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CC - Lifesaver, Roflstomper, Whatever. (Updated 20/02/2015)

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by FerrumSlash updated February 20, 2015

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Hi there! I'm FerrumSlash. I've been playing Smite since the Chaac patch (around January 2014). Ares was the first god i bought, and back then i did not know what Crowd Control was. I would just run up to enemies and pop in No Escape. Ah, good old days.

This is my second guide. I've been thinking about making an item compendium but oh, how it's going to take too much work. So i decided to make something more simple but informative.

This guide is to give you info about Crowd Control, and.... oh, i'm not good at introductions. Let's get started.

What is CC?

Crowd Control is an action that:

1. Influences and affects the abilites of other characters
2. Create imbalances in offensive and defensive ratio
3. Limit the amount of actions that is possibly done by the opponent.

Crowd Control can possibly change the way a battle goes, especially in teamfights. CC is also often the key point between the synergy between gods. (For example, Hades and Zeus combo).

CC can generally be divided into 4:
1. Alteration of movement
2. Forced movement
3. Disabilities
4. Debuffs

Some cc needs a special condition before they are applied to the enemy. For example, Hades's fear is only applied after the enemy has been Blighted

NOTE : This guide won't be talking about the certain conditions of each god before they apply cc. Refer to guides or database entries for each individual god.

I will be coloring the names of the cc red for hard cc and yellow for soft cc.

Alteration of movement

Alteration of movement is the type of CC that affects how opponents move around (or to stop them from moving around.)

Alteration of movement CC include :
1. Slows
Slows are cc that decreases the movement speed of opponents. However, opponents can still use leaps or dashes, or teleports. They can still basic attack as well.

Slows are useful, for example, chasing the enemy or landing your skills and basic attacks.

Almost all gods have slowing abilities. Notable ones include:

- Bastet's declaw and cat call
- Anhur's Shifting Sands
- Ah Muzen Cab's Honey
- Nemesis's Slice and Dice
- He Bo's Atlas of the Yellow River

2. Cripples
Cripples are cc that prevents the enemy affected from using movement skills like leaps, dashes, or teleports.

Cripples, while doesn't slow opponent's movement speed, is actually pretty useful due to the opponent not being able to use their escape skill.

Notable gods with cripple include :
- Poseidon's Whirlpool
- Cupid's Fields Of Love (it slows as well)
- Scylla's Sic 'Em (doubles as root as well)

3. Roots
Roots are cc that holds opponents in a place, however they can still use skills and basic attacks.

Roots are an amazing way to make sure basic attacks and skills land.

Notable gods with roots include :
- Artemis's transgressors fate
- Neith's Spirit Arrow
- Kumbhakarna's Groggy Strike

4. Intoxicate
Intoxicate is cc that makes the enemy unable to walk straight, hence unable to aim their skills (let alone, basic attacks) accurately. (in other words, drunk.)

The only god with intoxicate is Bacchus with his Intoxicate (hence the name)

5. Blinds
Blinds are cc that limit the vision of enemies.

The only gods with blind are Xbalanque with Darkest of Nights and Ra with Divine Light

Forced Movement

Forced movements are cc which makes the opponent move by force, whether closer or farther.

1. Knockback
Knockbacks are cc that pushes opponents away from the CCer. Knockbacks come in all shapes and forms. It could come in cone, in an area, etc.

Notable gods with knockback include :
- Aphrodite's Back Off!
- Geb's Roll Out

2. Pull
Pulls are cc that "pulls" opponents toward the CCer. It is usually used to separate enemies from one another, or to set up combos and area attacks.

Notable gods with pull include :
- Ares's No Escape
- Hercules's Earthbreaker
- Ne Zha's Armillary Sash (this actually throws ne zha to the enemy)
- Hades's Pillar of Agony

3. Knockup
Knockups are cc that throws the enemy up in the air, preventing them from using abilities and move. If the enemy is stationary, they will land in the same place bfore being knocked up. If the enemy is moving, however, they will land in the direction they're moving.

Notable gods with knockup include :
- Kumbhakarna's Epic Uppercut
- He Bo's Waterspout
- Tyr's Fearless

4. Taunt
Taunts are cc that forces the opponent to move toward the caster, unable to use abilities and movement controls.

Taunt is owned by 2 gods. Athena, with her skill Confound which taunts enemy gods, and Loki with his decoy, which taunts enemy minions

5. Grabs
Grabs are cc that "throws" the enemy in the CCer's designated area.

Gods with throw include Mercury with his Special Delivery and Sobek with his Charge Prey


These cc will severely limit your opponent in taking action, or even stop them from making an action altogether.

1. Stun
Stuns are cc that stops your opponent from taking action. That is, they cannot use actives, they cannot move, they cannot attack, whatever.

Again, stuns are a good way to make sure your attacks land.

Notable gods with stun :

- Ymir's Frost Breath
- Anubis's Mummify
- Chronos's Stop Time
- Ullr's Thrown Axe

2. Fear
Fears are cc that prevents the enemy from attacking, using movement commands, and using skills, and they are forced to run away from the CCer.

Fears are a great lifesaver for teammates when they are in low health.

Notable gods with fear :

- Hun Batz's Fear No Evil
- Hades's Shroud of Darkness

3. Mesmerize
Mesmerizes are cc that completely incapacitates the enemy, just like stun. The difference is that mesmerizes break after the CCed take damage.

Notable gods with mesmerize :

- Apollo's Serenade
- Kumbhakarna's Mighty Yawn

4. Silence
Silences are cc that prevents the enemy from using skills. That means the enemy can't use offensive skills or use dashes or leaps.

Notable gods with silence include :

- Eset's Dispel Magic
- Thanatos's Soul Reap
- Chaac's Storm Call

5. Banish
Banish is cc that prevents the enemy from moving, using abilities, and basic attacking. However, banished opponents cannot be targeted, that is, they are immune to damage during the duration of the banish.

Gods with banish include Freya with her Banish (hence the cc name.) and Janus with his Portal

6. Madness
Madness is cc that makes the CCed basic attack the nearest ally. If there are no allies around, the CCed will walk harmlessly to the caster.

Madness is Serqet exclusive for the time being, from her skill 2 Cobra's Kiss

7. Disorient
Disorient is cc that makes the CCed unable to take action, and has their view rotated to a random direction.

Disorient is currently Mercury exclusive, with his Sonic Boom

Tremble is cc that shakes the CCed's camera and move erratically while being pulled to the CCer.

Tremble currently Cabrakan exclusive, with his Tremors

Disarm is cc that disables the CCed's basic attacks. So, it's like disable, but for basic attacks.

Disarm is currently Bellona exclusive, with her Scourge.


Debuffs are cc that reduce a specific stat in the opponent (however, reduction of movement speed is alteration of movement)

Debuffs come in many forms. They can be healing reductions, attack speed reductions, protection reductions, power reductions, etc.

Examples of debuffs :
- Guan Yu's Taolu Assault
- Sobek's Sickening Strike
- Osiris's Judgement Tether
- Nemesis's Divine Judgement

CC from items

CC is not only from a god's skillset. There are items that allow a god to apply cc to the enemy. It is divided into 2, passive items and active items.

Passive items :
1. Frostbound Hammer
Frostbound hammer applies a slow in every basic attack hit. It is only available to physical gods.

2. Gem of Isolation
Gem of isolation works almost the same way as Frostbound Hammer, the only difference is that the gem of isolation applies slows on ability hits.

3. Void Shield
Void shield applies a debuff to enemies that reduce their physical protection

4. Void Stone
Void stone applies a debuff to enemies that reduce their magical protection

5. The Executioner
The executioner reduces the enemy's physical protection with each basic attack hit.

6. Demonic Grip
The demonic grip reduces the magical protection of enemies hit by basic attacks.

7. Brawler's Beat Stick
Brawler's beat stick reduces the healing of enemies hit by your basic attacks.

8. Spear of the Magus
Spear of the magus reduces the magical protection of targets hit by abilities.

Actives :
1. Creeping Curse/ Enfeebling Curse/ Weakening Curse
Slows enemies in a large area while also reducing healing or attack speed.

How to counter CCs

Countering CCs can be done in many ways. They include :
1. Buying items that gives cc reductions and immunities
2. Abilities that remove cc

Items include :
1. magi's blessing
Magi's blessing provides cc reduction (That is, reducing the amount of time of a cc, like a stun, for example) and a passive that absorbs cc effect.

2. Greater Sprint
Greater sprint provides you immunity to slows.

3. Purification Beads
Beads remove current cc and provides immunity. At max rank, it will also reduce cooldowns by 5s.

4. Aegis Pendant
Aegis makes the user immune to damage and cc.

5. Reinforced Greaves
It provides you with cc reduction.

Abilities that remove cc are owned by Hel with her Hinder / Cleanse and Geb with his Stone Shield

Also, some gods also have abilities that give them cc immunity. It's usually in their fourth (ultimate) skill, though.

Examples are:
- Xbalanque's Rising Jaguar's dashing/leap part
- Geb's Roll Out at max
- Ares's No Escape
- Chaac's Storm Call
- Anhur's Desert Fury

When timed properly, these skills CAN get you out of cc.


-Read on the skillset of gods. This will give you insight on how their cc goes, how they travel, or if there are certain conditions for cc. Or even if some gods' skills provide cc immunity. This knowledge helps whether you want to use that god or if you're facing that god.

-Initiating with blink (especially with tanks) is a good way to apply cc (example : Ymir's blink to Frost Breath combo

-If you can, try to look at enemy gods. You'll know when their cc move pops out, and time your Purification Beads. Also, beads CAN be used while cced so when you get caught in strong cc, you can always pop it.

-If struck by cc, call for help.


CC can be a livesaver in situations, but can also be dangerous. A skilled player knows when to use CC and how to counter CC. A CC can turn a fight around.

Well, i suppose that's all for this guide. I hope this guide helps you in several aspects of your game (adcs, tanks, certain gods). Do leave a review, and if you think the guide only deserves to get a downvote, do tell me why.

Thanks for reading CC: Lifesaver, Roflstomper, Whatever!


24/05/2014 : Initial version
28/05/1014 : Fixed some faulty bbcoding, added some skills.
30/05/2014 : Revamped the CC countering chapter, added some skills.
30/05/2014 : Added "Tips" section
11/06/2014 : Added a little info to the Tips section.
11/07/2014 : Reworked some parts of the guide.
12/02/2015 o_O: Added Madness, Disorient, and Tremble. Fixed some parts of the guide.
20/02/2015 : Added Bellona's CC, Disarm.

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Technotoad64 (46) | April 6, 2016 9:34am
You forgot to mention that Ah Muzen Cab's passive Bees! also applies a disarm.
Deltacow (4) | March 6, 2015 2:49pm
Hur dur dur Herc's 2 is a knockup not a pull dur dur dur.
zignoe | February 27, 2015 5:42am
Grate guide for biginers
Greenevers (105) | February 20, 2015 5:59am

Just a heads up, ]]Chronos]] Stop Time is technically a slow. If you have Winged Blade it will prevent you from being slowed to a stop :).
Other than that great guide!

Actually, before the season 2 patch, Stop Time slowed to a stun. And Winged Blade proc did not work against it. It was on purpose so it wasn't a hard counter to him. After the s2 patch, it was changed to a hard stun.

Before s2 , beads, sprint 2, and magis took the effect away. Not winged blade tho
KamikazeKitty (4) | February 20, 2015 5:18am
Just a heads up, Chronos Stop Time is technically a slow. If you have Winged Blade it will prevent you from being slowed to a stop :).
Other than that great guide!
FerrumSlash (70) | August 6, 2014 2:23am
HammaSmite wrote:

"If struck by CC, call for help." Thanks Ferrum, my 4 year old cousin logged on to my laptop, (It wasn't locked.) and when he saw that line,he almost called 911 cause he knew CC meant Crowd Control, and because we were in a crowd in the living room, he almost called..911.......

You're very welcome :)
HammaSmite (7) | August 5, 2014 6:19pm
"If struck by CC, call for help." Thanks Ferrum, my 4 year old cousin logged on to my laptop, (It wasn't locked.) and when he saw that line,he almost called 911 cause he knew CC meant Crowd Control, and because we were in a crowd in the living room, he almost called..911.......
FerrumSlash (70) | July 18, 2014 6:47pm
Greenevers wrote:

Just so you know, everything you listed in forced movement is hard cc along with Intoxicate in alteration of movement. Also, I would add in Madness since it's a new type of CC.

Additionally, you're missing some sorts of CC like Disorient and Carry (Merc and Fenrir) :D

Oooh, yas! Thanks for letting me know, Green!
Greenevers (105) | July 18, 2014 5:06pm
Just so you know, everything you listed in forced movement is hard cc along with Intoxicate in alteration of movement. Also, I would add in Madness since it's a new type of CC.

Additionally, you're missing some sorts of CC like Disorient and Carry (Merc and Fenrir) :D
FerrumSlash (70) | June 10, 2014 8:28pm
spare145 wrote:

A minor error, but you said that when stunned, you cannot use actives, but this is not true. You can still use beads to get out of stuns.

While it is true that you can pop beads to break cc, it's still impossible to use other actives like sprint and the like.

Thanks for pointing that out though. I'll make a small change to the tips section.
spare145 (2) | June 10, 2014 8:08pm
A minor error, but you said that when stunned, you cannot use actives, but this is not true. You can still use beads to get out of stuns.
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