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by Nothing Yet updated March 24, 2015

Smite God: Hel

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Universal Build Tankier Hel Full Heals/Damages
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Hel Build

To Start

Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact

Main Build - Finish shoes first then build around/with Tahuti

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius

Defensive - Choose 1 or 2 (If you or your team is behind)

Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor

Lifesteal, I wouldn't advise getting it, but you can

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon


Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Actives that work well with Hel

Build Item Combat Blink Combat Blink
Build Item Improved Purification Improved Purification
Build Item Improved Meditation Improved Meditation
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Healer on the other team?

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin

Hel's Skill Order

Decay / Restoration

1 X Y
Decay / Restoration
2 4 8 11 12

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A B
Hinder / Cleanse
14 15 16 18 19

Repulse / Inspire

3 B A
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 7 10

Switch Stances

4 Y X
Switch Stances
5 9 13 17 20
Decay / Restoration
2 4 8 11 12

Decay / Restoration

1 X
DECAY (Dark Stance) - Hel fires an orb of decay that deals damage and passes through minions. The orb will explode in a 12 unit radius if it hits a god or reaches max range.

RESTORATION (Light Stance) - Hel fires an orb of restoration that damages enemy minions and stops on gods. Hitting an enemy god deals damage. Hitting an allied god provides that god and Hel Health and Mana.

Ability Type: Line, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Light Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 4 per level
Light Mana Heal: 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115
Light Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 8s
Hinder / Cleanse
14 15 16 18 19

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A
HINDER (Dark Stance) - Hel debuffs all enemies in the targeted area, reducing their Magical Protection and slowing them for 3s.

CLEANSE (Light Stance) - Hel cleanses all allied gods in the targeted area, removing all Crowd Control effects instantly and protecting them from future ones for a duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff
Dark Protections Debuff: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 + 5% Magical Protection Reduction
Dark Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Light CC Immunity: 1.5s
Range: 55
Radius: 20
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 7 10

Repulse / Inspire

3 B
REPULSE (Dark Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of dark energy around her, damaging all nearby enemies.

INSPIRE (Light Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of light energy around her, healing herself instantly and applying a heal over time to nearby allies that ticks every 1s. This heal is half as effective when healing minions. Hel gains Increased Movement Speed, and allies gain a reduced amount (10%) for the duration. Hel and allies also gain 20% Attack Speed while the buff is active.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Light Self Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 6 per level
Light Heal Per Tick: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 + 0.9 per level
Light Movement Speed: 20%
Light Duration: 5s
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Switch Stances
5 9 13 17 20

Switch Stances

4 Y
Dark Stance - Hel's abilities cause damage and she gains increased Magical Power.

Light Stance - Hel's abilities heal and support her allies and she gains increased Protections.

Passive - Hel gains increased MP5 and half of all benefits gained, including Physical Power, from Switch Stances are shared with allied gods within 55 units.

Ability Type: Buff
Dark Magical Power: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Light Magical and Physical Protections: 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25
MP5: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1s


So, this is my first build guide.
I've played a fair share of games with Hel, and won a lot. I've made a custom build in my head, using guides from multiple people, and they've been good, but I haven't been able to get the KD ratios that I have with Hel by following those build. Whenever I see someone playing as Hel, they use strange builds, and only once has it killed me when they were on the other team, all the other times I've whooped them, even when they're several mastery's above mine, so here's the guid I bring to you.

Note, this is my first build guide, so bare with me.

Getting to know Hel

So, Hel has 3 major skills, and cool down-less-switch-forms ultimate. For some this might be strange, "Her ultimate is USELESS!!" and you'd be wrong completely. This guide will cover the support (from ap) side of Hel

Pros / Cons

There are some pros and cons for Hel, as do many gods

High damage at full build
Big heals
Good for buffs

Known for being squishy at the beginning
Don't get cornered or ganked
Cooldowns can mess you up a lot

Skill Briefing

Hel has, as I said, 3 major moves

Decay / Restoration

Used as a basic attack on dark stance and a life steal on light stance

Hinder / Cleanse

Used as a debuff on dark and a buff on light

Repulse / Inspire

Heavy AOE damage and HUGE AOE heal with enough magic power

And for her ultimate Switch Stances does exactly what it says, it switches stances, both changing her moves, while keeping the basic form of each, ie. AOE or line attack, and giving her either MP5 or Magic power, respectively with each level of the skill.

Let's get into the skills

So, basically, if you've seen my skill sequence, which I hope you have, you will notice that I favor Repulse / Inspire A lot, and there's a reason for that. The skill Repulse / Inspire can save your life, and kill your enemies in mere seconds. Now, let's make a scenario here, let's say you're low on health and are currently being chased, don't freak out, instead, use Repulse / Inspire on the ground below you while in light stance, this will not only heal you, but also give you a movement bonus for a couple seconds, which can save your life, depending on which god you're up against.

Use this whenever at full build, though at early game I wouldn't use this nilly-willy, instead use it when you need a heal in light stance, not necessarily on a god, but a minion, just because they're easier to target.

Don't use this in the early game as the skill and players are weak, instead, use Hinder / Cleanse in the mid-late game as your magic power and the general power of the players will increase, thus there needing to be a buff-debuff for players.

There is absolutely no mana cost or cooldown for this skill, though there is a time to use it, when going in to combat, use Dark Stance, after combat, switch to Light Stance. There is a buff for each Stance, in dark stance you gain Magic power, and with Light Stance, you gain MP5 (Mana regen)

these skills gain power with each level and depend on magic power [seen in the Turquoise colored (parenthesis) seen in the skill]

How do I use these skills!?!?!?!

The examples below are considered while at full to near full level/build, use each skill wisely below such level and build!!

Well, your main damage is going to come from Dark Stance, suing Switch Stances will activate either Stance opposite on whatever stance you're in, Ie, you're in light, use Switch Stances boom, you're in dark, simple.

Accordingly, your main healing and support aspect of Hel will come from Light Stance, used with Switch Stances.

Now, if you're going to attack, attack with Decay / Restoration first, and, depending on where they are, use Hinder / Cleanse while in dark stance to slow them. If you need to catch up to an enemy, use Repulse / Inspire while in light stance to speed up and catch up to them, use all your damaging abilities wisely and you might just get that kill!! But be careful, the enemy team might see you're engaging and attack you, when this happens, use Hinder / Cleanse while in dark stance to slow them, and, because of the help of CDR, use Switch Stances to activate light stance and use Repulse / Inspire to heal and get away. Use Decay / Restoration in either stance when you need a boost in damage or some healing.


Let's preface with this, Hel is a healer and those heals are based on the base skill, like Repulse / Inspire is both a heal and an attack, simply by Switch Stances you can change between these, each skill does something yada yada yada Let's get to the Items and whatnot

Adding more later

This guide is a work in progress, not nearly enough testing has gone into the build, so if you're kind enough, try the build out in each game-mode, send me your opinions on the build, send in some items that you think should be deserving of the build.

Be sure to voice your opinion on my build!!!

Update 1/30 I will be working all weekend, with testing and changing certain things, such as skills, items, playing styles, the build, and the guide. You probably won't see much updates on the build soon, but I will take notes and whatnot.

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NovaRetort | April 2, 2015 8:23am
This is quite an interesting build, especially considering the fact that you said you don't main Hel all to much. I've been playing her a lot over the weekend, got her to Worshiper Mastery 3 and I still love playing her due to her flexibility. From looking at your build, it's safe to say that we have a very similar taste in what to build her with, haha!

It is quite interesting that you've stuck the Breastplate of Valor in the defensive section for use only when you or your team is behind, as that has significant cooldown reduction which I personally find vital when it comes to Hel, both support and offensive. I need to try this build out though, as I'm currently only just looking at it so for all I know it could be an incredible build in game; sorry for reviewing it without hands-on experience. <3

In terms of the meditation active, I personally find that just getting the lowest level of Meditation is enough to carry until mid/late game, and it is especially useful directly at the beginning as you can continue to support / push without having to recall unless it's absolutely necessary. I can easily see where having greater meditation would come in use though, as it would help you regain mana and heal you, stopping you from then wasting more mana on healing yourself. Although, if you're supporting or just about to heal an ally in general, then I'd see it as a better thing when you heal yourself and your ally at the same time, instead of using meditation to heal yourself and get your mana back first; this is just a sense of "yay, I healed more than just one person with my heal" so it's nothing that will actually matter in the long run I guess!

Anyways, sorry for the blocks of text, and sorry if I seemed obvious in anything I said. This is my first response to a build on here considering I literally made my account a couple of minutes ago! I'm going to look forward to using this build in the battlefield!

Edit 1: I'm so pro that I didn't even notice the 3 builds in one guide, whoops. All of this text was in reference to the first build.
Greenevers (105) | January 30, 2015 2:44pm
Nice build mate!
Nothing Yet | January 27, 2015 7:25pm
Thanks for the feedback, like I said, I don't usually main Hel, so I'm trying out all different types of builds, and I found this build was easy to work with. I'll add your suggestions and fix any contradictions at a later date.
SexxyHexxy (2) | January 27, 2015 10:31am
This guide needs some work as you say. For starter only get 1 point in your ult at lvl 5 and then cap your 3 and then your 1 first. Ignoring your ult after the first point is pretty basic Hel.

You descriptions of the skills is confusing for new players. You said "
Accordingly, your main healing and support aspect of Hel will come from Dark Stance, used with Switch Stances." I am assuming you mean that when in Dark Stance you should use Switch Stance to get to light so that you can heal and support but your wording is extremely confusing.

Take out Ethereal Staff and replace it with Book of Thoth. Ethereal Staff isn't even a good option if you want to go more defensive on Hel. Also, take out Gem of Isolation and put in Rod of Tahuti(sp). No mage build should ever not have the Rod of T in it some where. The more power she has the harder she heals for as well so it is just a great item.

I also usually go Pen Boots and just have Chrono's Pend for my CDR. You don't NEED full CDR on Hel but I will agree it is very nice. I just like to hit harder.

You also contradict yourself by saying not to use Hinder in early game but you go ahead and get a skill point in it at lvl 4. What is the point of saying not to use it? The slow it puts on the enemy can easily get you a kill early game.

You should also have Divine Ruin in an optional slot some where. When going up against a healer it is simply amazing on Hel because her AoE is just so large that she can shut down the whole team with one skill.

Sorry if I sound critical. Hel is my favorite goddess and I want to see her make her way into the competitive Meta more but your guide so far will just lead people astray I think.
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