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Bake Kujira Support Conquest Guide

35 9 78,681
by Dashboarrd updated February 8, 2025

Smite God: Bake Kujira

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Bake Kujira Build


Notes I mostly do this start on every support. Benevolence is a fantastic starter because you can upgrade it to Compassion later on, giving you arguably the best support item in the game.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes. Sturdy Stew is in my opinion the best support recipe since when you get hard CC'd it provides both you and your nearby allies protections which can scale up to 30 when you hit level 20. So it's a fantastic item to have until you have to purchase your 6th item late game. Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.


I mostly do this start on every support. Benevolence is a fantastic starter because you can upgrade it to Compassion later on, giving you arguably the best support item in the game.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes. Sturdy Stew is in my opinion the best support recipe since when you get hard CC'd it provides both you and your nearby allies protections which can scale up to 30 when you hit level 20. So it's a fantastic item to have until you have to purchase your 6th item late game. Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.

Build Item Benevolence Benevolence
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Full Build

Notes This build is a super backline oriented build, which helps your cooldowns out as well.

Compassion, Gauntlet of Thebes, and Sovereignty are all aura protection items that improve the defense and survivability of your allies around you.

Shogun's Kusari is also an aura, but it increases the attack speed of your allies nearby, increasing their offensive capabilities. It also synchronizes with Bake Kujira as well since part of his kit relies on autoattacks and he gets haste per 1% extra attack speed he has.

Lastly, Spirit Robe, Relic Dagger, and Shogun's Kusari all give you cooldown to get your abilities back faster. This is really nice since Bake Kujira ult is on a 110 second base cooldown, which scales down to 90 seconds at max rank.

Also as a side note, order of the build is up to you. I would probably go Sovereignty before Relic Dagger.


This build is a super backline oriented build, which helps your cooldowns out as well.

Compassion, Gauntlet of Thebes, and Sovereignty are all aura protection items that improve the defense and survivability of your allies around you.

Shogun's Kusari is also an aura, but it increases the attack speed of your allies nearby, increasing their offensive capabilities. It also synchronizes with Bake Kujira as well since part of his kit relies on autoattacks and he gets haste per 1% extra attack speed he has.

Lastly, Spirit Robe, Relic Dagger, and Shogun's Kusari all give you cooldown to get your abilities back faster. This is really nice since Bake Kujira ult is on a 110 second base cooldown, which scales down to 90 seconds at max rank.

Also as a side note, order of the build is up to you. I would probably go Sovereignty before Relic Dagger.

Build Item Compassion Compassion
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Eldritch Dagger Eldritch Dagger

Relics & Shard

Notes Phantom Shell and Emblem of Increasing Peril are great defensive relics and complement Bake Kujira play style, if you want to play for the backline. Bake Kujira can be played in different ways, whether they are offensive or defensive. I mainly like the defensive playstyle, so this guide focuses on a defensive style and with that these 2 relics provide that extra safety cushion for his backline in a defensive style.


Phantom Shell and Emblem of Increasing Peril are great defensive relics and complement Bake Kujira play style, if you want to play for the backline. Bake Kujira can be played in different ways, whether they are offensive or defensive. I mainly like the defensive playstyle, so this guide focuses on a defensive style and with that these 2 relics provide that extra safety cushion for his backline in a defensive style.

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Emblem of Increasing Peril Emblem of Increasing Peril

Situational Relics

Notes These relics are more situational depending on team comp. But for example, if you're against an Ao Kuang, then Temporal Beads is needed to prevent him from snowballing off of you. For Khepri in particular, if they have a heavy crowd control (CC) comp, then beads may be needed for him.

Heavenly Wings is also good if they have a lot of slows. I like going Entangling Wings, but if you have multiple ADCS then Hastened Wings is better.

Lastly, Bracer's a nice pickup if you have immobile characters that might benefit from the movement speed they get from it. Also really good with mage ADCs, such as Olorun, Sol, and Freya.


These relics are more situational depending on team comp. But for example, if you're against an Ao Kuang, then Temporal Beads is needed to prevent him from snowballing off of you. For Khepri in particular, if they have a heavy crowd control (CC) comp, then beads may be needed for him.

Heavenly Wings is also good if they have a lot of slows. I like going Entangling Wings, but if you have multiple ADCS then Hastened Wings is better.

Lastly, Bracer's a nice pickup if you have immobile characters that might benefit from the movement speed they get from it. Also really good with mage ADCs, such as Olorun, Sol, and Freya.

Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Entangling Wings Entangling Wings
Build Item Bracer of Brilliance Bracer of Brilliance

Situational Items

Notes This can be pretty complex, so it's hard to get it all down through text. But a few pivots you could do with your build are:

Heartward Amulet if they're 3 or 4+ magical damage, in place of Sovereignty. Erosion if they have a lot of shielding, for example if they have a Charon.

You can go Magi's Shelter for you and your teammates if they have a lot of heavy crowd control, for example Ares or Da Ji.

Spectral Armor in place of Sovereignty or Spirit Robe if they have a lot of crit.


This can be pretty complex, so it's hard to get it all down through text. But a few pivots you could do with your build are:

Heartward Amulet if they're 3 or 4+ magical damage, in place of Sovereignty. Erosion if they have a lot of shielding, for example if they have a Charon.

You can go Magi's Shelter for you and your teammates if they have a lot of heavy crowd control, for example Ares or Da Ji.

Spectral Armor in place of Sovereignty or Spirit Robe if they have a lot of crit.

Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Erosion Erosion
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor
Build Item Magi's Shelter Magi's Shelter
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor

Bake Kujira's Skill Order Notes I like leveling Sonic Wave first. After that I like to put at least 3 points into Twisting Dive to increase his stun duration. From there you can either max it or max Sonic Wave while putting a point into Yokai's Lament when you're able to.


I like leveling Sonic Wave first. After that I like to put at least 3 points into Twisting Dive to increase his stun duration. From there you can either max it or max Sonic Wave while putting a point into Yokai's Lament when you're able to.

Rough Waters

1 X Y
Rough Waters
3 15 16 18 19

Sonic Wave

2 A B
Sonic Wave
1 7 8 10 11

Twisting Dive

3 B A
Twisting Dive
2 4 6 12 14

Yokai's Lament

4 Y X
Yokai's Lament
5 9 13 17 20
Rough Waters
3 15 16 18 19

Rough Waters

1 X
Bake Kujira imbues himself with cursed energy. When activated, Bake Kujira gains increased Basic Attack range and reduced Movement Penalty when Basic Attacking. He also gains a stack of Protections for each enemy hit with his Basic Attacks.

Ability Type: Buff
Basic Attack Radius: 20
Protections per stack: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Max Stacks: 8
Movement Penalty Reduction: 50%
Duration: 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Sonic Wave
1 7 8 10 11

Sonic Wave

2 A
Bake Kujira sends out a wave of cursed energy. Enemies hit are slowed, damaged, and Cursed. Enemies that are Cursed deal reduced damage for 6s. If a Cursed enemy is hit by this ability, the slow is doubled and their Curse becomes amplified. Bake Kujira’s Basic Attacks reduce this ability’s Cooldown by 1s when hitting an enemy god and 0.1s when hitting an enemy minion.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Curse Damage Reduction: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%
Amplified Curse Damage Reduction: 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20%
Slow: 15% for 2s
Range: 40
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 10s
Twisting Dive
2 4 6 12 14

Twisting Dive

3 B
Bake Kujira gathers power then dashes straight ahead, damaging enemies around him. Enemies hit by the dash take additional damage and are stunned and pushed to Bake Kujira’s ending location. Bake Kujira is immune to Knockback while using this ability.

Ability Type: Line, Dash, Damage
Splash Damage: 55/85/115/145/175 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Dash Damage: 60/105/150/195/240 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1.5s
Range: 40
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Yokai's Lament
5 9 13 17 20

Yokai's Lament

4 Y
Bake Kujira begins to sing for the next 5s, gaining bonus Basic Attack Damage, increasing his Basic Attack range to 20, and distorting a large area around himself with the sound waves. Enemies between 20 and 50 units away gain stacks of time dilation every 0.25s, causing all of their actions to happen more slowly. Leaving the time dilation area will cause the stacks of time dilation to decay over time. Enemies within 20 units are not time dilated, but instead take increased damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff
Time Dilation debuff: 10% slower per stack
Max Stacks: 4
Bonus Basic Attack Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%
Nearby Enemy Damage Increase: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%
Inner/Outer Radius: 20/50
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s

Intro / About Me

Hey there, I go by Dashboarrd and I'm a Grandmaster Support Conquest player. I've competed in the SCC (Smite Challenger Circuit) and I have won SOC (Smite Open Circuit). I have also won plenty of gem tourneys during the weekends, such as Iced and Vulpis. I have put in many hours into Smite and in particular Bake Kujira. I hope this guide can give you some new direction with Bake Kujira if you're struggling with him, or just improve your overall Bake Kujira gameplay.

You can reach out to me via the following channels:


Bake Kujira's Abilities

Note: Bake Kujira passive might seem a bit complex but all it is, is converting a percentage of his protections into autoattack power. Also for every 1% of attack speed he gets 1% haste. Haste is pretty much the ability to move while auto attacking. When you auto attack in Smite, your movement speed is automatically reduced to 50% of it's value. Haste reduces this reduction allowing you to move more freely while auto attacking.

Passive - Curse of the Ghost Whale

To maximize this passive to it's fullest extent, it's all about getting a ton of protections and attack speed when you can. This is why I really like Shogun's Kusari on him because it's a mixture of protections and attack speed as well as cooldown.

You also want to get CC'd so you can apply damage reduction to the target that CC'd you. This also compliments his 2nd ability Sonic Wave because it's stacks and amplifies this damage reduction.

Ability 1 - Rough Waters

This ability is pretty much a self-buff to Bake Kujira. It widens the range of your autoattacks and gives you protections based on who your autoattacking.

The big thing for this ability though is every time you autoattack a target you get protections which increases your autoattacks damage because of your passive.

Ability 2 - Sonic Wave

Sonic Wave is a really nice ability that has a deceptively large amount of utility to it. It can slow targets as well as reduce the damage they do. And if you use it in conjunction with your passive, you get amplified slow and reduction making the effects more potent.

I would use this as a small form of peel. The damage reduction and slow effects can help your ally hit their target and take less damage, thus staying in the fight for a longer period of time.

Ability 3 - Twisting Dive

This ability is going to be the more traditional form of CC found in his kit. It has a knockback to a stun, kind of like Hercules' driving strike. What's interesting is the stun is actually applied first, so you can knockback targets who are knockback immune.

I would actually max this ability first, because you 3x the stun duration (0.5 to 1.5 seconds) as you max it. However, you can also put say 3 points into it, then max his 2nd ability, the choice is yours.

Ultimate - Yokai's Lament

Super cool ability with a time dilation effect. The only other one in Smite is Olorun's ultimate. I would use this as a form of peel when your backline gets dove as it makes it really hard for the enemy to followup on damage or move around. Also if the enemy is close enough to you while this ability is active, instead of having slowing procs of time dilation, they instead take increased damage.

The last thing to note about this ability is because they are stacks overtime, it'll be more potent the later the ability lasts on a target. But also when they leave the radius of this ability, they lose the stacks overtime. So essentially they are still effected by your ultimate even after they leave the radius of your ultimate.

A combo your abilities is to make sure you spam Sonic Wave as much as possible with your 1st ability active since it reduces Sonic Wave's cooldown for each autoattack you hit an enemy with. So you'll get Sonic Wave up pretty quickly in fights.

Map Play

Game Start:
  • Support should start purple and pull it outwards. In this time your ADC should be pulling Green and dragging it towards you (or vice versa). When both buffs are grouped, as you clear them pull them towards the lane. Watch out for invades!

  • From here you should be sitting in duo lane for a majority of the early game. You want to stay there to contest protection (or shield) buff and pressure with your ADC. If you have enough pressure you can also invade their camps, such as Purple buff and their backcamps, even Green buff.

Mid Game:
  • Around the mid game you want to now start to play around the middle of the map as more objectives are spawning now.

  • These objectives consist of Beacon, Oracles, and Pyromancer. Try to pressure mid t1 tower too if your team has the pressure for it. Once that's down it creates map pressure from mid lane.

Teamfights (Late Game):
  • Here you want to make sure to use your kit effectively. Bake Kujira can be played as a protector or as an aggressor, although his engage or ability to start the fight isn't the best. You want to take all the damage reduction you have and use it to reduce aggro pressure on your carries. If they get jumped on then it's a perfect time to ult. It's also a perfect time to use Twisting Dive as a pushback and stun tool. Make sure to spam Sonic Wave on enemies looking to harm your allies since their damage output will be reduced once hit by this ability.


Early / Mid Game Warding:

That ward you're buying in the early game, you want to place it at the area between their purple and shield camp about 23 seconds or sooner before the game actually starts, if you think you'll have pressure.

If you don't think you'll have pressure, place that same ward on your side in the same area about 10 seconds prior to the game starting. This will give you early gank info.

If you're able to get 2 wards at the start, place one defensively and one offensively in the same spots.

As you're playing through duo lane you really want to ward their backcamps for info for your team. Get 2 wards, typically after you buy Thebes, and place them at their purple buff or their back camps and their green buff.

Try to refresh these wards as often as you can. They give very good info on where the enemy jungler is at and if the enemy team is mobilizing towards duo side to setup for a Gold Fury.

In the map below, the red circles indicate the spots that you should ward aggressively and the blue circles indicate the spots you should ward passively.

Late Game Warding:

Of course this depends where you're at in the game. But around fire giant, same concept. Try to get high wards around their backcamps, red, and even blue buff to give your team info.

On offensive sieges, try to place a sentry ward between their phoenixes that you're about to siege to gain info on people playing that gap. These wards are indicated by the Red circles on the map.

On defensive sieges, place a sentry between phoenixes they're about to siege so you and your team can play that gap area without worry. These wards are indicated by the Blue circles on the map.

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broskithrows | November 23, 2024 6:15pm
threw on this build and went 1-11,got melted by every single guy on their team at all points of the game and also didnt do dmg at all
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 23, 2024 10:48pm
Note that this isn't a damage build. You'll deal some, but it's not focused on you dealing damage but rather providing some helpful auras and general tankiness to help your team win teamfights.

A single game of going 1-11 isn't necessarily indicative of the effectiveness of the build, nor would multiple games potentially be either. General skill and knowledge of the player, matchups etc. come into play as well. If you'd like to link your match it might give us an idea of why you did so poorly.
broskithrows | November 24, 2024 1:30pm
I'd prefer not to. I just dont play bake support so im not blaming on the build and saw the other comment. Thought it would be funny to say this after trolling the game. But realistically their gods kinda countered me
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KBeersmash | April 30, 2024 8:22pm
Still new to the game, and decided to check out whale boi. Threw on this build, and I’ve gone 6-0. Each match ending by surrender roughly after mid-game. He feels a little squishy at first, but once the armors get slapped on, he becomes damn near unkillable.

Edit: also I’ve had an issue with buying pots and ward. For some reason I don’t get any option to buy consumables when I play Bake?
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Bake Kujira Support Conquest Guide
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