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So, this is my first build guide.
I've played a fair share of games with Hel, and won a lot. I've made a custom build in my head, using guides from multiple people, and they've been good, but I haven't been able to get the KD ratios that I have with Hel by following those build. Whenever I see someone playing as Hel, they use strange builds, and only once has it killed me when they were on the other team, all the other times I've whooped them, even when they're several mastery's above mine, so here's the guid I bring to you.
Note, this is my first build guide, so bare with me.
There are some pros and cons for Hel, as do many gods
Hel has, as I said, 3 major moves
Decay / Restoration
Used as a basic attack on dark stance and a life steal on light stance
Hinder / Cleanse
Used as a debuff on dark and a buff on light
Repulse / Inspire
Heavy AOE damage and HUGE AOE heal with enough magic power
And for her ultimate Switch Stances does exactly what it says, it switches stances, both changing her moves, while keeping the basic form of each, ie. AOE or line attack, and giving her either MP5 or Magic power, respectively with each level of the skill.
Let's preface with this, Hel is a healer and those heals are based on the base skill, like
Repulse / Inspire is both a heal and an attack, simply by
Switch Stances you can change between these, each skill does something yada yada yada Let's get to the Items and whatnot
This guide is a work in progress, not nearly enough testing has gone into the build, so if you're kind enough, try the build out in each game-mode, send me your opinions on the build, send in some items that you think should be deserving of the build.
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It is quite interesting that you've stuck the Breastplate of Valor in the defensive section for use only when you or your team is behind, as that has significant cooldown reduction which I personally find vital when it comes to Hel, both support and offensive. I need to try this build out though, as I'm currently only just looking at it so for all I know it could be an incredible build in game; sorry for reviewing it without hands-on experience. <3
In terms of the meditation active, I personally find that just getting the lowest level of Meditation is enough to carry until mid/late game, and it is especially useful directly at the beginning as you can continue to support / push without having to recall unless it's absolutely necessary. I can easily see where having greater meditation would come in use though, as it would help you regain mana and heal you, stopping you from then wasting more mana on healing yourself. Although, if you're supporting or just about to heal an ally in general, then I'd see it as a better thing when you heal yourself and your ally at the same time, instead of using meditation to heal yourself and get your mana back first; this is just a sense of "yay, I healed more than just one person with my heal" so it's nothing that will actually matter in the long run I guess!
Anyways, sorry for the blocks of text, and sorry if I seemed obvious in anything I said. This is my first response to a build on here considering I literally made my account a couple of minutes ago! I'm going to look forward to using this build in the battlefield!
Edit 1: I'm so pro that I didn't even notice the 3 builds in one guide, whoops. All of this text was in reference to the first build.
You descriptions of the skills is confusing for new players. You said "
Accordingly, your main healing and support aspect of Hel will come from Dark Stance, used with Switch Stances." I am assuming you mean that when in Dark Stance you should use Switch Stance to get to light so that you can heal and support but your wording is extremely confusing.
Take out Ethereal Staff and replace it with Book of Thoth. Ethereal Staff isn't even a good option if you want to go more defensive on Hel. Also, take out Gem of Isolation and put in Rod of Tahuti(sp). No mage build should ever not have the Rod of T in it some where. The more power she has the harder she heals for as well so it is just a great item.
I also usually go Pen Boots and just have Chrono's Pend for my CDR. You don't NEED full CDR on Hel but I will agree it is very nice. I just like to hit harder.
You also contradict yourself by saying not to use Hinder in early game but you go ahead and get a skill point in it at lvl 4. What is the point of saying not to use it? The slow it puts on the enemy can easily get you a kill early game.
You should also have Divine Ruin in an optional slot some where. When going up against a healer it is simply amazing on Hel because her AoE is just so large that she can shut down the whole team with one skill.
Sorry if I sound critical. Hel is my favorite goddess and I want to see her make her way into the competitive Meta more but your guide so far will just lead people astray I think.