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For your active go Meditation Cloak and then get another team fight active, or Phantom Veil for more aggression.
You can also swap Gauntlet of Thebes for
Tap each threat level to view Atlas’s threats
Atlas is in Smite, after 2 years of waiting here we are with our first support release.
First off your Unburden has a 20% slow on it making it useful for catching targets, and does decent damage on the initial hit! Make sure once you stop getting value from this ability you cancel it so it can go on cooldown faster.
Your other ability Gravity Pull can either let you pick up a target, or just knock them up, its useful CC, but it does feel a bit weird to use. Once you've played it a few times you'll get to where you understand how to use it. Using the pull feature helps to peel off people diving your backline, however it does not work against knockup immune abilities like
Guan Yu's ability
Taolu Assault. You also have no form of hard CC outside of the pull, so anyone that has abilities like this will be able to free cast on your team since you cant stop it with your kit.
Your Kinetic Charge lets you charge forward, and run into enemies, you will add a slow to the enemy you hit with your dash. Using your dash as an escape also mimics
Medusa dash, as in anyone can step in front of it, and cause you to collide with them, so watch your pathing!
Your ult is by far the coolest ult in the game, Gamma-Ray Burst its protection reduction is insane, and will help you win teamfights by being able to shred the tanks quicker!
You have no CC immunity in your kit, and if you get cc trapped, your kit really can not help you. You need to focus very hard on your positing with this god, as good players will abuse your lack of instant hard cc, and your lack of cc immunity.
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