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SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread

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Forum » Theory Crafting » SMITEFire Viability Ranking Thread 353 posts - page 6 of 36
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » June 2, 2015 1:20pm | Report
I didn't use actives or full stacks - by level 10, Hades should have about half stacks, especially since his clear is so good. And Devour Souls heals, so full health is a reasonable assumption.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 2, 2015 1:23pm | Report
Here I just made a video for you guys :)

Mess with my Goobis, best Goobis NA

ICEN 2 OP with goobis


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » June 2, 2015 1:26pm | Report
They're underfed because they have two DC's, you're level 19 compared to their 13 and 16, they can't even aim auto attacks. This isn't Anubis being good, this is any god ever being fed and winning because the enemies are low level.
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"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.’"
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 2, 2015 2:02pm | Report
FemFatalis wrote:

They're underfed because they have two DC's, you're level 19 compared to their 13 and 16, they can't even aim auto attacks. This isn't Anubis being good, this is any god ever being fed and winning because the enemies are low level.
Yea and no matter how fed I become any time I'm fed all your going to say is "because your fed" and if your good that means you should be fed ?

Yet if your fed then you can't be good because they only reason you won is because you were fed?

Funny how that works.

So how can I be good with Anubis if no matter how good I do there is always an excuse?

I can get Anubis highest win rate in league ranked and there will be an excuse
I can become fed as Anubis and there will be an excuse like oh your fed thats why you won
I can not be fed and win as Anubis and someone will say the other team was bad

But if I go negative with Anubis then people will say "See! He is bad!"

By the way obviously those players were bad because they fed me, I just uploaded the video to be funny.

But in all seriousness that **** is whats going to happen in League when it comes.

Also in all seriousness there will always be an excuse when Anubis wins and nobody will ever say "because Anubis is somewhat good"

people don't even give him that SMH

Btw I played a match where my team got **** on by Awilix, she went like 20-1 or something like that.

I may have got **** on but I still went positive with Anubis and destroyed Sun Wukong in solo.

What I am saying is, I play against alot of scrubs often, but not everyone is a scrub who I win against.

Even if I was to win against a million rank matches Anubis would still be called a scrub :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 2, 2015 2:02pm | Report
Also the reason they have two DC's is because aka me Anubis made them rage quit


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » June 2, 2015 2:12pm | Report
If Anubis sees play in a high ranked game between two professional or high level players and does well, he will move up. Your anecdotes don't change the rating.
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"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.’"
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » June 2, 2015 2:23pm | Report

@ICEN, the problem with your argument is that you're basically saying that you've been very successful with him; you don't really give many points as to why he should move up. How does he match up vs. common mids? How is his lategame? How much does he rely on his farm/gold? Being fed isn't a valid argument since it could have very well been because you were facing bad players. That's why I want high-level matches, preferably with replays; so that we can see that your success is due to the unique capabilities that that god has over the others. Here, I'll give you some questions. Under the assumption that you are equally skilled at every god:

-Why should you pick Anubis over other top mid picks?
-How does Anubis fare against other top mid picks?
-How does Anubis fare if he loses his lane?
-What does Anubis bring to a teamfight 5 minutes in? 10? 20? 30?
-How much skill must you invest into Anubis to be able to utilize him effectively?
-What tricks does Anubis have up his sleeve? (Think Grasping Hands over the wall to steal harpies, Death Gaze deals 50% to GF at 3 mins, etc.)
-How does Anubis fare against potential ganks? How reliant is he on wards to protect against them?
-How much potential does Anubis have to get early kills?

EDIT: I will give you that you are extremely good with Anubis; enough where after a few league games, some teams might f6 at 10. You would certainly have success with him in league matches.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 2, 2015 3:36pm | Report
Talenhiem wrote:


@ICEN, the problem with your argument is that you're basically saying that you've been very successful with him; you don't really give many points as to why he should move up. How does he match up vs. common mids? How is his lategame? How much does he rely on his farm/gold? Being fed isn't a valid argument since it could have very well been because you were facing bad players. That's why I want high-level matches, preferably with replays; so that we can see that your success is due to the unique capabilities that that god has over the others. Here, I'll give you some questions. Under the assumption that you are equally skilled at every god:

-Why should you pick Anubis over other top mid picks?
-How does Anubis fare against other top mid picks?
-How does Anubis fare if he loses his lane?
-What does Anubis bring to a teamfight 5 minutes in? 10? 20? 30?
-How much skill must you invest into Anubis to be able to utilize him effectively?
-What tricks does Anubis have up his sleeve? (Think Grasping Hands over the wall to steal harpies, Death Gaze deals 50% to GF at 3 mins, etc.)
-How does Anubis fare against potential ganks? How reliant is he on wards to protect against them?
-How much potential does Anubis have to get early kills?

EDIT: I will give you that you are extremely good with Anubis; enough where after a few league games, some teams might f6 at 10. You would certainly have success with him in league matches.

Why should I pick Anubis over other Top mid picks? First realize that the question you are asking has nothing to do with B Tier, you are asking why should I pick him over someone who is like A-S Tier? I was asking for Anubis to move up to at least B but the question is implying why should you pick Anubis over someone that is A-S tier.

A: There is no good reason besides playing him because you simply like Anubis or you just want super high damage for whatever reason. For this question there is no real good reason, but understand you asked me why should I pick Anubis over a TOP PICK, I was not saying Anubis was a TOP pick, I said he was def higher than C though.

How does Anubis fare against TOP MID PICKS
Again I was saying put him in B and you are talking about him facing a TOP PICK which is 2 tiers higher. You are also implying you are doing Anubis mid, maybe I want Anubis solo?

A: Lets see, Against Janus Anubis clears faster early on I am pretty sure? I kind of forget how strong Janus wave clear is but from what I remember I thought Anubis clears faster early. Basically whoever doesn't gets beads wins is how I see it, if Anubis gets hit by Janus burst he dies and if Janus gets hit by Anubis burst he dies, Janus has more mobility but in terms of laning its whoever doesn't beads the other ones combo wins.

- Against Agni, like I said, it is my belief that Agni is the king of all 1 on 1's and is perfect so obviously I am going to say Agni wins because his poke is too good vs everyone in the game

- Against Ra, Ra is more annoying than anything else, Ra really won't be able to kill Anubis unless you play very stupidly, the only thing Ra is good at is making you take minion damage because he heals his wave back up, Ra has no escape so if he is caught by Anubis combo he goes bye bye without beads early on. Overall I'd say Ra has the advantage only because of the heal, but ra has that advantage against almost everyone

- Against Poseidon, Herm, Pos has no real escape so if he gets caught early with no beads he will die easy since Pos is squishy as hell. Pos can probably clear the wave faster but has to waste two abilities to do so, Anubis can clear just as fast with his 1 and only has to use 1 ability. However whirl pool will be placed on you probably.

^ I see it sort of even with maybe clear going slightly to POS, but I think it can go either way, my reasoning is that Pos uses two abilities to clear a wave fast, Anubis can use one ability to clear a wave fast but then he is less safe in lane, however early you most likely won't get ganked because jungle is helping solo lane.

I would say POS will probably out clear Anubis but he waste two abilities to do so (early), for me its whoever gets caught first dies because both are squishy as hell and it would come down to the jungler more because neither have good escapes. Pos might be able to get slightly faster clear but I don't see Anubis losing lane either if he camps with grapsing hands. Anubis will buy Aegis, Pos will buy beads. It comes more down to the jungler.

- Anubis beats Scylla early easily

IMO, Anubis will either out clear, have equal clear or slightly less clear than almost all gods. Anubis does not really lose lane due to lack of clear. Anubis loses lane when he gets ganked and can't escape. Early on when nobody has beads Anubis has kill potential and can win early based upon nobody have beads yet. Once people get beads it may be harder to get a kill but on a CC team them beads will come off eventually, even with beads Anubis can still throw around damage that is more enough to kill people without CC just by being in the damage.

IMO Anubis fares pretty well in lane, he has good laning phase against mostly everyone in the game especially with life steal passive. He isn't going to be a better pick than Agni or blah blah but I do not think he is no C tier just because he isn't as good as someone in S tier.

How does Anubis fare if he loses his lane?

A: Well duh, just like everyone else, your tower goes bye bye. If he loses lane then you just make plays with your team to get rid of the mid laner and then take his tower when he is dead? I mean that pretty much goes with any lane, if your losing then ask your jungler or team to try to make a play, or at least win a mid team fight and then while they are cleared you can take their tower and it will go back to being even. So he fares just like everyone else? Even if he loses lane he can clear waves easy and farm.

What does Anubis bring to team fights?
Anubis brings high Aoe damage that slows and long range CC.
While mages like Zhong have high damage as well, Zhong doesn't have a long rage CC.
Isis for example has to keep throwing balls at you, Anubis places one AOE on the ground and anyone inside will lose a bunch of heath (in the jungle it wrecks you). Isis has a damage CC while Anubis has a no damage long range CC, to me both are similar but Anubis grapsing hands is easier damage in team fights.

The fact with Gem of Iso, in the jungle grasping hands will wreck the other team if Anubis places that ability under them, not only will they take tons of damage but they will be slowed for days, Isis and other mages can't do this besides mages that are Top tier, and while people like Pos can do the same thing, like I said Anubis also has long rage CC.

Again I am not comparing Anubis to the best because I was just saying to move him up to B.

How much skill do you need to play Anubis effectively?

A: Skill should not decide the tier list of a god, every tier list should assume that god is being played to the highest skill level possible and that is how you would know what the god is capable of? But to answer that, playing Anubis is harder than playing other mages but just because he is hard does not mean he should be super low tier.

^ With Anubis you have to camp hard, You have to cancel your abilities out quickly to avoid being hit by abilities, you have to position yourself right, you have to basically land every single mummify, either to get rid of Magi's, to make people waste beads or for the combo simply.

He is only harder because mummify is his main ability that gives him consistent damage, while other mages just do damage instantly. For example: Anubis ticks damage, so you can walk in and out, other mages do instant damage and once you are hit you are hit by the entire damage unlike Anubis. However that is why I like gem because without mummify you still have consistent damage when they stay in your ability longer.

What tricks does Anubis have up his sleeve?

He places Grapsing hands on top of himself so in order to get near him you are forced to damage yourself while fighting him (assuming your not a hunter). Assassins have to walk in it to fight him and other gods have to walk through it to chase him. For Assassins it can destroy them in combo with plague of locust but Anubis would probably CC you before you ever do anything, even if you use beads you are talking damage and if you use aegis then Anubis has time to run away and his mummify will be going trying to come of CD.

Blink Anubis is pretty troll, with fast reflexes you may still die because of the plague of locust/grasping hands combo.

Anubis doesn't do tricks, Anubis does one thing, throws out damage with CC and uses life steal to kill you before you can kill him, the only trick he does is force you to eat damage facing him before he goes out. There are not many tricks, its just do combo and kill or throw out damage and kill.

How does Anubis fare against ganks?

A: it depends, he either gets **** on or the other person gets **** on, its that simple. There is no real in between. If Anubis gets ganked and has nothing on Cooldown he will probably die, if the jungler ganks Anubis 1 on 1 alone and Anubis mummifies the jungler then the jungler is dead early on before anyone buys beads. Overall, Anubis fairs BAD against ganks when its the mid laner + the jungler on him, however Anubis will not get ganked easily if he is near his tower because mummify will bide him enough time to get back.

^ Basically, if Anubis is near the mid of his lane or higher he is screwed, if he is near his tower and gets ganked he will most likely live because of mummify/blink.

Blink Anubis is actually easily survivable when you happen to get combat blink although it doesn't come until later on.

Also everyone should buy wards, not buying wards is pretty dumb and I always start with one ward from the begging of the game and put it on the solo side and camp near that side.

How much potential does Anubis have to get early kills?

A: Once he hits level 5 he can kill easily assuming they have no beads. Pretty much how it works is, anyone who does not have beads online is getting destroyed once they look at Anubis the wrong way. So early on he can actually kill just as well as any other mage besides Agni because hes too good at poke and has more range than Anubis's CC so will always win if played to perfection.

The problem only comes when people buy beads/Magi's blessing. Before that time there is no real problem other than mobility.

Again I wasn't trying to place Anubis top tier, but I think he is better than C


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 2, 2015 3:46pm | Report
FemFatalis wrote:

If Anubis sees play in a high ranked game between two professional or high level players and does well, he will move up. Your anecdotes don't change the rating.
This proves my point that you are basing tiers on what pros pick.

If pros as of today and I literally mean today where to rock Anubis 80% of the matches and do well then everyone would say "Anubis is now high tier", if nobody plays Ra anymore than people will say "because pros don't play Ra anymore Ra is not lower tier"

That is not how a tier list should work, playing a god more or doing well with them should not determine how good the god actually is, what the god is capable of should determine what tier they are in, not based upon who is playing the god.

This is the exact reason why RA is not top tier anymore, because people just stopped playing him, Ra used the be the BEST TOP PICK, ZHONG used to be BANNABLE SOLO, Pos USED to be not even played.

How can the SAME gods with the SAME abilities and the SAME kit keep moving up and down the tier list?

None of these new gods are shutting them down super hard.

The only reason the SAME GODS keep changing tier is because people base their list on what pros are playing and not making a LEGIT tier list based upon the gods and not the PICKS.

That is the difference

- Tier list based on picks
- Tier list based on the gods

I would rather have a tier based upon the gods and not what people are picking.

based on that logic, whatever color shirt people wear the most is the highest tier. If more people choose a black shirt then black shirt is higher their than blue shirt for no reason other than its picked more.

LEGIT QUESTION: Who made you the decider or TIER RATING???
You keep saying nothing I say changes Anubis's tier but since when did anyone crown you the king of Anubis's tier placement?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » June 2, 2015 4:01pm | Report
The reason those gods fell out of favor was because of scaling. The same kit doesn't mean the same effect. Read the archive of patch notes lol. I never claimed to be the arbiter, your points just aren't valid compared to the reality of the metagame. There's no way to create a static tier list, and we never claimed this would be that. Your tier list is your tier list, and focuses on what you think is the best. This is an entirely different thread with different goals.
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"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.’"
-George Carlin


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