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Chronos, God of Time

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by Quaerenti updated November 3, 2014

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Chronos Build

Early Game (In duo lane)

Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Mid Game (Offensive)

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Greater Meditation Greater Meditation

Late Game Offensive

Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth

Early Game (In solo lane)

Build Item Spell Focus Spell Focus
Build Item Midas Boots (P) Midas Boots (P)
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation


Hey guys, this is my second guide for SMITE, and today i'll be teaching you all about Chronos. Now Chronos is a really good solo, teamfight, or duo-lane god. He has amazing offensive capabilities mixed with some nice excapes and sustains. This is my second guide, as before mentioned, and my first is a full damage build for Sylvanus, so if you want to see how that works, go check it out!


With the right items, any god can amazing, and I believe I have found the best items for Chronos.

(This build is optimized for pure damage output.)

Obsidian Shard: In the early game, I would go for Obsidian Shard and Meditation, just for the sake of magical penetration and added mana regen. Now with Obsidian Shard you will be sacrificing some magical power, but you will gain magical penetration from it's passive. (33 magical penetration to be exact). This is a good tradeoff because his abilities will work better against the tankier gods, like Ares, Ymir, or Hades to name a few.

Midas Boots probably don't seem like the best idea for a mage, but with the added gold intake, you can buy items faster than your enemies, especially if your well fed. You can sell this later in the game.

Rod of Tahuti: Now this item is best bought later in the game (about 7-10 minutes in), because it will run you 3320 gold. So I typically save up for this item second or third, since it's passive (+25% magical power) means that it will constantly add on to whatever magical damage item you add before and after. So you gain added magical power for each item past what they supply.

Soul Reaver: Now I know that I have Soul Reaver and Book of Thoth both up there, but Soul Reaver is the one that you want to buy first. I was actually typically inclined to buy Book of Thoth first, since you had to build stacks on it, but if you get Soul Reaver first, you gain that 15% damage to an enemies total health plus 100 magical power, which is great for Chronos.

Warlock's Sash: Warlock's Sash is good for Chronos next, because you need to start building stacks as soon as possible. (You can switch this item out with Obsidian Shard in the early game to build Warlock's Sash's stacks. The reason I like Warlock's Sash so much is because as you gain stacks, you gain magical power, and at max stacks you gain over 100 magical power. (110 magical power total)

Chronos Pendant: I chose Chronos Pendant because as you get later into the game you should already have some pretty good magical power built up, and this adds 75 magical power and 25% cooldown reduction, which is really good for late game when you need to keep hitting hard and hitting fast.

Book of Thoth: I typically buy this last or second to last only because of the 100 magical power. By the time you buy this item, you should have a decent amount of mana, so the passive isn't as important to me as it might be to you. I prefer this item mainly for the 100 magical power. And plus, if you have Greater Meditation, then you shouldn't have to worry about mana. (Plus his Accelerate ability can let you cast abilities for 75% ability mana refund.)


Chronos has some of the most unique skills in SMITE.

His passive is Wheel of Time. It affects his Accelerate ability, as when he uses his Accelerate ability, whichever segment it is on, he gains the attributes of that section.

His main ability, and his heavy hitter is his first ability: Time Rift.

Time Rift outputs massive amounts of damage, and is very effective against minions and gods alike as it is an AoE attack. (Albeit the radius is small, about the size of Janus' Portal ability.

Accelerate is his first unique ability. His passive is Wheel of Time, which directly affects how this ability is used. You can regain health, have a 75% mana refund on all abilities (except the initial use of Accelerate), he can have + 20% magical power, or he can have + 35% magical power contribution to his basic attacks. This is basically 3 (or technically 6) abilities in 1, as he gains movement speed, he loses the basic attack speed debuff, and plus one of the other 4 segments of the clock.

Next, is his Stop Time ability.

This ability causes damage and stuns the enemy for 1 second. It causes a total of 220 damage (+ 80% of your magical damage), and this is his second greatest ability. I still think his 1 is much better, but that's just me.

His ult.

Chronos' ult is the most OP ult I have ever seen. In the fact that it BASICALLY REVIVES HIM.

His ult. Rewind, moves him back 8 seconds in time to where he previously was, plus all of his health and mana of that time. It also RESETS HIS ABILITY COOLDOWNS.

His ult. is the most OP of his abilities because he 'revives' himself back to wherever he had 8 seconds ago and can use his abilities twice. 'Nuff said.

How to use his abilities

Early Game: I typically poke with his Time Rift ability, and freeze/stun with his Stop Time ability.

As he gains levels and more abilities, I upgrade his 1 and 3 first, then his Ult. I usually upgrade his 2 the first chance I get, then leave it alone until his 1 and 3 are level 2-3 and his ult is upgraded at least once.

(This is based off of all abilities being ready to use)
Now to secure a kill, I go in and use his Time Rift to take out a chunk of their health. Then I use his Stop Time ability to mainly freeze them, while I swoop in with my Accelerate ability (And hope/time it to get a basic attack or magical damage boost). At this point they should basically be dead, and if not, you have 2 options.

Option 1: Hit your ult and restart the whole process (Hopefully killing them this time).

Option 2: (This is what I typically do) Keep damaging them until they either die, or, their team swoops in to try and kill you. At this point I ult out and run away with his [[
Accelerate]] ability. If their team doesn't jump on you, then just walk off like a badass.

Pros / Cons

High Sustain
Great Damage
Good Getaway
Great Waveclear
Can solo pretty well

Mana hungry early and mid game
Squishy early game
Need to know how to read a fight to use him properly

Thank You

Thank you for reading my guide! My other guide is still up, and if you want to find me in SMITE, my name is:



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Quaerenti (5) | November 1, 2014 10:29am
SMITEGusher wrote:

I feel like your guide needs two builds, since you say Chronos can solo or Duo and you would not build Watcher's Gift in solo lane. Also, you only give them one active to build. Where is the other active? Also why don't you show the newer players what skills to level in order of each level on the grid they provide? Also, no boots? Mobility is one of the most important things in the game of smite.

Also, about how you combo, you should be leading with Stop Time for its stun to land Time Rift with ease.

And lastly, use highlights! For example in all of my guides I use light blue on anything that speaks of magical damage this provides a greater muscle memory to your reader.

I do like that you used BB code, but I just feel the guide could go more into detail and the build could use some tweaking. Just my two cents as a experienced theory crafter. I hope you can take away something from this comment.

Thanks for the info! I'll try to update this one, but I mainly do these during school and time is short, but thanks! And yeah I'm still new to guides, but i'll make sure to include another build. As for the boots, I don't get them for Chronos since his Accelerate ability gives him movement speed, that's just my preferance. Thanks!
SMITEGusher (6) | October 31, 2014 10:32am
I feel like your guide needs two builds, since you say Chronos can solo or Duo and you would not build Watcher's Gift in solo lane. Also, you only give them one active to build. Where is the other active? Also why don't you show the newer players what skills to level in order of each level on the grid they provide? Also, no boots? Mobility is one of the most important things in the game of smite.

Also, about how you combo, you should be leading with Stop Time for its stun to land Time Rift with ease.

And lastly, use highlights! For example in all of my guides I use light blue on anything that speaks of magical damage this provides a greater muscle memory to your reader.

I do like that you used BB code, but I just feel the guide could go more into detail and the build could use some tweaking. Just my two cents as a experienced theory crafter. I hope you can take away something from this comment.
Quaerenti (5) | October 30, 2014 7:34am
SoveitBear77 wrote:

Watchers gift on a mage
Not knowing how to use chronos combo??
Im going to have to -1 this one, sorry.

What do you mean by not knowing how to use the Chronos combo? And yeah I do prefer watchers gift, I mean guides don't have to be followed to the letter, this is just how I prefer to fight. Thanks for the comment though
SoveitBear77 (5) | October 30, 2014 4:07am
Watchers gift on a mage
Not knowing how to use chronos combo??
Im going to have to -1 this one, sorry.
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