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Ayo Ao Kuang

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by JewishFish updated August 12, 2018

Smite God: Ao Kuang

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Ao Kuang Build

Joust Fellas

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Hastened Ring Hastened Ring
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang


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Kriega1 (143) | August 12, 2018 3:10pm
Don’t build Hastened Ring on Ao Kuang. Alternative Build: Shoes of the Magi, Bancroft’s Talon, Demonic Grip, Spear of the Magus, Soul Reaver, Telkhines Ring, can sell Spear of the Magus for Obsidian Shard lategame, possibly sell Demonic Grip lategame for Rod of Tahuti or Divine Ruin. Alternative items are: Spear of Desolation, Magi’s Cloak, Mantle of Discord.
JewishFish | August 13, 2018 8:41am
hasten ring is a key part of the build thoe, and it give him a huge mobility buff
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 13, 2018 11:07am
Kriega didn't explain the reasons for NOT getting Hastened. Hopefully I can help explain his thinking.

Hastened Ring does indeed provide a nice buff to mobility when attempting a gank. The AS is great for getting Dragon Call off more quickly, but the passive is only up sometimes, so might not always be as helpful.

Have you heard of "Frostalis"? This was a term used for the combination of 2 items in past seasons when Hastened Fatalis was still an item (before it got split into magical Hastened Ring and physical Hastened Katana). Besides Fatalis, the other item was Frostbound Hammer (which is still in the game).

Now, the concept is to make it extremely difficult for the enemy to get away, due to the slow from Frostbound and the MS from Fatalis. But in all honesty, Fatalis by itself should generally allow you to stick to an enemy, without the need for Frostbound, bringing a form of inefficiency to the build, since Frostbound isn't all that great for actual damage output.

Frostbound remains an item chosen by gods that will NOT typically build Fatalis, but want a level of control in their basic attacks. It's used more by physical solo laners that can get good basic attack use, such as Bellona.

Now, in looking at Ao Kuang, it's the same concept. Dragon Call can be activated a 2nd time to apply a slow to the enemy. Your first few hits should be somewhat easy to get off in melee range if you're going for a gank and trying to catch them by surprise. Also, the Hastened items are better for gods that need to commit more fully to full basic attack function. Ao Kuang has pretty decent damage from his abilities, and he's often not going to be trying to 100-0 an enemy...he's going to want to target an already-hurt enemy, which means he doesn't need to keep sticking to the enemy with basics...a few procs of Dragon Call, added burst from Wild Storm, and then an ult to finish them, is often all he's looking for.

As such, Hastened Ring isn't a terrible item for him...but if you can learn to work without it, you'll find better stats from alternate items such as those Kriega proposed. You'll still get good enhanced attack speed from Demonic Grip and Telkhines Ring, to help get your Dragons off quickly, but they provide more damage potential than Hastened.

Also, earlier pen function is a good idea (you get your first pen item, Demonic, as 4th item, which is honestly a bit late...which is also why Kriega suggested Shoes of the Magi to hold you over until then). Also, Polynomicon isn't as good of an item for him anymore, now that Wild Storm doesn't proc the passive.

Finally, you go with 3 lifesteal items. Sure, they all have different functions to a degree, but this is overkill, and it makes you lose out on a variety of other functionality.

Hopefully this info helps.
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Ayo Ao Kuang
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