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Artemis 10.7 Joust Guide - Full Guide (Work In Progress)

11 1 25,347
by MegaMouse updated July 24, 2023

Smite God: Artemis

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Artemis Build


Build Item Charged Morningstar Charged Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Ideal Full Build

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Envenomed Deathbringer Envenomed Deathbringer
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration


Notes This changes between Asi and Bloodforge
- Depends on how the game is going (Read more below for information)


This changes between Asi and Bloodforge
- Depends on how the game is going (Read more below for information)

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi

Offensive Options

Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Rage Rage

Defensive Options

Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor


Welcome to my first Guide here on SmiteFire!
Please keep in mind that not everything that I say here will apply to you, it's purely based on how your game sense lines up and what you actually feel comfortable doing! By no means am I the BEST Artemis player, but after getting 23 stars on Artemis I feel like I should Share my experience on how she could be played on Joust! (Still a work in Progress but im posting early for some feedback)Threats and synergies will be updated from my own experiences and when I get the time


Passive - Still Target

Still Target To put it simply, the passive ability known as "Still Target" Will come in handy for team fights where your team can get off alot of Crowd Control. Providing 15% increased Basic attack damage to enemy gods and 30% to minions that are affected by crowd control. Overall, a great Passive ability to have, but is purely situational when it comes down to it. (Not going to help if there isn't much cc)
1 - Transgressor's Fate
Transgressor's Fate This ability pairs well with Vengeful Assault for Artemis's low Mobility to get out of sticky situations, however it is a single target crowd control ability that doesn't last very long. Transgressor's Fate has tick damage after the initial damage (35/48/61//74/87 +30% of your Physical Power). This ability doesn't have much for setup, as it relies on timing or baiting to use it effectively.
2 - Vengeful Assault
Vengeful Assault Artemis's 2 Ability provides bonus attack speed and movement speed and makes her immune to slows for 0.6 seconds after activating. This as previously mentioned works well to get away from situations but it is also a great engagement once your team has the enemy cc'd or during a 1v1 scenario.
3 - Suppress The Insolent
Suppress The Insolent is Artemis's engagement ability! Right? Something she can zone with, engage, and causes a slow! This is her go to damage dealing ability paired with Vengeful Assault making her do pretty good burst damage on team fights and making her able to confirm kills.
4 - Calydonian Boar
Calydonian Boar is definitely Artemis's so called "Trap Card". This ultimate ability is for sure the make or break for Artemis, basically giving her another Purification Beads (If you already bought beads) a stun, teamfight crowd control, and damage that scales pretty great into late game (150/225/300/375/450 +100% of your Physical Power)


I never really had much of a great experience running any "Starter Item" on Artemis, however the viable one seems to be Hunter's Cowl because of it's Movement speed buff acquired if your teammates retreat after taking too much damage, or simply just using it for the attack speed Buff overall. It all depends on how you yourself like to play, and I choose to go for Transcendence first as my viable option to her terrible mana pool early on and a quick spike for power.

My next item of Choice would be The Crusher for early game pen, passive extra damage for her poke ability Suppress The Insolent and the attack speed buff, as it pairs well with her second ability Vengeful Assault for a bunch of early game quick burst damage

Next item would all have to depend on how the game is already going, if its going 1 sided and your team is stomping I recommend Bloodforge over Asi to stay in those fights a little longer if your maintaining a kill or 2 every teamfight.

Demon Blade is an excellent choice for a fourth item in a few situations. Due to Artemis's Low mobility it gives her enough attack speed + crit chance to win a fight against an assassin full diving her under tower or to finish off squishy mages/hunters during your time in lane. - Paired with Bloodforge or Asi usually you can win 1v1s if you use abilities wisely

For the fifth item of choice its hard to really say what you "Should" be building. If your having trouble with naturally tanky warriors or guardians bullying you then I can recommend The Ferocious Executioner over a Envenomed Deathbringer to deal with them swiftly from the backlines.

Finally, the last item is really up to you and what you are having trouble with, weather you are being out cc'd, being full dived by guardians/warriors, or getting targeted by assassins/mages in teamfights, the last item is kind of an icing on the cake to help you out on your ability to live through teamfights. I recommend Qin's Sais Titan's Bane Fail-Not or even Magi's Cloak to survive a cc and space yourself better, or to be able to powerhouse through when they think they've got you cornered.

Pros / Cons

Good Teamfight Ability
Very Good Late Game
High Pressure Early Game (This is Joust not Conquest...)
Bursty Early Game Damage


Low Mobility (No escapes unless you can time Transgressor's Fate and Vengeful Assault)
No room for error if you want to do well (Positioning)
Decent Mechanical ability and timing if you want to do well

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League of Legends Build Guide Author MegaMouse
Artemis 10.7 Joust Guide - Full Guide (Work In Progress)
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