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Deity/GM Loki Jungle

Jungler Conquest
13 1 8,867
by AutoSpeed updated March 3, 2025

Smite God: Loki

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Loki Build


Notes We rush Transcendence as the first item because of the damage + flat pen increase, which is necessary if you want to maximize your damage output for the mid/late game stage.


We rush Transcendence as the first item because of the damage + flat pen increase, which is necessary if you want to maximize your damage output for the mid/late game stage.

Build Item Bumba's Cudgel Bumba's Cudgel
Build Item Axe Axe
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune


Notes This build offers high burst damage to take out your foes and offers 45 cooldown rate which adds up to be exactly 31.03% cooldown reduction with the formula

CDR% = (1 - (100 / (100 + CDRate))) × 100


This build offers high burst damage to take out your foes and offers 45 cooldown rate which adds up to be exactly 31.03% cooldown reduction with the formula

CDR% = (1 - (100 / (100 + CDRate))) × 100

Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Tekko-Kagi Tekko-Kagi
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Optional Items

Notes Brawler's Ruin is a good pickup into the build if you need anti-heal, and I would recommend replacing Tekko-Kagi for the item.

This also applies to any other item in the optional items.


Brawler's Ruin is a good pickup into the build if you need anti-heal, and I would recommend replacing Tekko-Kagi for the item.

This also applies to any other item in the optional items.

Build Item Brawler's Ruin Brawler's Ruin
Build Item Oath-Sworn Spear Oath-Sworn Spear
Build Item Avatar's Parashu Avatar's Parashu
Build Item Sundering Arc Sundering Arc

God Aspect De-Activated

Aspect of Concealment

Vanish no longer Debuffs enemies you hit but instead, Stealths you and the nearest allied god on use.

Loki's Skill Order


1 X Y
3 8 11 12 14

Agonizing Visions

2 A B
Agonizing Visions
2 15 16 18 19

Flurry Strike

3 B A
Flurry Strike
1 4 6 7 9


4 Y X
5 10 13 17 20
3 8 11 12 14


1 X
Disappear in a puff of smoke, become Stealth and gain Movement Speed.
  • Your next basic attack deals additional Physical Damage over time.
  • Killing a god resets the cooldown of this ability.
  • You are Immune to Slows while Stealthed.
Damage Per Tick: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90
Damage Scaling Per Tick: 10% Strength
Movement Speed: 35%
Buff Duration: 4s
Cooldown: 15s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • Hits 4 times over 2 seconds.
  • Stealthed gods are invisible to enemies unless they enter an enemy structure's attack area.
  • Taking damage while in Stealth partially reveals you for 0.2 seconds.
  • You are Immune to Slows while Stealthed.
  • Stealth is broken when hit by Hard CC.
Agonizing Visions
2 15 16 18 19

Agonizing Visions

2 A
Summon a vision of Loki that repeatedly deals Physical Damage to nearby enemies.
  • Damaged enemies have reduced damage.
  • Enemies hit four times are Blinded.
Damage: 13 / 18 / 23 / 28 / 33
Damage Scaling: 15% Strength
Blind Duration: 3s
Damage Dealt Reduction: 5%
Debuff Duration: 2.5s
Max Debuff Stacks: 3
Range: 8.8m
Radius: 4m
Cooldown: 13s
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70

Additional Notes:
  • This ability hits 8 times over 3.5 seconds.
  • Blinded players have their game camera obscured.
  • The Vision Impedes enemy characters only.
  • Loki benefits from Behind You on Blinded enemies from all directions.
Flurry Strike
1 4 6 7 9

Flurry Strike

3 B
Unleash a flurry of dagger strikes, dealing Physical Damage repeatedly and Slowing enemies in front of you.
  • The final hit deals Physical Damage and applies a stronger Slow.
  • This is a Channeled ability.
  • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling.
Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
Final Damage: 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135
Final Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
Slow: 15%
Final Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 2.2s
Cone Angle: 90 degrees
Cooldown: 9s
Cost: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • Hits 6 times over 1.5 seconds.
  • Slow is refreshed with each hit but does not stack.
  • This ability can benefit from Behind You.
5 10 13 17 20


4 Y
Teleport to the target location, then strike twice to assassinate a foe.
  • The first strike deals Physical Damage and Cripple enemies in the area.
  • The second strike deals Physical Damage and Stuns enemies in front of you.
Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210
Damage Scaling: 35% Strength
Final Damage: 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280
Final Damage Scaling: 90% Strength
Stun Duration: 0.8s
Range: 8.8m
Cone Angle: 105 degrees
Cooldown: 90s
Cost: 90

Additional Notes:
  • Loki locks onto the enemy god closest to the center of the teleport location, if there is one.

Loki Threats

Tap each threat level to view Loki’s threats


Loki Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Loki’s synergies



Hey, my name is AutoSpeed and I have been a Grandmaster + 3500 (MMR cap) in Conquest, Joust, and Duel in every recent season and I am rank Deity in Smite 2. I'm happy to share my knowledge of the game with everyone, and I appreciate any and all feedback!

Here are my channels:





Loki Basics

Loki's Abilities

Passive - Behind You!

Loki deals bonus damage when hitting enemies from behind.

Behind You! fits his stealth assassin theme, and is very powerful if enemies decide to run away, as you will deal much more damage than normal. Use Vanish to get close and get a free hit from behind the enemy.

Ability 1 - Vanish

Loki turns invisible, and his next auto attack applies a considerable damage-over-time effect

Vanish is used to engage and disengage from fights. Use it every time an enemy god is near.

There is a audio cue when you use the ability, so nearby enemies may be aware of your approach. The range of the audio cue is a little bit longer than auto attack range, presume if they could hit you before you used Vanish, they could hear you use Vanish.

Ability 2 - Agonizing Visions

Loki summons a vision, dealing light damage overtime to all enemies within a big radius. Enemies hit deal reduced damage, and if they are hit 4x they become blinded, while also allowing Behind You! to work from any direction

Agonizing Visions is used to disorient enemies. It doesn't deal much damage on its own, but will reduce their damage dealt. It is also a good way to stop enemy blinks.

Ability 3 - Flurry Strike

Loki strikes 5x in a short cone in front of him, with a final 6th swing for extra damage. He's knockup immune while channeling, and slows enemies hit.

Flurry Strike is your main damage ability, as it does a massive amount of damage over time. Use this to clear camps and damage gods in the early game. Once you are in the late game, use the ability less as your auto attacks will deal more damage.

Ultimate - Assassinate

Loki teleports to a location. If a god is in the radius, Loki will slice and cripple them, dealing damage. He will then slice one more time which can cleave nearby enemies, dealing extra damage and stunning them.

Assassinate is your finishing move, used to lockdown an enemy or catch up to their location. You could also use it to escape from combat in a pinch, it has flexible usage.

Ability Rotations:

Early game DPS:

Vanish > Auto Attack > Flurry Strike > Auto Attack > Agonizing Visions > Auto Attack

Late game DPS:

Vanish > Auto Attack > Agonizing Visions > Auto Attack

You can use Flurry Strike for the slow, but cancel it immediately after one strike.


Vanish > Auto Attack > Agonizing Visions > Auto Attack > Assassinate > Auto Attack

Aggressive use of Assassinate, this attack chain deals the most amount of damage late-game. You risk enemies collapsing on you if Assassinate is down, so only do this when it's a 1v1 or you can confirm a kill.
Flurry Strike can be used in the late game, but you should cancel it immediately, as we only use it as an auto attack reset at this stage of the game.

Loki Jungle Tutorial

Early Game:
  • Start at the Gold Fury side Speed Buff; once the Speed Buff jungle camp is cleared, head towards your XP Buff right next to your Speed Buff; afterwards, you want to head towards the XP camp right next to the Gold Fury Buffs (this will let you hit level 2).

    After that you want to head towards mid to contest the mid camps in the right jungle with your mid laner. Once that is done, head towards your red buff, and either you or your mid laner can take this buff.

    Then go down towards your scorpion camp and XP camp (this will let you hit level 3).

  • Loki has a lackluster early fight. Don't fight the enemy, use your abilities to clear the minions if you can do so safely. Your fights are based off of ambushes and out rotations, and there's no ambush if the enemy jungler is face to face with you.

  • Buff Camps > Rotations > Harpies is your priorities. If the enemy jungler is in the area, look to counterrotate on them, don't go in first.

  • Your efficiency picks up with items, and your goal is to take as much farm as possible. If the enemy jungler is rotating on one side of the map, try invading buffs on the other.

  • Your fights are much better with Assassinate, as it can force relics, if not kill the opponent.

Mid Game:
  • Begins around ~14 minutes, or when most people have hit Level 12. Most enemy teams have gotten around to warding by now, and team fights become increasingly common. Most builds have started to show effectiveness.

  • Don't initiate fights, wait for team fights to begin and use Vanish to get close. Your target should be the enemy backline, ideally a mage. If the enemy jungler lacks a form of CC immunity, you could try to hit them instead, as Assassinate will force their relics out.

  • Use Agonizing Visions to farm minion waves without being seen by the enemies. You are strong at catching enemies out of position, and proper use of Vanish goes a long way. Do your best to avoid common ward areas, they are your biggest counter.

Late Game:
  • Almost everybody has hit Level 20, Fire Giant is the most important objective on the map. Starter items become unlocked at Level 20, which results in a damage/defensive spike. This means that everybody dies faster, and Team Fights are the most important thing.

  • Loki has a strong 1v1, but only if he can initiate first. Try pushing mid waves slowly and looking to bait out an enemy to clear it, save your Assassinate for the finisher or to escape if things turn bad.
  • When it comes to Siege Fights, always split push. Your are better keeping the enemy jungler away from the team fight, and playing for the 1v1 is favorable for you. Use your vanish to get close, but pay attention to the enemy. If they enemy jungler backs off, they most likely heard you and you should do the same. If your Vanish ends and you are within range, they will almost always Blink Rune onto you, which is dangerous.


Blue - Early/Rotational wards, you don't go out of your way to place these wards. Place them while already in the area, they are used to prevent blind spots while you rotate. They also double as objective wards

Green - Late game wards, you want to place them as high as possible without getting caught by the enemy doing so. They cut off chokepoints on the enemies side, which lets you know which side of the map they are on. Good wards for a Fire Giant fight

If you find yourself at an enemy buff camp, feel free to drop a ward for the timer if you plan on coming back!

It is very important to recognize which side of the map enemies are on. If you see the enemy jungler on the solo side, recognize they could counter-rotate if you try to play on that side of the map. On the flip side, it means you are free to rotate on the Gold-Fury side of the map!


Loki aspects offer a new and unique way to play him. Loki aspects allow you to be able to turn up to 1 of your allies invisible when he uses Vanish and give you and that ally 5% damage reduction, upwards of 15% with an estimate of 4-5 meters (you have to be very close to your ally to proc the invisible on them).

Pro: You have additional ways to peel for your teammates and can give your team stealth, which is very useful to run away from the enemies or to sneak attack.

Con: Your invisible doesn't do any damage (meaning 0 damage), so you will have a harder time killing people by yourself.

Question 1: "I want to run the new aspect on Loki; is it good in the jungle?"

Answer 1: No, the aspect on Loki should only be played if you're planning on playing him in the support role because this aspect removes all damage from his 1, which means you can't proc item effects like The Crusher or Heartseeker. This makes you less of a threat in the DPS role, and the aspect highly encourages you to play him as a support.

Conclusion: I would highly recommend not running the aspect on Loki; however, if you want to give the Loki aspect a try, I would recommend running Loki with the aspect in the support role, and without the aspect, run him in the jungle role.

Final Advice

Loki is a bunch of fun, but his reputation is there for a reason. It's important you play confidently in your solo plays, as he is not a character known for his team fight. The recommended build above should help out with this weakness, while still making your 1v1 strong. Everyone hates playing against an experienced Loki player, as they feel like there's no counter play. Live out your stealth assassin dreams!

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Branmuffin17 (401) | January 28, 2025 9:50am
Hey Auto,

As a quick suggestion, could you also mention his aspect and your thoughts on it, along with use if it's something you situationally suggest? I'm pretty sure you would typically not use it...that decreased power in the 1 is tough and sharing the invis takes good planning/coordination...but would still be good to address!
AutoSpeed (1) | January 29, 2025 6:26am
Hey Branmuffin17,

Thank you for pointing that out. In the future, starting sometime today, I will have the pros and cons for each aspect of a god.

For Loki I wouldn't recommend using an aspect on him, and the reason is because of a couple of things.

reason #1: It hurts your damage too much due to the fact that it removes ALL DAMAGE from your 1, which makes it only useful if you're running Loki support, but the problem with that is you offer no pressure during the laning phase and on the map since your damage is too low to oppose a meaningful threat.

Reason #2: The range on his invisibility ability is too short to constantly make one of your teammates go invisible. The issue with that is that most of the time when you use your invisibility, you're not actually going to make any use of the fact that you can turn your teammates invisible because the range on the ability to apply such an effect is too short, and it will have to inconveniently go out of your way to apply this effect.

I could go on and on, but I would highly recommend NOT going the aspect on Loki, as it's overall not good in general and statistically.
AutoSpeed (1) | January 29, 2025 6:28am
I will be going into more depth later today with the aspects notes for this god and for the other gods with the aspects. :)
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