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Chronos-How to make your enemy rage quit

18 2 191,691
by RSDuce updated December 18, 2016

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
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Chronos Build

Starter Items

Build Item Soul Stone Soul Stone
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Main Build

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Offensive Options

Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

Defensive Options

Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone


Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh

Chronos's Skill Order

Time Rift

1 X Y
Time Rift
2 8 16 18 19


2 A B
4 11 12 14 15

Stop Time

3 B A
Stop Time
1 3 6 7 10


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Time Rift
2 8 16 18 19

Time Rift

1 X
Chronos creates a rift in time, damaging all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 10
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 5s
4 11 12 14 15


2 A
Chronos accelerates himself over time, allowing him to move faster initially and gain speed over time. While active, his Attack Speed is increased. This ability also stops the Wheel of Time.

Section I: Heal 1% Max Health Per Second
Section II: 100% Mana Refund On Abilities
Section III: +35% Magical Power
Section IV: +35% Magical Power Contribution to Basic Attacks

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 20% Initial + 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% over time
Attack Speed: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%
Lifetime: 7s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12s
Stop Time
1 3 6 7 10

Stop Time

3 B
Shooting forward spinning gears of time, any enemies hit by Chronos' attack have their Attack Speed reduced and Ramp to a Stun, taking damage on the initial hit and again when they are stunned.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage (Applied Twice): 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Chronos travels through time to where he was 8 seconds ago, gaining Health and Mana back to the values of that time. All of his Cooldowns are instantly reset as well.

Ability Type: Buff
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80s


Hi everybody, this is my guide for Chronos Keeper of Time. I wanted to do a guide for him because first, I noticed there are no guides for him, and second, I think he's really OP right now (great item value for him), but just no one has used him. It's time for Chronos to rise and take his place as one of the best mages is smite right now. My goal for this guide isn't just to show you how to build him and what his stats are, but also how to utilize his kit to the fullest potential.


Starting Items
The reason you start with these items is for the early sustain. Soul Stone is the best starting item for mages in the game, and not just for Chronos. This will also allow you to have a surprising amount of burst early game. Tiny Trinket will just continue to build up on that sustain. Since we have room for two Healing Potion and one Mana Potion, you should have enough sustain so that you won't have to back until you can get Shoes of the Magi

Movement Speed, Mana, Magic power, Magic Penetration
The main reason I now go with the Shoes of the Magi build instead of Shoes of Focus, is now because of the additional magic penetration. This will allow you to put quite a bit of pressure on your opponent. You will be able to poke for quite a bit of damage (especially if you use the passive from Soul Stone correctly. You also want the movement speed asap, because if Rewind is down, you are just a sitting duck if you get ganked.

Magic Power, Mana, MP5
Since Doom Orb is complete **** and Warlock's Sash really doesn't do any thing that you want, the item that now gives you the most cost effective power scaling will be Book of Thoth. It's just a great item and will give you a ton of power and sustain, just as your get into mid game. Once you have this thing fully stacked, you will not have to worry about mana again. Once you are fully build and past level 20, Book of Thoth will single handily add 158.65 MP to Chronos

Magic Power, Attack Speed, Magic Penetration
This is one of those items that is really good for only a few gods, Chronos is one of those gods. This item fits perfectly with Chronos abilities. You will notice a big jump in the amount of damage you can do with section 4 of Accelerate. Also your impact on team fights will go from utility to DPS at this point. Plus you will be able to 1 v 1 most gods at this point in the game because of you sustain and incremental damage.

Magical Power, Magical Lifesteal, Mana
Polynomicon is insane with Chronos. Ok... So let me throw this at you. Once you build this item, your basic attack can do 517 damage three times in 9 sec. The combo is Wheel of Time stopping on Section IV/auto attack/ Stop Time/auto attack/ Time Rift/auto attack. If you pull this off correctly and hit the passive for Polynomicon every 3 seconds, you will do 2,605 damage.....yes you read that correctly. That also doesn't include any other basic attacks you hit.

Magical Power, Magic Penetration This will allow you to start to shred through most gods. Once you have Obsidian Shard and have full passive stacks with Demonic Grip.... GG man. This is when you can go full on balls to the wall in team fights.

Magic Power..... and lots of it
Just an insta-buy for all mages for late game. It is a really good item for Chronos because not a lot of people know, Rod of Tahuti gives increased basic attack damage even though it doesn't say on the item description (lazy hi-rez).


If going against super tanky team

You will want to build a Soul Reaver instead of Obsidian Shard.


In this chapter, I will be going though Chronos abilities and how to utilize his kit the best. The descriptions may be a little long, but he is a little complicated play him correctly.

The wheel of time is always spinning and for Chronos, it is no different. Depending on where the wheel is when activating Accelerate, it provides a different benefit to Chronos. To say this passive is OP or broken, really just doesn't do Chronos justice. Im going to walk though his passive part by part to describe how OP this passive really is.

Section I: Heal 1.5% Max Health per Second

This is great for lane sustain. It's pretty much like having an extra health potion at your disposal for only a little bit of mana. This will last for 7 seconds. After the 7 seconds have passed, you will have healed yourself for 10.5% of your maximum health.

Section II: 100% Mana Refund On Abilities

How this is a passive is beyond me. You will be able to clear entire waves for free. Definition of OP. Since you get 100% mana refund, you will be able to cast Time Rift/ Stop Time/Time Rift, all in 5 seconds by level 4.... for free. So that's pretty OP. By level 4 you are doing 263 damage as well as stunning the enemy god for 1 second with your combo (not including basic attacks). So you do all of that for free and the attack speed buff of his Accelerate as well. OP

Section III: +20% Magical Power

You want to use this more for late game. This is great for team fights though. You can have some insane burst when you have a full build. Great if you just want to poke with Time Rift.

Section IV: +35% Magical Power Contribution to Basic Attacks

This is the best part of his passive for late game. Once you activate this, you pretty much turn into an ADC. Once you activate this and stun people with Stop Time, you will just shred through them. You only want to activate this when your going for a kill or if you need to quickly clear minions.

Chronos creates a rift in time, damaging all enemies in the area.
Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 (+85% of your magical power)
Radius: 10
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana

Because this ability is hard to hit on a consistent basis, this is the last ability that you level up. In the early game you really just want to use this ability for poke on enemy gods or to help clear waves. Once you get to lake game, you will be able to use the ability as a final blow to kill stragglers.

Chronos accelerates himself over time, allowing him to move faster initially and gain speed over time. While active, his attack speed is increased and he is not affected by the attacking movement speed debuff. This ability also stops the Wheel of Time.
Movement Speed: 20% initial + 4/8/12/16/20% over time
Attack Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%
Lifetime: 7s
Cooldown: 17 seconds
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana

Because this is the ability to stop Wheel of Time, this is by far this best ability for Chronos. You want to max this ability second because all it increases is Chronos's attack speed. You want to have this maxed out around level 15. This will allow you to be a beast in team fights. Also your mobility will be off the charts. This ability allows you to be able to dodge skill shots a lot easier, as well as you can get out of most situations.

Shooting forward spinning gears of time, any enemies hit by Chronos' attack have their attack and movement speed slowed to a stun, taking damage on the initial hit and again when they are stunned.
-While targets are slowed, they have their Attack Speed reduced by 20%.
-This ability cannot be cleansed by slow immunity, as it's considered a stun for gameplay purposes.
-This ability can deal a total of 60/100/140/180/220 (+80% of your magical power) damage.
Damage (applied twice): 30/50/70/90/110 (+40% of your magical power)
Stun: 1s
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 mana

This is by far and away Chronos's 2nd best ability. Because of the fact that each time you level this ability up, it does increased damage as well as reducing the cooldown of the ability, you want to level this ability first. This is also your best ability to clear waves as fast as possible. Stop Time is the ability that sets everything up for Chronos. It does a decent amount of damage and also gives you a stun. If you are going for the kill, the best way to clean them up is to use Accelerate/ Stop Time/Time Rift.Helpful hint: Using Stop Time will make it easier to hit Time Rift.

Chronos travels through time to where he was 8 seconds ago, gaining health and mana back to the values of that time. All of his cooldowns are instantly reset as well.
-This ability is not affected by anti healing nor healing reduction.
Cooldown: 120/110/100/90/80 seconds
Cost: 100 mana

Some people like this ultimate and some people don't, if you use it correctly though, this ability can really make the enemy team frustrated. Early in the game, you want to save Rewind to avoid any gank situations. It is great, if you make a mistake and are in a bad position, you just Rewind, and all of your sins are forgiven. In the late game though, you can use Rewind to dive towers and be really aggressive. The best thing for a team fight is to try and bait a a big ultimate or two. Then just Rewind and be at full health. This can really hurt the enemy team during team fights. Just watch out though, the animation for Rewind does take awhile to complete, and you can still be damaged. The best bet in a team fight is to use Rewind when you are at about 1/3rd of your health bar.

Pros / Cons

-Great Utility built into the kit
-Best passive in the game
-Ungankable (new made up word)
-Can apply a lot of lane pressure
-By end game, can 1 .v. 1 most gods
-Great .vs. 0-100 gods
-Decent poke
-Will take over in the late game
-Can pull off some really flashy plays(If you play on the xbox, get ready to say "Xbox record that")

-Not the greatest base stat's in the game
-No insane burst
-Pretty weak early game
-Will get ganked early and often to bait out Rewind

How to play Chronos

Early game

So this is when it is sketchy as f**k to play Chronos. Especially against Scylla. After you get red and red harpies, you want to go to lane, and then be butt buddies with you jungler really until you hit level 8 or so (level can be around 8-11 depending if you get any kills or assists) If you don't know the rotation here it is.

1. After you go back to mid lane, clear a wave with you jungler. Then go to fire and after that clear fire mid harpies.

2. Go back clear a wave or two then hit gold fury mid harpies (if already gone move to next step.

3. You then want to clear speed back harpies/clear wave/red back harpies/clear wave.

4. clear two waves

5. clear fire(jungle might leave and help solo)

6. clear waves and contest mid until jungle comes back

7. If any harpies still alive kill them with the jungler, then go get red buff.

8. Clear the wave and then you can go to base and buy.

You want to continue to play pretty passively until you get some stacks on Book of Thoth. Make sure to rotate with the other mid though if they rotate. Also keep up with buff's. Most important though, whenever you have a chance to help out the jungler with camps, always do it.

Mid game

This is when you can start to be a little bit more aggressive. Your clear is good enough to be able to push the lane quite well. One strategy is to try and out sustain your lane opponent. Keep up on your ward placement, vision is just so important. Keep up to date on jungle buffs, help your team take camps if needed (always try and get red buff for yourself until). If your lane is pushed up enough, rotate to help your other lanes. Chronos can be pretty deadly on a rotation. Look for the right opportunity to strike. Try and poke and widdle down your opponent, then go with the quick strike kill utilizing your stun as well as your ridiculous attack speed.

Late game

This is when Chronos becomes OP and you can be very aggressive. After you build Polynomicon, you will just be a nightmare to deal with. Keep up with vision and pressure on all lanes. At this point you want to be grouped up with your team most of the time. If your in a slow game though, you can be the rotate master.

Summary-Info with full build

All in all, Chronos is a very fun good who can just dominate if played correctly. I hope you guys have fun with the build. Let me know what you guys think of it as well.


Basic Attack: 215
Power: 666
Attack Speed: 1.41
Lifesteal: 10
Penetration: 10+(36% from Demonic Grip+ 33% from Obsidian Shard


Physical: 69 lol
Magical: 30
Health: 1770
HP5: 17


Movement: 419
Cooldown: 0
Mana: 2205
MP5: 68

Item Passives

Book pf Thoth=You permanently gain 10 mana per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack for a minion kill (max 75 stacks). Additionally, 3% of your mana is converted to magical power.

Demonic Grip=our Basic Attacks reduce your target's Magical Protection by 12% for 3s. (max 3 stacks).

Polynomicon=Using an ability gives your next basic attack within the next 8 seconds +75% of your magical power as additional magical damage. The effect can only apply once every 3 seconds.

Obsidian Shard=You gain +33% Magical Penetration.

Rod of Tahuti=Increases magical power by 25%.


Time Rift

Damage: 826
Cooldown: 5s
Cost: 70


Cooldown: 17s
Cost: 80

Stop Time

Damage Per Tick: 376
Ticks: 2
Cooldown: 14s
Cost: 85


Cooldown: 80s
Cost: 100

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Death Laughz | May 4, 2016 11:58pm
Hi I'm new here on smite. just wanted to know which build is good for the arena, and also I know this guide was made last year, will still make a difference? I don't mind using last season's guide if their still good. Thanks.
Kronusdivine (1) | May 5, 2016 1:11am
It does make a difference,item stat changes and god releases happens in updates.This decides if the build will still be effective or not.I'm not RSDuce but go for the main build,the options are there should you need to switch out a particular item to fit the situation you are facing with.
AIDYBOB | April 5, 2016 10:22am
Hi I'm new to this website and the game itself. Sorry for being a noob but which one of the parts at the top is the build I use? And which ones go where when I buy them
Sir_Oblivious | March 2, 2016 9:28am
My new favorite build for my favorite god. You rock!

EDIT: I actually have caused a couple ragequits from players with this build.
GameGeekFan (50) | October 20, 2015 5:28pm
Well A khumba is bound to win since he has an ability made for minions and Chronos is not an early game god. Were you taking advantage of the passive of soulstone at all? Wasting mana? Bought health potions?

IF you were trying it out for the first time, then you are wrong in saying the build is ****. Basing a build on one experience isnt a wise thing to do, try again. And dont just build the exact build. Recreate it to the situation at hand, this cant fit into all situations.

Lost Artifact is solely for the mana, and is the only starter item that gives a good amount of mp5 and goes to the useful chrono's pendant. The power doesnt really matter cause you have soulstone with the useful passive, Besides Chronos already has an ability that gets rid of all cost of mana on abilities.

And again, health potions exist for a reason.
nicknameGX | October 20, 2015 5:02pm
This build is ****. I lost the lane to a Khumba before I could buy the second item (which was not even recomended in that situation but I was hoping you knew Chronos better than me). Soul stone is not worth picking over vampiric shroud, the mana is not enough to make a difference but that 90 hp is. The lost artifact is pointless since it won't give you enough mana nor enough damage to clear your wave before the enemy.
Raynday | August 18, 2015 1:16pm
I like this build, man. Nice guide. I make God Guides on Youtube, and just for your reference I thought I'd link it below. All the best,

Thanks - Raynday
LocoDS48 | July 6, 2015 7:51pm
I bought Chronos mainly because it's in the "hard" category, and I like it hard (pun intended). I instantly dug up in smitefire for a good guide and found yours, it's very explanatory and it's a very good build and noticed the high sustain and possibilities that come up with Chronos, still for some weird reason I get +20 assistences like 4-5 kills but I hardly die. I guess Chronos is a hard to use hard to master god, but Time is on our side. Good job.

Edit: You'r build really crushes people in conquest other mages like anubis wich is close range get rekt pretty easilly
RSDuce | July 4, 2015 10:00pm

I use your build everytime I (try) to Chronos.

Also, you need to change the information about Doom Orb in the " How to play Chronos " section

Thank you very much for the complement and and the tip about doom orb. It was my version of where's
ThePerfectPrism (56) | July 4, 2015 8:53pm
I use your build everytime I (try) to Chronos.

Also, you need to change the information about Doom Orb in the " How to play Chronos " section
Decepticonix | June 16, 2015 7:39pm
Just one thing I would like to point out on your Arena Build

You have Spear of the Magnus Twice.
DRaGoSPeeD | June 10, 2015 9:35am
Awesome guide!
Going to start playing him today with your build
FemFatalis (15) | June 8, 2015 9:10pm
Because the best burst god in Smite is actually Poseidon. Seriously, based on sheer damage, it's true. Besides all the hunters.

Still, I like the guide - well put together, and intelligently designed. +1 from me.
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