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Play aggressive on the first wave and transform quickly. After you transform back play a bit less aggressive (depends on your matchup) until you run out of potions, then back and get mystical mail. Warrior's axe and potions can give you some ok sustain early but most warriors will have better sustain since Cu Chulainn has no self-heal.
This build helps a lot for the current meta of crit and attack speed. It gives you 40% CCR and 30% CDR, which helps you impact team fights a lot, as well as good protections and decent damage with sundering axe and gladiator's shield. If the team has huge magical damage, change spectral armor for some magical protection item. I recommend blink to initiate team fights and beads to escape if you get hard CC'd.
In the rare occasion in which no one on the enemy team has critical strikes, this build should protect you from adcs better.
Magical solos are not very common lately, but getting some magical prots + extra CDR should help you against them. Make sure to hit them with your 1 to give them some anti-heal
This build could be used if they have a team with a lot of tanks, but that's not very usual.
Tap each threat level to view Cu Chulainn’s threats
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I hadn't realized the Sundering Axe nerf made it that bad since I haven't played much this last week, but I used it a few times since they nerfed it and it still worked ok for me. Since I play kind of passively at the beginning of games I find that I don't need anything else other than the starter and potions, but some other people who like a strong early game might.
The experience I've had since the season started was adcs doing so much damage that I try to just counter it with a more physical prots build and anti-crit. I don't build Spectral Armor if there is only one god on the enemy team with crits, unless they are dominating the game, but in many games there's more than one enemy god with crits (also, in many games I don't even get to buying it since the game ends before that). Also, I find that the amount of magical protections I get with Bulwark and the Breastplate glyph are usually enough with all the cooldown reduction I get, plus a lot of supports now get magical protection auras.
You might be right about rushing Breastplate of Valor before Mystical Mail, I just like rushing CCR before CDR (just a personal preference), but the order of the build could be changed and the late game results should be the same (I'm more of a farm slowly at start, go all in late type player). I don't really like berserker's shield for the way I play Cu Chulainn since I focus on abilities so I wouldn't make good use of the attack speed boost.
Also I've never been a fan of Berserker's on Cu Chulainn before however since its last buff and the nerfs to all the other items, you could experiment with a build like
Redstone passive will make up for the slight lack in magical prots and you'll still be the same oppressive Cu Chulainn, the 10% pen (especially while enraged) will help you out trade the rest of the solo's all going Breastplate first item. That is just a theoretical build though.
For future reference when you're making a build, a decent baseline for a solo's base stats is around 3000HP, 250 Physical prot, 180 Magical prot.