus. I can report that with this build in joust as just Ares and no Aphro I average 4 kills 2-3 deaths and 4 assists and when I que with my Aphro I usually get around 8 to 1 to 5. Also maintaining a happy 70% win chance. One thing to mention is that this build doesn't always preform well as support.


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