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ra vs. poseidon

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Forum » Theory Crafting » ra vs. poseidon 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheLazyRaven » August 2, 2013 7:46am | Report
Has anyone noticed that poseidon in his abilities is almost exactly the same as ra. i meana there are a few key differences such as pos's 2 speeds himself, while ra slows others, and pos ult is circle while ra's is a beam. this being said, ra on paper seems to be clearly superior to pos.

has heal
his abilities respectively do more damage than poseidons.
he can be built tanky and do well

has a knockback
ult is easier to land.

so, why play pos when you could play ra?
am i missing something here? if so please let me know.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » August 2, 2013 8:06am | Report
poseidon's pro
-poseidon's whirlpool is so deadly in teamfight
-poseidon's ult easier to land and have stun
-poseidon can attack with 3 basic attacks
-passive increase damage and movement

ra's pro
-passive increase movement
-can push well
-has slow and blind
-has heal
-high damage ult

all in all, they are balanced. for laning phase, ra's might be better cause he got a great push and also heal and can slow when ganked. Meanwhile, poseidon is better at teamfight because he got higher CC and large area ult that can devastate a team


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » August 2, 2013 9:55pm | Report
I prefer ra I build him cdr So I can spam laser beams all day long due to how much I miss with his ult ;)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 2, 2013 11:19pm | Report
Ra does NOT do more damage than Poseidon. You're forgetting Poseidon's passive, in which his auto attacks build up 'charge' that is consumed to increase Poseidon's damage by a very high %, based on the % the charge is filled.

Poseidon's wave > Ra's beam, considering knockback.
Poseidon's 2 gives him an auto attack steroid (amazing consider the new 35% magic power benefit now to auto attacks) as well as a ridiculous speed steroid that can instantly be activated as an escape.

Ra's heal is good in assault, but less useful in any other mode considering how hard it is to stay clumped and not die. If poseidon whirlpools a Ra heal, Poseidon will win the trade.

Bringing me to the next point. Ra's buff that blinds is useless against good players that turn away. The slow is minimal too. However, the cripple+pull on whirlpool, combined with a Gem of Isolation is ridiculous. Remember that cripple makes you NOT able to perform any sort of movement-altering ability, such as Fenrir's Brutalize or Jump, or Apollo's dash. This means, whereas Ra gets DEMOLISHED by Brutalize, Poseidon can instantly stop it, and move away, then kill the Fenrir.

Finally, the ults. Ra has good scaling, on an incredibly, INCREDIBLY easy to dodge ult, considering it's difficulty to aim, 1 second ramp up time, and thinness. Poseidon is an AoE ult that is incredibly easy to place, knocks them up, scales off the ult, and practically instantly activates. Plus, as it is AoE, it will almost guaranteed hit more than one person.

All in all, Ra brings healing, whereas Poseidon brings a cripple, slow, knockup, knockback, AoE ult. They both do high damage. So which is better?

My money is on Poseidon.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 9, 2013 7:55pm | Report
They are pretty balanced in a mid lane fight meaning it could go either way.

For me both gods need to be played aggressive and thats how I see the best of both gods.
People may argue that but I don't care THE BEST PLAYERS who played ra and poseidon are the super aggressive ones who can dodge your attacks while being aggressive.

I have had very fun matches where we are just brawling it out as if we are bruisers but we are trying to dodge each others attacks and skills.

IMO If you play either god with good aggression your can **** on people who play passive.

Hey this is just what I noticed.

I noticed when I face passive poseidons that I own them and they fall behind me

I noticed that when I face a aggressive poseidon who is good I am not going to F with him as much as the passive players who play him.

Thats just me, each god in me eyes seems amazing when played super aggressive.

Playing passive with those gods sometimes gives off the vibe as meaning I AM SOMEWHAT AFRAID OF WHAT YOU CAN DO.

Playing aggressive with those two gods makes me think DAMN HE DOESN'T EVEN TAKE ME AS A THREAT!

Players that play passive I get the upper hand on because they get less gold and most of the time that means they are afraid of what I can do.

I find that half of the players are not willing to TEST YOU.

Because they probably think that if they TEST YOU they WILL DIE.

SOmetimes I bluff and play super aggressive even when I am scared I will die, its like a game of chicken. The one who stops playing aggressive and goes to being passive is like the chicken.

I've noticed that after I force someone to play passive its like they lose their will to fight me at all because they seen they got out played or something for a split second now they are scared to ever be put in that situation again.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 9, 2013 8:13pm | Report
Ra should be played passive with poking, however, as he has heals whereas most mids do not. As such, ra does not all-in, he builds MP5/Mana items and simply outsustains you. He plays aggressive to poke, then falls back and heals. His waveclear is enough to make you not deny him farm.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 9, 2013 10:09pm | Report
Screw that,

I just strait up slow them into my beams and ult.

THey get the message after they die from it


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 9, 2013 11:14pm | Report
Lol then they're very very's really hard to be hit by a ra ult with no CC. If you're slowing them with your 2, it's point blank range and should be very easy to dodge. If it's from Gem of Isolation, the slow is very short and shouldn't last long enough to be hit by ult.

In any case, neither are bad, both push like crazy, one should be a passive pusher, the other an aggressive pusher. Both get hit pretty hard by countermids like Neith or Xbal though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 10, 2013 1:59am | Report
Ya I was ao yesterday and was facing a xbl mid. I just tower hugged the entire game because I know he was thristy for his combo. I bet he was mad that I tower hugged all day and still out pushed him since ao is a cheap tornado bastard!

Anyways how good is ra's slow with gem because its already pretty good since it stacks fast, I might have to try it just to see.

My favorite thing to do is just heal myself while attacking with all my skills. LOL they can't do anything about it and even if they hit me I'll be healing back that hp so I don't care LOL!

But ya your right, passive aggressive is better although I tend to be a super aggressive player with certain gods, thats just my playstyle and it can get you killed.

Sometimes it works out by you have to go into focus try hard mode.

Focus try hard mode is when you get up, sit up, put your face into your computer screen and you gain 1000% focus and its like you can see everything in slow motion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 11, 2013 2:37am | Report
Ra deserves his multi hit back on his 1. After all the damage they've given to newer gods its quite clear he deserved it. By all means, make the ability more consistent so it fails or succeeds depending on whether the enemy moves properly. But Ra's scaling is very low considering his lack of hard CC which has been spammed around to pretty much everyone... and his relatively close range and his lack of a real escape ability.


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