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Bakasura Jungle/Laning Guide [Revising]

33 3 166,743
by Ghetto updated January 14, 2014

Smite God: Bakasura

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Bakasura Build

Starting Out

Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power

Early Game

Build Item Tabi Tabi
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet

Mid Game

Build Item Fatalis Fatalis
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

End Game

Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Second Ability (Pick One)

Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Bakasura's Skill Order

Take Down

1 X Y
Take Down
3 14 16 18 19

Eat Minion

2 A B
Eat Minion
1 8 11 12 15

Butcher Blades

3 B A
Butcher Blades
2 4 6 7 10


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Take Down
3 14 16 18 19

Take Down

1 X
Bakasura leaps to his ground target location, dealing damage to all enemies in the area, increases the damage they take from all sources by 10% and lowers their healing received for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 / 340 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Damage Taken Increase: 10%
Healing Reduction: 40%
Duration: 3s
Radius: 15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Eat Minion
1 8 11 12 15

Eat Minion

2 A
Bakasura grabs a minion and devours it, healing himself, restoring Mana, reducing his 1st and 3rd ability cooldowns, and gaining a Protections Buff. Large Jungle monsters must be at 33% Health to be eaten, but will provide 2 minions toward Regurgitate. Up to 6 minions can be stored for Regurgitate.

Ability Type: Target, Buff
Heal: 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Mana Restore: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown Decrease: 1.5s
Protections: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Protections Duration: 10s
Cost: 40
Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8s
Butcher Blades
2 4 6 7 10

Butcher Blades

3 B
Bakasura passively gains Physical Power. When activated, he gains additional true damage on each strike for the duration.

Ability Type: Buff
Passive Physical Power: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
True Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70
Duration: 6s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Bakasura regurgitates all of the minions consumed by his Eat Minion ability at his ground target location that Slows, Cripples, and damages enemy players every 0.5s. This area lasts for 6s. Bakasura's Basic Attacks become cone attacks and he is immune to Crowd Control for a short duration. Bakasura is able to use Eat Minion on his regurgitated minions.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Cone Attack Duration: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10s
CC Immunity Duration: 1.5s
Minion Damage: 17 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Radius: 25
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


NOTE: I have only published this to update the build for players who comes across my guide, I am currently in the process of reworking the rest of the guide.

This guide has been reworked for the current state of Smite.

In this guide I will explain:

- How certain items benefit Bakasura

- Strengths and Weaknesses.

- How to play Bakasura effectively.

- When and when not to gank.

- Gods which are easy/hard to play against.

Pros / Cons


+ Has a high DPS.
+ Has good sustain (eat minions).
+ Deals true damage ( Butcher Blades).


- Dies very quickly when focused.
- Bad in teamfights ^
- Early game his ganks are limited.


Insatiable Hunger

- Ability: Passive

This ability gives Bakasura a speed/attack speed buff when he kills enemies, which is useful for chasing down enemy gods or escaping from them.

Take Down

- Ability: 1

Can be used to iniate a gank dealing some damage or escape from enemies. It can be used over walls which could allow you to secure a kill by taking a shortcut, or escape certain death.

eat minions

eat minions

- Ability: 2

When a minion is devoured Bakasura gains health and a temporary protections buff which can be useful when escaping enemies. Every devoured minion adds a stack to Regurgitate (max 6).

Butcher Blades

- Ability: 3

Bakasura gains a physical power buff and deals true damage on basic attack hits. You want to use this ability whenever you are fighting enemy gods.

Note: True damage bypasses protections.


- Ability: 4 (Ultimate)

Bakasura's basic attacks become cone attacks and the ground target area applies a slow and cripples enemy gods within the radius. Also, for every stack Bakasura has (gained from Eat Minion) he creates a miniature version of himself, which will attack nearby enemies.


Main Items

Death's Toll

Some would argue that Bumba's Mask would be a better choice because of it's health restore or the solo gold bonus, and they might be right, but I disagree. I take Death's Toll because it's base stats are better, it gives you some lifesteal, agreeably it will not heal you as much as the passive on Bumba's Mask, but on Bakasura I would rather have the extra physical power and attack speed bonus which helps out early game when ganking and counter jungling. The solo gold bonus will only be needed throughout the first 2 or 3 camps, and then it is essentially useless. Death's Toll gives you an advantage over a jungler that uses Bumba's Mask and that is why I build it.

Warrior Tabi

The base starter item for most physical gods. All attributes of this item are useful to Bakasura - Physical power, attack speed, movement speed, and physical penetration. To put it simply, you need this item.


You want to build this item early on because of its stacks. I build Heartseeker second, before Hastened Fatalis. The fatalis could give you an advantage when chasing down kills because of its passive, which is useful early game, but for the sake of stacks I build it after my Heartseeker as it doesn't really make a difference anyway.

Hastened Fatalis

Some people prefer to get other items here, for example The Executioner works well, but I like to take the Hastened Fatalis because it gives you movement speed as well as attack speed. This helps a lot when you are roaming and will allow you to get to camps quicker and out run most enemies.

The Executioner

The Executioner is a great item for Bakasura, it gives you lots of physical power and attack speed - very useful. I do not recommend swapping this item out as it provides Bakasura with his two most important values - physical power and attack speed.

Qin's Blades

Qin's blades are great mid/late game items. They give you a good amount of physical power, attack speed, and extra health. It's passive lets Bakasura deal more damage if the enemy's health is higher - this only effects gods. If you do not have much gold, Frostbound Hammer works well too, but does not give you the extra attack speed which can make a big difference. Although the passive for Frostbound Hammer is good and would be a good substitute for an item like this.


Rage is a good late game item. It is expensive, but it gives you a big overall damage boost, which will allow you to get some late game kills, take buffs easily, and make the final push.

Other Items

eye of retaliation

eye of retaliation

The eye of retaliation is a good item to get but if you use it you cannot have both Hastened Fatalis and The Executioner. If you do decide to use this item instead of one of the other items, I recommend keeping the Hastened Fatalis, otherwise you lack in attack and movement speed.

Soul Eater

The soul eater is a good substitute for devourer's gloves, it's passive gives extra physical power and physical life steal to allies within 30 feet, and it also gives you attack speed which Devourer's gloves does not. But the real difference between the two is that it gives you 300 extra health, which could be the difference between life and death.

Frostbound Hammer

The Frostbound Hammer provides a good amount of physical power and health, so it could be a substitute for any other similar item. It's passive is very useful - it slows enemies by 25% for 2 seconds on every basic attack speed, which for Bakasura, is very useful since he has such high attack speed, you would essentially prevent the enemy god from escaping.


The Deathbringer overall gives you a lot more damage, I would recommend you use it even though I have not put it in one of my builds (I sometimes swap it for The Executioner or Hastened Fatalis). I normally keep the Hastened Fatalis because of the extra attack speed, which means more hits and more crits!


Starting off you want to do mid harpies or a more difficult buff with your team mates, as it gives you a lot of gold when using Bumba's Mask. You should then pop your potion of physical might and solo a buff camp (I recommend Attack Buff), this should not be difficult as you have Hand of the Gods - it is important that you solo camps early game to get more xp, as having the level advantage over the enemy jungler can be vital in some situations. Some people do not understand this concept, and will ignore you and do early camps with you anyway thinking they know best, and you will not gain enough xp to level up and get your Butcher Blades, this is not the end of the world and you will recover very quickly, it just means that you could be a level behind the enemy jungler if you come across them in the jungle.

The rout I usually take is marked on the map below, after this rout you can take any camp you come across as you will be a high enough level, but it is best to start with harpy camps if you do not have Hand of the Gods ready.

When you are in lane you want to eat minions as often as possible. Obviously if you are low mana and don't need any health then don't use it, but apart from that you want to eat as often as possible since it also gives you a buff.

Enemy Gods

In this section I will be listing a few gods which I HATE to lane against and why.


- Difficulty: Moderate

When laning as Bakasura you need to be careful as you are very squishy. You can play more aggressively if you use your eat minions ability at the right time to avoid death. But most of the time when you are in a tricky situation you use Take Down to escape. Ares prevents you from escaping with his Shackles which is what makes him so annoying to lane against. He can just stop you from leaping away while his team mate does a load of damage to you. You could use Purification Beads but it would be such a waste - you want to keep them for his Ultimate ( No Escape.

Ability 1 - Shackles

Ability 2 - Bolster Defenses

Ability 3 - Searing Flesh

Ability 4 - No Escape


Default - Cost: Free

Butcher - Cost: 200 or 11000

Death Machine - Cost: 400

Feaster Bunny - Cost: 400


Thank you for reading my guide, now go and win some games!

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Tinyshadows | February 21, 2014 10:06am
I have done really well using the second build so far. I replaced Fatalis with Heartseeker and felt it was a slight improvement. I have also been playing around a bit with the skill order (I spread Butcher Blades out by 2 more levels and got a bit more eat minions, since I am still a new player and needed the health). Overall, excellent guide for a beginner, thanks!

Also, SightLess, a guide does not need to be redone just because you did badly with a build... that just means you aren't good with the build, not that the build is bad. Practice more and you should see improvement OR decide this style of play and God just aren't your cup of tea.
SightLess | January 4, 2014 7:20pm
i did bad with this build please re do it
Ripuhh | December 22, 2013 11:43am
I found that when using the Death's Toll build, Qin's Sais works infinitely better than Qin's Blades.
Catchmebiitch | December 17, 2013 2:16am
Great guide BUT, Speed buff also gives 10% attack speed
Subzero008 (112) | December 12, 2013 12:35pm
I'll make sure to check in on this guide. And of course, I'll change my vote if the rework is good.
Ghetto (3) | December 12, 2013 12:18pm
Subzero008 wrote:

This guide is pretty bad.

The items are alright. I like the different builds you give.

The skills, however, are just copypasta'd from the wiki. You give absolutely no info on how to use them, when to use them, etc.

You give good reasons to pick the items. I have no problem with this.

But there reason why I'm giving this a downvote is the complete lack of any actual guiding on this guide. You give a little vague paragraph on what to do early game, but there is no info on being a jungler. No guide to camp clearing, no guide on aggression, or ganking, or invading, or counterjungling, or countercounterjungling. You don't give him a role in teamfights, either, or the role of Baka late game when everyone's grouped up.

The matchups bit with Ares is nice, but it is also incomplete.

Overall, this guide is half-baked. Downvote, needs more info.

I agree. My guide is old and I have only briefly come back every patch to edit some aspects. I need to re-do the guide. Expect it.
Subzero008 (112) | December 12, 2013 11:00am
This guide is pretty bad.

The items are alright. I like the different builds you give.

The skills, however, are just copypasta'd from the wiki. You give absolutely no info on how to use them, when to use them, etc.

You give good reasons to pick the items. I have no problem with this.

But there reason why I'm giving this a downvote is the complete lack of any actual guiding on this guide. You give a little vague paragraph on what to do early game, but there is no info on being a jungler. No guide to camp clearing, no guide on aggression, or ganking, or invading, or counterjungling, or countercounterjungling. You don't give him a role in teamfights, either, or the role of Baka late game when everyone's grouped up.

The matchups bit with Ares is nice, but it is also incomplete.

Overall, this guide is half-baked. Downvote, needs more info.
Lockarn | December 12, 2013 10:07am
Really nice guide! I've used it successfully many times. Thanks!
Depot | October 12, 2013 10:06pm
Good build!
Debin (1) | October 12, 2013 9:15pm
Quite weak in my opinion.
Debin (1) | October 12, 2013 9:15pm
Quite weak in my opinion.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghetto
Bakasura Jungle/Laning Guide [Revising]
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