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Ravana, Freya Arena Build Experience

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Ravana, Freya Arena Build Experience 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 29, 2015 4:25pm | Report
Hey everyone, looking for some feedback.

So, been playing mostly Freya lately in Arena, and rather than my "standard" build ( Shoes of Focus, Hastened Fatalis, Demonic Grip, and then Spear of the Magus/ Spirit Robe, with Rod of Tahuti last, I've been feeling that my lifesteal build with Pythagorem's Piece in place of Spear of the Magus is a better "standard." Lots more sustain, and can refill a good portion of health just from a minion wave, allowing me to stay out longer. I've also had a few situations where another god thought he had the upper hand because his health was higher, but with the huge lifesteal, I was maintaining or even increasing health while theirs was dropping QUICKLY. Mana is the only issue. I actually want to experiment with just a tier 1 Meditation, just to see how it feels, though I'm sure I'll be ridiculed for that...

Most arena compositions that I've seen have only one "tank," and that's out of reluctance from the person that chose last. Usually see the tank plus 2 physical squishies (assassins/hunters) and 2 Spear of the Magus is perhaps needed a bit less, and the enhanced lifesteal from Pyth and her passive really, really helps sustain and boxing.

Thinking of changing my guide to two builds...standard lifesteal as mentioned above, and an anti-tank with Spear. Good idea or no?

Last game I played with him, I got singled out and destroyed...more than even the squishy gods, I was the target. Couldn't really get out of it either. Also felt that I was really lacking sustain/lifesteal...wondering if building in Bloodforge or something would help, though probably not enough to change that feeling.

Now, in my few games with him, I've had relative success, with I think all but that game having positive k/d ratios. But seems that he's just really not the greatest choice right now, and thinking I should abandon him in place of another god like Bellona, who has more utility and range. Thoughts?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » October 30, 2015 5:18pm | Report
Yea if you look at tier lists Ravanna doesn't really do anything great, like anything Ravanna does is done by Osiris better for the most part they are both 2 basic attack based warriors with movement inhibitors rather than gap closers other than both there ults. Osiris is better cause he gets more damage mitigation from his 3 then Ravanna gets from his ult and it stuns his slow has better range and I while he doesn't have a root he can double the strength of his slow. His ult can go over walls and has 100% heal reduction in an aoe. Oh and he has a better basic attack swing chain with cleaving basics. Legitamitly everything Ravvana does Osiris does better.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 30, 2015 5:49pm | Report
He isnt as bad as u think actually. He just gets singled out more cause people think of him as the easiest to kill, which is bad for Ravana cause he is single target.

Also tier lists dont mean **** anyway, there are way too many possibilities to happen in one game, you base it off of that, u r not gonna succeed.

Ravana and Osiris are two different gods. WAY DIFFERENT. While Osiris has mitigations and slows, Ravana has heals, roots, and a gap closer. Ravana also has a way to basically ignore damage. He is not a "warrior", as the game states. More like an assassin with slightly better stats.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » October 30, 2015 6:27pm | Report
I what gap closer? His ult? Or his 25% movement increase for half a second... Cause Osiris ult has as much range... Can go over walls and his flail gives him 20% movement speed for 2 secs... And if he is good then why has he never been picked in a pro match? He is too low mobility to jungle not enough survivability/boxing ability to solo except against a couple counterpicks and even then there are more solid picks that would do better anyway. Like he is a warrior who can be beat by a solo lane Kali in lane... Not lategame but in lane. Then lategame happens and he just dies.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 30, 2015 7:13pm | Report
Who the hell mentioned leagues or pro matches? His 4 is the gap closer and the reason he can never survive is cause he ALWAYS gets targeted first. Because of his bad release, he is now always considered "bad". People will always take advantage of this. If they find a god useless, by all means go for him first.

Pros are very picky with who they pick anyway, we are talking the casuals. Really, you are slightly pissing me off. You are stating things without actual proof, you just say it and expect us to know what you are talking about. Saying he can be beat by Kali in lane is a straight lie, she can be easily beat early game by ANY GOD, even with her ult she can be stunned easily.

Osiris isnt picked by pros either, too situational and can be easily avoided.

You were missing the entire point of what I typed before, I never said he was freaking amazing, I just said he was not as bad as people say he is. Are you looking at the pros or just focusing on the cons?

Ill make a comparsion, just for you.

Osiris one Sickle Strike is a projectile, which is a basic slow that can be increased by his 2.
Ravana one Prana Onslaught is also a slow in a cone shape, deals more damage depending on passive stacks.

Osiris two Spirit Flail is a small AoE enough to hit the 3 archers in the back of the wave. Increase Osiris's speed and also the slow if they got hit by his 1.
Ravana's two Overhead Kick is a backflip that makes him COMPLETELY immune to CC and DAMAGE. It also does damage too.

Osiris three Judgement Tether is an AoE around him that gives him mitigation to enemys it affects, can also stun when they have been under the affect for a few secs.
Ravana three 10-Hand Shadow Fist is a heal plus a root. It is also long range.

Osiris ult Lord of the Afterlife is a jump in a small AoE that slightly roots them and does heal reduction, and unlocks his passive.
Ravana ult Mystic Rush is a single target leap that ignores a part of everyone elses damage except for the one he targeted.

In a comparsion side by side, Ravana and his abilities are better then Osiris. The only noticeable difference is the Osiris passive that gives him mitigation, and his poke. One is better at 1v1, the other is good for sustained damage.

Osiris can be easliy avoided by basic dodging, and Ravana is susceptible to pokes, hunters, and not good at teamfights.

I have named their pros and cons together, and their purposes.

Ravana isnt useless. Is merely biased against by the majority of the community.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » October 30, 2015 9:07pm | Report
Get your facts right judgement tether reduces all damage an enemy deals period meaning it's even better for teamfights cause it reduces what they can do. Also sickle throw is on a shorter cooldown than Praha onslaught and has low mana costs meaning you can spam it all the time to whittle down the enemies health as opposed to Ravvana who has to be close to deal damage outside of one very slow skillshot. If Ravvana tries to all in Osiris is ult won't even reduce damage from Osiris so saying he is better at 1v1 is also false. Osiris ult also does way more damage and can be used for escape unlike Ravannas ult. Tier lists believe it or not exist for a reason and while there not always accurate they are pretty close. Also if he was good then why is hi-Rez reworking his kit?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 30, 2015 9:52pm | Report
You clearly didnt read my comment on the matter if you still believe I said he was "good". More like usable.

And what I said about Judgement Tether was basically the same thing. Also its SO easy to avoid. Just literally run or jump away. CC him. Its only useful if the whole entire enemy team is there, completely CCed and focused on him (and even in casual matches that doesnt happen often)

Do you know how Sickle Strike works? It IS relatively slow and easy to avoid unless at close to close-medium range (or good *** timing). The Osiris ult is such a small AoE I think its kindve ridiculous. And if you use it for an escape, you also wasted a good damage ability, now on cooldown.

And yes Ravana is good at 1v1. All his abilities affect one person ONLY, including his ultimate (which if you havent noticed, is to pick off people in groups). He basically has to be, since his most damaging ability calls for it. His three is not that hard to miss, it goes faster than Sickle Strike and is more wider (I think anyway).

Also I never said to pair Osiris with Ravana. Besides, Ravana can just dodge the Osiris ultimate, root him and heal, and use his 1. Osiris could win if he can stun with his 3, but again, 2 or the smart thing to do, beads. Osiris could bead the roots too, but ravana would still heal.

Tier lists are still unusable, it depends on the players skill, not what is on paper. Helps I guess with what god is more used (which still doesnt mean a whole lot, just players preferences).

Honestly I would fix Ravana by making his abilities cost less, and by reworking the ult so that it can do more damage and maybe stun the person he targets. IF anything, ima hope the apparent "rework" gets more people interested in him.

Again you are stating things without reasons, or backing them up. You also called ravana's three a "very slow skillshot", when really that is not that case. Im sure everyone can say the same that it isnt that slow, personally i found it kindve easy to hit enemies with, and an effective clear. You did not say to me why tier lists were needed, just said they existed for a "reason". Give me the reason.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » October 30, 2015 10:02pm | Report
Also Branmuffin, sorry for arguing in a forum just you asking a question.

To answer your question, do whatever you want with your guides man. If it worked for you, then by all means go right ahead.

Also comparing Ravana and Bellona is two different things. Again, your choice. Remember that Bellona though is more for basic attack users.
If you read the entire thread so far (in which again im sorry), Ravana is just a buffier assassin. 1v1 is his forte. His "reputation" killed him ultimately, "useless" gods get more targeted cause they think its easy, and as Ravana who cant handle groups, he gets screwed a lot.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » October 30, 2015 10:30pm | Report
Ravana take real brain power and thought to play then any of the other gods that the pros use or are considered "good". As someone who has Ravana nearly mastery 5, I can tell you that it's people with this mentality who underestimate Ravana because they don't know how to play him and when you meet a competent Ravana player they kick your *** and ask "How did I lose to a Ravana?".


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 1, 2015 1:02am | Report
@GameGeekFan: No problem, just don't want to be the cause of a fight! Good points, both of you, for various reasons.

@Stuke: Yup...I always feel when playing Ravana that I'm having to think a lot...I can only take one game with him before I really have to choose someone else, hahaha. Like I said, I've done okay with him, only one game where I was just demolished, and the others pretty much positive K/D ratio. Just feels like he needs a bit of a buff to something to really be a god with whom I can excel. Oh well.

Definitely going to adjust builds for Freya though, based on my experience with her in Arena. Why don't more people play her? She kicks ***! And my poor guide has less than 900 views =(.

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