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Anubis-Gatekeeper of the Dead S4

4 3 45,905
by Aaronsharkgo2 updated March 14, 2017

Smite God: Anubis

Build Guide Discussion 14 More Guides
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Anubis Build

Starter Items (Joust)

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket

Starter Items (Conqeust)

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Beginner at Anubis (Refernce, don't fully copy)

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Book of the Dead Book of the Dead
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Heavily Magical Armor Enemies

Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

ADC Problems?

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Dynasty Plate Helm Dynasty Plate Helm
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Need More Lifesteal?

Build Item Book of the Dead Book of the Dead
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon

Aphro or Healer?

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin

Relics for Beginner Anubis Players

Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Relics for Advance Anubis Players

Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Items you can consider

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant


Hi my name is Aaronsharkgo2 and I'm an Anubis main. Over the past year my experience and understanding of Anubis allows me to understand what he is useful for. So today I'm gonna introduce you to items that are invaluable to Anubis. Beginners tips and Advance tips. Grab a noob who wants to learn Anubis. I'm sure he'll/she'll be able to figure out counter building and Anubis' strengths and weaknesses so without further ado here's Anubis Egyptian God of Death (Also I love him to death.) Anubis is a mage that focuses on doing a lot of damage output. Though defensively weak, it is possible for Anubis to hold his ground due to his lifesteal and damage. Anubis is also very immobile due to the face he has no escapes. Anubis is a burst mage meaning he's very good at taking out targets through his abilities combined.


This is Anubis' passive Sorrow. Sorrow is NEEDED on Anubis because one his protections are **** and two he scales off lifesteal a little. Here's what the passive does: All of Anubis' abilities steal Physical and Magical Protection from the target and he gains increased Scaling to his item-based Magical Lifesteal. In addition, Sorrow grants Anubis an additional 30% reduction to all Crowd Control durations. When Anubis steals the protections he adds them onto himself for a duration allowing him to survive 1v1's easier.
One of the reasons Anubis does a ton of damage, Plague of Locust enters his kit with a bizarrely short range yet large cone in front of him. Unlike most mages Anubis doesn't simply burst down a opponent. Burst means to quickly and efficiently deal LARGE amounts of damage to a single opponent. Instead all of Anubis' damaging abilities are in ticks. Plague of Locust doesn't reach very far, but the cone is almost a complete 180 degrees meaning anybody who is circling you isn't going to come unscathed. You can rotate during the channel.
Damage:35/50/60/80/95(+40% of your total magical power) if all ticks hit then Damage:210/300/390/480/570(+240% of magical power).

This is Anubis' setup ability Mummify. This is a one of the best stuns in the game capping at 2 seconds max. Not only if the opponent doesn't have purification, if a smart Anubis decides to use this he ain't going to combo you instead he wants to bait out your purification so he dish out the pain. Remember if a opponent has purification BAIT it out FIRST! You don't want to end up in a sloppy situation. Mummify is also a skill shot stun so careful aiming and timing is required to be good at Anubis. Take note this ability applies a stack of Sorrow.

Grasping Hands is Anubis' 2nd main damaging ability. It does tick damage like Plague of Locust, but it's a large ranged area of effect slow as well. Grasping hands will slow and do damage allowing this ability to do more overall damage thanks to the slow. Use grasping hands when you mummify a target to do very good overall damage.
Damage:25/40/55/70/85 per tick (+35% of Total magical power), if all ticks hit Damage:100/160/220/280/340 (+140% of total magical power)

The Anubis ult his bread and butter the one thing everyone should fear Death Gaze enters Anubis kit as his MOST damaging and brutal ability of his entire kit. If all of his ticks hit on this ability he can essential One shot squishy enemies and kill a huge chunk of a tank's health. When using this ability he roots himself and gives himself CC Immunity. If you mummify someone use this ability to hit almost all of your ticks and probably get a kill.

Why buy these Items?

: Bancroft's Talon is essential on Anubis. The lifesteal it gives you is amazing while be 13% less than Pythagorem's Piece , but the passive is what makes it shine. As Anubis takes damage you become more powerful for every 1% health missing you gain 1 magical power. This passive allows a low health Anubis to turn around a situation that normally would have killed him due to his increase power and lifesteal. This item should be on all Anubis' in my opinion.
: Oh Swagni blessing us with this trinket. Pythagorem's Piece is a direct upgrade of Bancroft's Talon stat wise due to the aura this thing actual gives 90 magical power and 25% lifesteal with 10% cooldown, but I say this should be combined with Bancroft's Talon why? Well one Bancroft's Talon increases your power when you are taking damage. Pythagorem's Piece can allow you to regain most of your health due to the fact Bancroft's Talon is also in play. A Turn around can be achieved almost every time with both of these guys. So go ahead give them both a try, if your not amazed then go play someone else.
: This item is beginner friendly for all coming Anubis players. Though this should not be underestimated as this will increase Anubis' health and power for every stack he gets. He gains 100 stacks for a grand total of +300 HP and +60 magical power, but combined with the raw stats it gives. This item gives you +600 HP and +110 Magical Power!! Wow. This item should be used if you are expected to be focused on or if you feel you need increase survivability.
: This item is to give Anubis a extra "bite" in his power. Due to Anubis' being a mage his mana pool is obviously very high, so Book of Thoth converts 3% of his mana into magical power. Not bad, recommended for beginners, but I find it useful when combined with Warlock's Sash. Also remember stacking both Warlock's and Book of Thoth is expensive and if you lose your lane you'll fall behind on stats and stacks, do not attempt double stacking unless you can rely on your team to help you out and your own skills.
: A must have boot on Anubis. It gives him a little bit of everything plus Cooldown Reduction. Don't have much else to say.

: Need I say more? Rod of Tahuti is basically a **** load of power! Giving you so much power that when you had 567 Magical power it rose to 734. I'm serious get this thing your life will depend on your damage output and Rod of Tahuti gives you the magical power you need to dish the pain.
: This item complements well with Anubis' stealing protections passive, but this reduces magical defense instead of stealing it so Anubis won't gain protections. But! His tick damage will be insane due to your passive and this thing reducing 30 Magical protections at max stacks. This is a must have on tick damage gods like Anubis.
: This item is decent providing you a great amount of physical protections, but remember ONLY build defense items on mages if a enemy hunter is building little to no pen. If they are building a lot of pen ditch this item as most likely the defense increase will be non existence. The mana increase and cooldown reduction is nice especially if building Book of Thoth.
:Outdated Needs to be replaced. Build Dynasty Plate Helm early on now.

: Chronos' Pendant. This item is straight forward and not mechanical confusing. Chronos Pendant allows your abilities to be on a low cooldown being 20%! That's half of the maximum cooldown allowed in the normal game. Offering decent power and mana this item can be considered if you really need your abilities more.

: Welcome to our last stop (I will not discuss obsidian as it's kinda obvious what it does.) Now then Divine Ruin is a absolute must if your support decides not to get pestilence. I don't know why your support won't get it, but anyway Divine Ruin reduces the healing a enemy can do. So if an Aphro is healing her tank like crazy, buying this will reduce her effectiveness really hard due to him getting 40% less healing if your abilities hit. Do not buy this item if your support bought Pestilence, Weakening Curse OR your warrior bought Brawler's Beat Stick.

: Hide of the Urchin is one of the best defensive options I've picked in Anubis in such a long time. Sure it may lack a decent passive in the fact all it does is give you +3 protections per kill. (Stacks up 10 times so +30 Protections) But this item gives Anubis over 90+ protections his magical armor is usually 108 while his physical goes to 96 it's a VERY good defensive item on Anubis. I've learn that my experience at playing Anubis is relying on my teammates to protect me. Which is still true, but now I'm buying one defensive item as mages now and I have to say, best choice ever. Anubis gets so much more tankier with Hide and combined with the 600+ health benefit of a fully stack Warlock's and his lifesteal, Anubis is really nearly unkillable. Sure with enough burst he can die, but it will be a lot harder considering he has more burst due to the fact his entire kit combos so well.

: Looks like someone wants me to talk about this. Well here are my thoughts on Gem of Isolation. YES! It does confirm much needed ticks like Plague of Locust and a easier to hit ultimate due the slow, but what else can it do. Other than the benefit of 300+ HP and some more mana, this item has really no other uses. Yes, you can considerate it in your build, but most often than not there are better items that can really increase your damage output. Although I won't deny it's usefulness once you know how to step up your kills and how to aim your ult, it's really kind of useless. I mean sure you can probably land all ticks with your ultimate with that, but in my opinion it's not a good item over some of the other ones I mention. HOWEVER You can considerate it anytime you want. It does has it's uses specifically with your ult slowing and your 3 slowing by 50%. I cannot deny yes it does make you do more damage by allowing you to hit more ticks, it just comes down to personal preference. I do not personally build it, but you can build it if you want. It's not too shabby of a item.
Book of The Dead: The Book of the Dead is an amazing item that is one of the most valuable items on Anubis. While I am personally biased toward Bancroft's I cannot deny. This item can replace Bancroft's altogether, any excess life you heal through lifesteal gives you a shield of that's 20% of your maximum health. Now if you cannot tell your Core build should consist of Warlock's, Bancroft's, Shoes of Focus, and a defensive item. However if you replace said Bancroft's with this you realize Warlock's effectively ups the shield's life by a huge margin. +600 HP on Anubis with either a Mantle or Hide of Urchin combine with the shield gives Anubis surprising bulk. This allows him easily turn around situations where he may have died. I can recall many times where the shield saved my life in a 1v2 situation and because of this I was able to get out alive with a double kill. This item is truly amazing and this can really help more than the power Bancroft's gives when you're low.

Introducing Rituals

Flickering Ritual: This item is what Anubis needs now. This is combat blink,but one time use only. During Season 2 this item used to be Combat Blink as an active. But since removed it and replace it with the ****pier version Greater Blink. It was one of the best actives on Anubis and since the removal Anubis has fallen a bit. Though Combat Blink will still be missed be sure to pick this up mid to late game for some really good escaping potential. This is one of the absolute must on Anubis as it allows him to escape dangerous situations though use this wisely as it's a steep cost of 700g.
Rallying Ritual: This Ritual is only here to give Anubis places where he needs to be. If a teamfight occurs Teleport to your ADC he'll most likely be in a safe position for you to start up. Remember check the mini-map before you Teleport as it can be the difference of teleporting in a middle of chaos and death or being able to bring chaos and death to your enemies.

Tips and Tricks For Beginners

Learning to Anubis. Well my friend you came to the right stop, here I will show you the basis of what to do and not to do as Anubis as well as things to do if your starting brand new.

Tip 1
Anubis should start off with a level in his Grasping Hands using his Plague of Locust for wave clear is a very stupid idea. Plague of Locust roots Anubis and the enemy could take advantage of his root. Keep your distance and use your Grasping Hands and level it first if you want wave clear.

Tip 2
Starting out with Anubis, it's surprising not being able to move with your abilities. Your 1 and 4 roots you in place for the duration of the ability. Right click to cancel it and be on your way.

Tip 3
Anubis' should keep their distance in teamfights and use their 2 and 3 to help out the
team. Use your 2 to stun important enemies (ADC,Tanks,and Mages) and combo it up with your 3 (avoid using your 1 and 4 in teamfights as the enemy team could take advantage of the fact your rooted. The Right time to ult is when the enemy are focused on the tanks and ignoring you. Right Click to get out of the ult and run afterwards if you get a kill.)

Tip 4
Anubis can be very damaging if use your ability properly. In teamfights keep your distance and when you land your 2 use your 3 on top of the stunned foe and deal a ton of damage.

Tip 5
If your forced into a corner and death is unavoidable try to deal as much damage as possible by placing your 3 under your feet and 1ing. Any warrior or melee assassin will have to come to kill you causing considerable damage if anything your assassin will get the kills.

Trick 1
Anubis is a force to be reckon with. In the right hands he is deadly. When in a teamfight catch a enemy off guard by going behind them through the jungle path this allows you to kill the squishy gods and stay alive (hopefully). Remember killing a mage or Hunter is going to offer your team a HUGE advantage due to their damage dealers well being dead.

Trick 2
If you have a tank with High CC. Communicate and tell them to help you cc combo, use your 2,3 and when that tank uses his stun,root, anything to stop the target from moving fire your ult and land most of your ticks. Remember kids teamwork will get you far in this game.

Trick 3
Punish people who are making mistakes. Okay basically if someone dashes towards you and he's the enemy punish them for going in with your team. A stun and a grasping hands is more than enough to kill that person if your hunter and guardian are with you. Poking them with your 3 will also either force a healer to waste mana (Chang'e, Hel, Aphro have healing skills. Isis does too, but it's unreliable.)

Trick 4
If you suspect a enemy assassin to jump you. Place your 3 under your feet, it will discourage assassins from jumping you because your hands will hurt and also combine with your 2 and 1 you can completely counter a gank.


Update 3.12

Anubis' movespeed was buffed to 360 (previously 350)
Anubis' Death Gaze laser width was increase to 1.25 to1.75 as well with a new effect that shows him where his laser scorched the ground.
Anubis' Mummify cooldown was decreased to 16/15/14/13/12, 2 seconds earlier. Allowing him to use his combo more frequently.

Item Changes

Removed Celestial Legion Helm, due to a different passive making it non-viable. It'll be replaced by Dynasty Plate Helmet.
: Enchanted Spear's price has been reduced to 1300. While Spear of Magnus gets a small damage buff to +70 magical power.Making Spear more viable on Anubis as a great pen item.

Guide Changes

March 5/17: Added Rituals and a few items. Fix typos I know how annoying they are to you people.
Removed Power Start and replaced it with a Conquest start.
Added Conquest Build.
More updates on this guide will come in the near future.

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Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | June 11, 2016 7:22am
I like to thank everyone who viewed this guide and helped me get it to be one of the Top Anubis Builds for this season. My love and passion for Anubis will never die and every season will be something new and excited for me to learn and rekt as Anubis. He's always been my favorite God and now that I can express my love for him using this very guide is outstanding and showing that this is guide has been viewed alot and maybe helped new Anubis players although I still have a lot to go to compete with the Top Anubis guide for this season. But regardless I thank you guys for helping me on the way. Your comments has really helped me shape this guide into something anyone can look at and say, "I want to play this God." Anyone who wants to know how to play Anubis please look at this guide. I give a run down of every item and if you don't like it. Then fine that's your opinion, but I feel like ever since I made this guide I finally was able to do Anubis Justice. I thank all of you guy. Until then during Summer the Nile Juggernaut will be reborn. Welcome my friends to my next guide, Sobek- The Nile Juggernaut (S3). Until then we shall see where my future for creating guides for my favorite god goes. As always guys we shall go to the stars and open the gates of the future. Much Love to Anubis. To all of you guys. Thank you for making this guide one of the top.
Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | March 26, 2016 11:16am
Devampi wrote:

depends if you're talking about the regulars or the peopel that make an account just to comment on a guide and are never to be seen again.

I like this guide, however you should also tell something about the items you may consider. especially Gem of Isolation (I love that item in my build.

I don't know which item you really want now cause of the spear nerf (magus) probably became more team dependant (amount of protections on enemy team)

Also be careful when you say diamond Anubis as several people can see it as oh he is diamond ranked instead of mastery X (the mastery one doesn't always say a lot too)

Okay thanks for the info I'll put a explaination for Gem of Isolation and when i thought peps say Diamond 10 (god) i thought they mean they have the diamond skin with Mastery X god.
Devampi (105) | March 26, 2016 3:57am
CaptElfimis wrote:

Most people on smitefire tend to be pretty laid back and nice, it's rare to see toxic people on here.

depends if you're talking about the regulars or the peopel that make an account just to comment on a guide and are never to be seen again.

I like this guide, however you should also tell something about the items you may consider. especially Gem of Isolation (I love that item in my build.

I don't know which item you really want now cause of the spear nerf (magus) probably became more team dependant (amount of protections on enemy team)

Also be careful when you say diamond Anubis as several people can see it as oh he is diamond ranked instead of mastery X (the mastery one doesn't always say a lot too)
CaptElfimis (5) | March 25, 2016 3:45pm

Alright then thanks for the info. I'm still new here (4 weeks I signed up) also I will be deleting my other two guides and completely redoing them to the standards this one showed. Anubis was my favorite God and I tried my absolute hardest to give good reliable info and try to see a beginner's view. Until then Chang'e and Sobek will be revived from my graveyard of ****py guides and have the quality this one showed.

For sure man, and it's always good to welcome new people to the community. If you decide to branch out and try the assassin route, i just posted a brand new season 3 Ne Zha Guide with excellent results.
Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | March 25, 2016 3:31pm
CaptElfimis wrote:

Most people on smitefire tend to be pretty laid back and nice, it's rare to see toxic people on here.

Alright then thanks for the info. I'm still new here (4 weeks I signed up) also I will be deleting my other two guides and completely redoing them to the standards this one showed. Anubis was my favorite God and I tried my absolute hardest to give good reliable info and try to see a beginner's view. Until then Chang'e and Sobek will be revived from my graveyard of ****py guides and have the quality this one showed.
CaptElfimis (5) | March 25, 2016 3:05pm
Most people on smitefire tend to be pretty laid back and nice, it's rare to see toxic people on here.
Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | March 25, 2016 3:02pm
Bullfrog323 wrote:

Ok, but you should still correct your section for Bancroft's Talon, saying it's only 3% less lifesteal.

If we compare base stats, I think 10% CDR is better than 1 magical power.
If we compare passive, Bancroft's Talon effect is useful only when you are being targeted and you need to kill to survive.
Otherwise, I think the aura is better, especially if you have a second magical god in your team beside your support.

Alright then I'll put that into consideration, I may put a new sentence in for Bancroft's then and Pythagorem's, but any day I'll prefer Bancroft's. I'm still new to the Pythagorem's Peice being used on Anubis, because I'm just recently using it (2 weeks ago I think is when I started). Bancroft's was always my go to item. Thanks for your constructive response
Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | March 25, 2016 2:59pm
CaptElfimis wrote:

I wouldn't use Spear of Desolation on Anubis unless you have already snowballed to the point that you can wipe 2/3+ players pretty much instantly, Spear of the Magus is the better "go to" for pen for Anubis.

Your default build shows Spear of the Magus being the very last item, but honestly having no pen till full build can mean serious team fight problems when the enemy Support/Solo show up, especially if your jungler is late to the fight.

As Bullfrog323 said, you will get more utility use out of Pythagorem's Piece over Bancroft's Talon especially if you have a magic based ADC.

Lastly, my major conflict with this guide is the double stacking of Warlock's Sash
and Book of Thoth. This is very expensive and risky because if you fall behind and lose the ability to farm your lane you will be utterly crushed from relying on stacks that you don't have.

All that being said, you've constructed a nice guide here and it's definitely very informative as well organized, there is just a lot of consideration in the item choices you've gone with here, I'm not saying it won't work by any means, I would just be weary of all the possible outcomes of running this build in it's entirety.

Thanks for the constructive response instead of being a internet *** and saying this build sucks for no good reason. I like it and yes the double stacking is risky and expensive, but I'm also considering how I have a good friend with skills and my skills. I might re create a new default build instead of the one shown because I'm taking this from my skills. I'm good enough to double stack and I thank you and also Spear of Desolation is a iffy for me, I'm still getting to see what pen I can get for Anubis.
CaptElfimis (5) | March 24, 2016 6:22pm
I wouldn't use Spear of Desolation on Anubis unless you have already snowballed to the point that you can wipe 2/3+ players pretty much instantly, Spear of the Magus is the better "go to" for pen for Anubis.

Your default build shows Spear of the Magus being the very last item, but honestly having no pen till full build can mean serious team fight problems when the enemy Support/Solo show up, especially if your jungler is late to the fight.

As Bullfrog323 said, you will get more utility use out of Pythagorem's Piece over Bancroft's Talon especially if you have a magic based ADC.

Lastly, my major conflict with this guide is the double stacking of Warlock's Sash
and Book of Thoth. This is very expensive and risky because if you fall behind and lose the ability to farm your lane you will be utterly crushed from relying on stacks that you don't have.

All that being said, you've constructed a nice guide here and it's definitely very informative as well organized, there is just a lot of consideration in the item choices you've gone with here, I'm not saying it won't work by any means, I would just be weary of all the possible outcomes of running this build in it's entirety.
Bullfrog323 (27) | March 24, 2016 11:31am
Ok, but you should still correct your section for Bancroft's Talon, saying it's only 3% less lifesteal.

If we compare base stats, I think 10% CDR is better than 1 magical power.
If we compare passive, Bancroft's Talon effect is useful only when you are being targeted and you need to kill to survive.
Otherwise, I think the aura is better, especially if you have a second magical god in your team beside your support.
Aaronsharkgo2 (2) | March 23, 2016 8:03pm
Bullfrog323 wrote:

Bancroft's Talon has 12% lifesteal
Pythagorem's Piece has 25% lifesteal
So, no, the difference is not "only 3%", but in fact, it's more than the double.

Plus, with the Sorrow passive, after 3 ticks (which is pretty fast to get), you double your lifesteal.
Therefore, Bancroft's Talon would give you 24%, while Pythagorem's Piece would give you 50%.

Overall, I think Pythagorem's Piece would be a better pick for Anubis, but it's a matter of preference.

Yeah I know. I said it in the Pythagorem's Piece section, but I pefer Bancroft's Talon due to me becoming more powerful, but I combine both of these items in one mean fighting machine.
Bullfrog323 (27) | March 21, 2016 6:28am
Bancroft's Talon has 12% lifesteal
Pythagorem's Piece has 25% lifesteal
So, no, the difference is not "only 3%", but in fact, it's more than the double.

Plus, with the Sorrow passive, after 3 ticks (which is pretty fast to get), you double your lifesteal.
Therefore, Bancroft's Talon would give you 24%, while Pythagorem's Piece would give you 50%.

Overall, I think Pythagorem's Piece would be a better pick for Anubis, but it's a matter of preference.
bMATRIXd (1) | June 17, 2016 7:17am
but bancroft's talon gives more power, and you said it yourself its easy to get those stacks and it doubles i would prefer more power than lifesteal bc the less tiome you r fighting them the betgter rather than spending 30 seconds on a god and haviong their allies attack you in process
Bullfrog323 (27) | June 17, 2016 9:55am
The difference is only 10 power, so marginal.

If you take into account Bancroft's Talon's passive, then it's because you aren't full health, in which case you are in trouble already, so I don't think 50-70 more power would be the difference between life and death.

On the other hand, Pythagorem's Piece allows you to be full hp more often and more quickly. It can also heal you enough to survive when you are attacking.
You also get CDR, which is always helpful.
The aura is the icing on the cake.

But again, it's a matter of preference.
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