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Ullr (Y10, 10.12) Conquest ADC build

90 10 146,863
by ElLobezno updated November 17, 2023

Smite God: Ullr

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Ullr Build


Notes Right now, Ullr has an issue with mana on the early game, due to some lack of MP5.
One thing to do it's just going 1 Mana Potion and back with 600 gold to buy Charged Morningstar and come back to lane.
Or going with 2 or 3 Mana Potion and mainly use mana for push until you can buy Transcendence.

Claw Shard for aggressive trades on those matchups where you have the advantage
Wing Shard a softer option for long trades on those matchups where you feel more vulnerable towards a gank or 2v2s

I prefer going Wing Shard on almost all adc's but Ullr has a strong combo with autocancel that works really good with Claw Shard. However, it's not a big deal, choose whatever you want


Right now, Ullr has an issue with mana on the early game, due to some lack of MP5.
One thing to do it's just going 1 Mana Potion and back with 600 gold to buy Charged Morningstar and come back to lane.
Or going with 2 or 3 Mana Potion and mainly use mana for push until you can buy Transcendence.

Claw Shard for aggressive trades on those matchups where you have the advantage
Wing Shard a softer option for long trades on those matchups where you feel more vulnerable towards a gank or 2v2s

I prefer going Wing Shard on almost all adc's but Ullr has a strong combo with autocancel that works really good with Claw Shard. However, it's not a big deal, choose whatever you want

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Bountiful Bao Bountiful Bao
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Claw Shard Claw Shard
Build Item Wing Shard Wing Shard

Fail Not

Notes Last item could be Malicious Deathbringer instead of Heartseeker if there's more squishies on the enemy team


Last item could be Malicious Deathbringer instead of Heartseeker if there's more squishies on the enemy team

Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads
Build Item Greater Aegis Amulet Greater Aegis Amulet


Notes Basic Ullr build with full cd and good pen

Can replace Jotunn's Wrath with Soul Eater

Can swap between Jotunn's Wrath or Hydra's Lament depending if you need more aggro with Hydra's passive or more cdr with Jotunn's

Can replace Jotunn's Wrath for Brawler's Beat Stick if antiheal it's needed


Basic Ullr build with full cd and good pen

Can replace Jotunn's Wrath with Soul Eater

Can swap between Jotunn's Wrath or Hydra's Lament depending if you need more aggro with Hydra's passive or more cdr with Jotunn's

Can replace Jotunn's Wrath for Brawler's Beat Stick if antiheal it's needed

Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Jotunn's Cunning Jotunn's Cunning
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads
Build Item Greater Aegis Amulet Greater Aegis Amulet


Notes High burst damage if u land your basics with Hydra's Lament passive

Can replace Transcendence for Dominance in late game


High burst damage if u land your basics with Hydra's Lament passive

Can replace Transcendence for Dominance in late game

Build Item Corrupted Bluestone Corrupted Bluestone
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item Malicious Deathbringer Malicious Deathbringer
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads
Build Item Greater Aegis Amulet Greater Aegis Amulet


Notes Blink Rune its optional, depends on ur playstyle


Blink Rune its optional, depends on ur playstyle

Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration


Notes Brawler's Beat Stick: The best antiheal item for skill based gods

Soul Eater: Excellent item for Skill based gods, if u lack on life steal this is a must to pick

Bumba's Hammer: Its a really good item when u spam abilities so maybe u prefer using it instead of Bluestone Brooch anyway be conscious that it's not a truly dps/adc item


Brawler's Beat Stick: The best antiheal item for skill based gods

Soul Eater: Excellent item for Skill based gods, if u lack on life steal this is a must to pick

Bumba's Hammer: Its a really good item when u spam abilities so maybe u prefer using it instead of Bluestone Brooch anyway be conscious that it's not a truly dps/adc item

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer

Ullr's Skill Order Notes Upgrade Hail of Arrows/ Glory Bound first for jungle clear with both skills

Expose Weakness can be upgraded at any moment before level 3.
I prefer to upgrate it after buying Transcendence or at least it's tier 2 Charged Morningstar

After patch 10.11 Wield Bow has been "reworked" exchanging passive's with Expose Weakness granting physical power from 20 to 44 at max rank, make sure to max it properly


Upgrade Hail of Arrows/ Glory Bound first for jungle clear with both skills

Expose Weakness can be upgraded at any moment before level 3.
I prefer to upgrate it after buying Transcendence or at least it's tier 2 Charged Morningstar

After patch 10.11 Wield Bow has been "reworked" exchanging passive's with Expose Weakness granting physical power from 20 to 44 at max rank, make sure to max it properly

Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe

1 X Y
Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe
2 3 6 7 10

Expose Weakness / Invigorate

2 A B
Expose Weakness / Invigorate
4 15 16 18 19

Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound

3 B A
Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound
1 8 11 12 13

Wield Axes / Wield Bow

4 Y X
Wield Axes / Wield Bow
5 9 14 17 20
Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe
2 3 6 7 10

Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe

1 X
Ranged: Ullr fires a bladed arrow in a line, dealing damage and passing through all targets it hits.

Melee: Ullr throws an axe in a line, hitting a single target dealing damage and Stunning it.

Ability Type: Line, Stun, Damage
Damage (Bow): 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Axe): 50 / 80 / 100 / 140 / 170 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration (Axe): 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Expose Weakness / Invigorate
4 15 16 18 19

Expose Weakness / Invigorate

2 A
Ranged: Ullr gains bonus Attack Speed for 5s.

Melee: Ullr gains bonus Move Speed for 5s.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed (Bow): 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Move Speed (Axe): 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Duration: 5s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14s
Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound
1 8 11 12 13

Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound

3 B
Ranged: Ullr fires a volley at his target location, dealing damage.

Melee: Ullr leaps to his target location, dealing damage in an AoE on arrival.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage (Bow): 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Axe): 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Wield Axes / Wield Bow
5 9 14 17 20

Wield Axes / Wield Bow

4 Y
Ullr changes stance. He gains half of the stat bonuses when in the opposite stance.

Ranged: Ullr uses his yew bow, removing Disarms and gaining additional attack speed.

Melee: Ullr uses his axes, removing Disarms and gaining additional Physical Lifesteal.

Ability Type: Buff
Physical Power (Bow): 20 / 26 / 32 / 38 / 44
Physical Lifesteal (Axe): 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 / 45%
Cooldown: 1s

Ullr Threats

Tap each threat level to view Ullr’s threats


Ullr Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Ullr’s synergies



Ullr the Glorious One!

One of the most difficult adc/god to learn on this game and at the same time has a lot of complexity and variety on his builds, so I'm gonna do my best so u can get at least one according to your playstyle

Remember that builds are situational and you can buy whatever you want

I hope this build helps you with your games and have fun


Tips for Ullr in general gameplay

  • An aggressive playstyle it's the key for this god
  • Make sure to clear waves before trading on 1v1 situations
  • Remember that your passive Weapon Master can reduce cooldowns on each ability use
  • Spamming abilities it's ok, but remember that Ullr has mana issues through the whole game, so don't overdo it
  • Cancel autoattacks on all of ur abilities when ur doing the combo
  • Don't be afraid to miss ur axe, it's all about practice and patience
  • Try to poke all the time, this will give u more pressure in lane phase
  • Blink it's a really good active for late game, try it when u feel confident
I know this is a hard god to build and there's is a lot of different types of items that can work with him but I consider that Ullr works pretty well with a nice balance within good scaling on his abilities damage and a little bit of attack speed.

This is all I have to say for now good luck hitting those axes!

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WeebSim | July 21, 2023 3:28pm
Amazing work, I love in depths guides like this
ElLobezno (1) | July 21, 2023 9:28pm
Thx <3
gattlingcombo | June 15, 2023 9:41pm
I just started learning how to use Ullr, and holy ****, he's the hardest character I've ever used. I've never had this bad of a time with a character. Granted the matchmaking makes things more difficult. I've muted everyone in the game when I play but I'm pretty sure everyone is threatening to report me.

Um..I guess my main issue is that I feel like I do no damage until late game and by that time I'm being 3 shot by someone on the other team with 30 kills.
Kriega1 (143) | June 16, 2023 9:22am
Ullr's early is pretty bad and he hasn't been meta for a while. Also recent patch favours AA builds / hunters even more so than before.
gattlingcombo | June 18, 2023 11:44am
Yeah...other hunters seem to have a much easier time, even cupid. Hachiman has been a ****ing monster in my games. Yall mentioned how Ullr isn't exactly an assassin, well Hachi is. He was killing my team mates like it was nothing.......Still trying though. uranked matchmaking doesn't exactly queue you up with players of your skill level also.
ElLobezno (1) | June 16, 2023 8:14am
You mustn't feel bad about your playing, people will always have something to say, just focus on yourself and you will improve a lot with any character

I personally learned playing ullr back then on 2015, by watching videos of Rexsi and trying to mimic the combos, but obviously, I wasn't really good at it, so keep in mind that we always start somewhere, some people do better and some don't, but with some practice, self-teaching and watching other people plays you'll improve a lot in no time.

And about the feeling of not doing any damage, we should clarify that mostly of adc's do damage according to their current physical power, relying a lot on the items that usually pay rent in mid/late game like Devourer's Gauntlet or Dominance for example.
With Ullr this should be different, because of his skill-oriented build right? Well no, he has a lot mid/late game potential, but his stats and skills set are not the same as an assassin, so the trick relies on the combos and AA cancels. Combos are really hard to master the first time, but once you get them right, you'll only have to add AA between them and here is when Hydra's Lament does it's job, this will significantly increase your output damage and make you really dangerous on 1v1 situations

Ullr it's mostly played on an aggressive way, trying to poke and throw combos all the time, his weak spot it's, that he doesn't have a big ult (for scaping or doing high amounts of damage), but in place of that, he has 6 skills that boosts AA cancels. Some extra tips that could be helpful while playing would be to catch weak spots to sneak your axe and immediately land a combo after it hits, learn how to flick your camera in order to land your skills faster, master your AIM and always be alert and self-conscious about your positioning
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 16, 2023 10:40am
Great comment Lobezno.

Couple other things I would like to comment on. @gattling, have you practiced the general combo starting with Axe aiming for max burst? If you haven't, or still don't feel confident, spend more time in jungle practice just doing it over and over. Once it's a bit more second nature, you'll have a lot more confidence in it.

Not sure if you're using PC or console, keyboard or controller, but in case you aren't, I'd suggest instant cast for his 1, and instant or quick cast for his 3. If you're on normal cast, it's not nearly as smooth.

Finally, you mentioned no damage until late. For a god focused a lot on just basic attacks, I would agree, but for more of a hybrid/ability god like Ullr, that burst combo should give you plenty of damage, and in the meantime being able to hit your bow 3 with distance poke should whittle enemies down so you can either push lane or commit to a kill.
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GlockInDaSock | February 17, 2023 3:02pm
You can't upgrade Bladed Arrow/Axe to 3 at level 4
ElLobezno (1) | February 18, 2023 4:04am
Fixed! idk why I did the order in that way, but thanks for the advice
ElLobezno (1) | May 28, 2022 1:35am
Updated for this last patch, 9.5
BibaBoba01 | May 2, 2022 12:03am
thx for build :D
ElLobezno (1) | May 28, 2022 1:34am
Thx you!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ElLobezno
Ullr (Y10, 10.12) Conquest ADC build
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