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Welcome to my First Smite Guide.
Anhur, The Slayer of Enemies.
I found when playing Anhur, (like every other God in the game) its great to get fed, and
Anhur is very capable of doing so with the right build and play style.
This build focuses on early Critical Damage to destroy enemies, both with and without the buff from your Shifting Sands ability. Rushing a Deathbringer and Titans Bane allows for crazy high Physical Damage, Critical Chance and Physical Penetration that no God (even Ymir) will be able to stand up to.
Beings as Shifting Sands buff is a percentage damage buff, stacking as much Physical Power as possible will boost your damage done by as much as possible. This build has a lot of Physical Damage from the off and allows you to dominate early game.
This Build includes the ability Meditation as it gives you very good sustain in the early game and a huge advantage over an enemy without Meditation.
This build drops Meditation as in the Duo, the price it costs is much better used on early upgrades of Warrior Tabi. This is becuase in mid lane you can not just leave your tower to go back and regain some mana... defenceless. In the Duo lane this isn't really a problem as you'll always have a laning partner to cover for you. You will be able to deal more early damage, build
Deathbringer quicker and simply back when needed.
Creeping Curse Will come in handy for those times when you have nothing left and they're getting away. It's cheap and will secure you a few kills
Thank you for taking the time to read my first Smitefire guide, I hope I have covered the basics and have achieved what I aimed to do, a simple yet descriptive guide for people new to Anhur, AD Carry Role or even Smite.
Please get back to me guys, your input really helps me improve my quality of information, im here to help you and if you can help me do that, it is always much appreciated.
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