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Chronos- Tick, Tock, Make Them Drop

2 2 10,218
by xXKingofFailXx updated July 13, 2013

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Chronos Build

Starting Purchase

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon

Situational Items

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip

Chronos's Skill Order

Time Rift

1 X Y
Time Rift
3 8 12 16 19


2 A B
1 4 6 11 14

Stop Time

3 B A
Stop Time
2 7 10 15 18


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Time Rift
3 8 12 16 19

Time Rift

1 X
Chronos creates a rift in time, damaging all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 10
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 5s
1 4 6 11 14


2 A
Chronos accelerates himself over time, allowing him to move faster initially and gain speed over time. While active, his Attack Speed is increased. This ability also stops the Wheel of Time.

Section I: Heal 1% Max Health Per Second
Section II: 100% Mana Refund On Abilities
Section III: +35% Magical Power
Section IV: +35% Magical Power Contribution to Basic Attacks

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 20% Initial + 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% over time
Attack Speed: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%
Lifetime: 7s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12s
Stop Time
2 7 10 15 18

Stop Time

3 B
Shooting forward spinning gears of time, any enemies hit by Chronos' attack have their Attack Speed reduced and Ramp to a Stun, taking damage on the initial hit and again when they are stunned.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage (Applied Twice): 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Chronos travels through time to where he was 8 seconds ago, gaining Health and Mana back to the values of that time. All of his Cooldowns are instantly reset as well.

Ability Type: Buff
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80s


Chronos, the Keeper of Time
"Better hurry; you're clock is ticking."

Hello, and welcome to my third guide here on smitefire! This guide, as I'm sure you've seen already, is for the Keeper of Time Chronos.

Chronos' role in SMITE is a mage meaning that magic power, magic penetration, and cooldown reduction. He is a very versatile god that possesses numerous abilities that make him an excellent solo laner, a phenomenal duo laner, and even a fantastic mid (potentially a jungler, still working on that aspect of Chronos)! This guide will focus, predominantly, on the time aspect of Chronos and cooldown reduction. Before I delve into the wonder that is Chronos, everything in this guide is subject to change in following patches/hotfixes and based on player preference. Please leave comments and questions that you have about Chronos!

Pros / Cons


-High damage output throughout the game early, middle, and late.
-Can clear lanes with the use of his Stop Time ability.
-High sustainability due to his passive, Wheel of Time, and Accelerate which has numerous ways to keep him sustained or deal damage.
-His ulitimate, Rewind, is a situation changer and can mean the difference between life and death in any fight be it 1v1 or team fights.


-He's got squish, so play it safe.
-You have to be pretty decent at leading with some of his abilities such as his Time Rift and Stop Time.
-The timing on Accelerate to get what you want out of Wheel of Time can be a bit tricky; keep it level headed in the heat of the moment.
- Rewind his a momentary charge up before you start zigzagging everywhere; timing and location are key.


Wheel of Time

Chronos' passive is called Wheel of Time and the wheel is in constant motion. Of course, this constant motion has no real application without using Accelerate which, depending on when Accelerate is activated, has one of four benefits and they are as follows:

I: +20% magical lifesteal. This is beneficial when fighting minions and other NPC mobs; it may also be beneficial with some more magical lifesteal against enemy gods.

II: 75% mana refund after using abilities. This section of the wheel is what give his insane sustainability when solo laning or midding as it give 75% of the mana that Chronos used when using an ability back to him; this keeps his mana high when using his abilities.

III: +20% magic power. Just a short lived buff that gives his abilities a little be more sting on contact.

IV: +35% magic power contribution to basic attacks. This section is amazing when it comes to securing a kill as your basic attacks hit much harder; because of the way the effect is activated, Chronos is able to chase down enemies and hit them with his gears of justice over and over again without losing steam.

Time Rift

Chronos' first ability is called Time Rift and it is his main source of "single" target damage. The damage that this ability deals scales as follows: 80/125/170/215/260 (+85% of Chronos' magic power). What really makes this ability shine i the 5 second cooldown which means that it can be used very frequently; if Chronos is building cooldown reduction, it will seem as if this ability is never on cooldown. This ability is certainly one that needs to be led should Chronos be attempting to kill a fleeing enemy or attack an oncoming one.


Chronos' second ability is called Accelerate which, as the ability's name suggests, causes Chronos to move 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% faster (per point in it) and, as previously mentioned in this guide, activates his passive, Wheel of Time. The effects of Wheel of Time are listed in the Wheel of Time section above. Both the movement speed increase and buff last for 8 seconds.

Stop Time

Chronos' third ability is Stop Time and serves as his only crowd control ability as well as his quickest means of clearing minion waves. The crowd control aspect of this ability it the "slow to a stop" which is not a set slow but it will inevitably lead to the enemy(ies) being stopped by the 1 second stun that flows the slow. In addition to slow/stunning the enemy, it deals 30/50/70/90/110 (+40% of Chronos' magic power) not once, but twice.


Chronos' fourth and ultimate ability is called Rewind and is one of, if not the, most interesting ability in the game. Upon activation (plus a short charge up animation), Chronos is propelled backwards through time to where he was eight seconds ago. His health and mana are reset to where they were at that instance in addition to all his cooldowns, with the exception of Rewind, are reset.

Keeper of Time Build

As the title of this build suggestions, this build is going to focus on Cooldown Reduction in addition to pushing out some decent damage by increasing his magic power. The core items of the build are as follows:

Now I will cover the steps in which I buy the items; these steps are merely a suggestion and do not have to be followed to the 't' because every game gives rise to new issues and situations.

Starting Purchases

For your first purchase, make sure to get Vampiric Shroud as it gives a boost to your initial magic power (20 magic power) as well as granting you 10 HP and 10 Mana each time you kill an enemy (including minions). In addition to Vampiric Shroud, buy Shoes as it gives you +20 magic power and a small increase to your movement speed. A Health Potion and Mana Potion would be useful should either your health or mana drop low.

Core Purchases

As previously stated, this is a suggested order of purchases that I commonly use. First, finish Shoes of Focus for the 15% Cooldown Reduction as well as the +50 magic power, 21% movement speed increase, and 250 mana increase. What god would be completely without the item they inspired? The next choice for this cooldown reduction build is Chronos' Pendant for the 25% Cooldown Reduction, 25 Mana per 5 second, and +50 magic power. The key to any magic damage build is Rod of Tahuti; this build is no different as Rod of Tahuti give +125 magic power, 15 MP5, and +25% magic power. To finish out the core aspect of the Keeper of Time build, purchase Polynomicon as it causes the next basic attack that Chronos uses after using an ability to do increased damage (+100% of Chronos' magic power) in addition to granting +75 magic power, 10% magic lifesteal, and 300 mana. Because of the way that Polynomicon works, it is best used by using Accelerate when the Wheel of Time is on its fourth section (+35% magic power contribution to basic attacks) as it causes the first basic attack after the ability is used to decimate the enemy's health.

Situational Items

Every game is different and therefore this build accommodates for this by allowing for two additional items to help the core build. Here are some suggestions and when they should be needed:

- Divine Ruin: Counter gods with healing abilities (i.e. Aphrodite, Kali, Hercules, Hel). Divine Ruin reduces any healing and regeneration done to an enemy hit by Chronos' abilities as well as giving Chronos +50 magic power, 15% magic lifesteal, and 150 mana.

- Void Stone: Laning against a magic power based tank (i.e. Ymir, Sobek, Athena, etc.) as it reduces magic protection by 25. as well as granting Chronos magic protection and +50 magic power.

- Wall of Absolution: Laning against a physical god (i.e. Odin, Anhur, Ne Zha, etc.) as it increases Chronos' physical protection by 60 as well as an additional 15 when hit by a basic attack (max. 3). It also grant Chronos +30 magic power and 15 MP5.

- Demonic Grip: Laning against tanks or tanky built gods. This item grants +30 magic power and 25% attack speed increase as well as reducing any enemy hit by Chronos' attacks magic protection by 7% and an additional 5 (max. 3).

Active Effects

Not always a necessity but always nice to have, actives can mean the difference between life and death or the difference between securing a kill or letting it slip away. Here are some recommended active effects for Chronos:

- Aegis Amulet: Makes Chronos immune to any and all damage for 2 seconds as well as reducing damage taken by 20% for 4 seconds. This is a fantastic counter to the ultimates of Freya, Neith, Ymir, etc. because of the immunity; however, timing is everything so use it wisely.

- Purification Beads: Makes Chronos immune to all crowd control for 3 seconds as well as reducing all cooldowns by 5 seconds. Use this to counter the ultimates of Ymir, Ares, Fenrir, Ne Zha, etc.

-Meditation: This gives Chronos insane amounts of sustainability as it returns 75% of Chronos' mana, gives Chronos 45 MP5 for 60 seconds, and returns 30% of his missing health.

- Girdle of Might/ Girdle of Inner Power: Girdle of Might is used in team fights and Girdle of Inner Power if solo laning or midding. Both grant Chronos +60 magic power and +15% magic power as well as 10% magic penetration for 5 ( Girdle of Might) and 10 ( Girdle of Inner Power) seconds respectively.

Team Work

Assuming that Chronos isn't solo laning or midding, it is best to pair him with a tank or some kind of brawler/bruiser. Here are some gods that Chronos could potentially work well with:

Ymir, Father of the Frost Giants
"I am unstoppable and immovable mountain."

A lane in which Chronos and Ymir are paired is one to be feared. The high amounts of crowd control that Ymir possesses (i.e. Frost Breath and Ice Wall) paired with Chronos' Stop Time will keep the enemy exactly where the duo wants them to be provided that the enemy makes a false move and comes too close. In addition to being able to lock enemy gods down, Chronos' Stop Time will easily wipe minion waves from the lane with a little help from Ymir's Glacial Strike.

Here's a useful play that may come in handy in an actual game:

Have Ymir initiate the enemy with a Frost Breath and follow it up with Shards of Ice provided that he lands the freeze. Right as Ymir freezes the enemy, Chronos should send a Stop Time flying at the frozen enemy to prolong the stun. By this point, Ymir's Shards of Ice should have detonated and either killed the enemy or at least dropped the enemy's health enough for Chronos to mop up what's left of the poor enemy. Should the enemy be fleeing, have Ymir toss up a pro Ice Wall to cut off the retreating enemy; the enemy should be caught off guard by this which will give Chronos time to throw a Time Rift at their feet; possibly killing the enemy. Should all this fail, Chronos can use Accelerate (section IV of Wheel of Time) to beat the enemy to death with the gears of time.

Disclaimer about the above play: Easily countered by Aegis Amulet and/or Purification Beads.


Thor, God of Thunder
"You're in for a world of pain. I bring the thunder AND the lightning!"

Thor and Chronos are a good pairing for the same reasons that Ymir and Chronos make a good duo: the ability to lock down an enemy for a decent amount of time. Thor's stunning Tectonic Rift should give Chronos enough time to use his Stop Time to keep the enemy locked in place. What sets this composition apart from that of the Ymir-Chronos composition is that both Thor and Chronos are damage dealers and will decimate enemies without the use of ultimates (of course, Thor's ultimate, Anvil of Dawn can be used to initiate or to secure a kill). Both Thor's Mjolnir's Attunement and Chronos' Stop Time can clear a minion wave in the blink of an eye; in addition to this, both Thor's Berserker Barrage and Chronos' Time Rift will decimate an enemy's health bar given the opportunity to get both abilities off.


There will be more to come as I experiment with friends!


Just a few brief reminders before you go out there and play this God among gods:

-Timing is everything when it comes to Chronos so be mindful of what section Wheel of Time is on when using Accelerate.

-You are squishy, so if you tower dive, keep a close eye on your health when you're doing it and have your eject Rewind always at the ready to get out of a hairy situation.

- Rewind has a charge up animation and you can still be killed in it; use with care.

-Don't over lead your abilities like Time Rift and Stop Time; there's no need to waste a cooldown.

-This is the most important one: Have fun while you play the game, don't be negative. It's a game!


Soon to come!


-7/11/2013: Guide published.

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Ambuscado | July 13, 2013 2:45am
Amazing guide, very informative! Helped me pick up the god quickly with little practice.
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