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I value 10 pen more than 10% cdr early game.
Core Power:
Discordia doesn't have a long distance dash or leap like agni or thoth. Therefore, she needs health to stay longer in fights. While her leap is incredibly useful to dodge certain ult and abilities, its a 1 time use and can still leave you vulnerable after leaping. That's why I use warlock's staff.
Pen Items:
Spear of deso is a must buy, pen and cdr is very good on discordia. When you need anti heal, go divine and spear of deso. If enemies are running triple tank or their tanks are carrying the game, get obshard instead of soul gem if following build 1. You usually wont neeed obshard if you go the antiheal build.
Last few items:
I think chronos pendant is necessary on Discordia. Good power and CDR.
I enjoy soul gem because low cooldowns allow you to spam that proc.
However, you can go book of dead if you are getting dove on very hard by enemy jungler.
Soul reaver is very good and synergizes well with soul gem passive as well. If you have soul reaver ready, your 2,1 combo on a squishy will 100% guarantee their death if they have no relics.
-learn to dodge with you leap
[*] you have a leap, which mean you have immunity frames. Learn to use this at the right time to avoid abilities (ex. ymir ult, discordia ult, etc.)
[*] learn to dodge basics and weave around enemies within your circle. You can get some pretty hilarious plays with this.
[*] you leap is very short, it can go over most playermade walls, but no actual walls
[*] late game, you will be using the dash 80% of the time to continue spamming your abilities.
-your 2, 1 combo is devastating late game if you can get multiple people grouped up. Early game, don't be afraid to your combo on 1 person. It still does a good amount of damage.
-when clearing minions, drop your 1 so that it lands on the archers. This makes the archers take damage from 3 small stars, and at least 1 small star will hit the front minions.
-your 2 has a delay, learn the timing
-you don't have good obj secure, but you have a decent steal. For example, if the enemy team is grouped and attacking the gold fury and they don't know you are there. Your 2 can cc them long enough to drop your 1 to steal the gf and deal a big chunk of damage.
-You are an average early game god. Good mid-game, and very good late game.
-Your ultimate is hard to use. Here are some tips:
[*] your ult is best used at close range because it is the easiest to hit. most of the time, you will want to combo off of a teammate's cc to hit your ult.
[*] try not to use your ult to snipe people. If you have to though, here are some important tips:
- you won't hit the ult if they are paying attention to you (aka make sure their back is turned)
- make sure their dash is down. You cannot predict and properly use your ult if they still have their dash.
[*] Use ult at the proper time. This just comes with experience. My biggest mistake when starting discordia was that I would use my ult too late in the fight. Your ult is very good at disrupting the middle of a fight. Not the greatest at ending or starting a fight.
[*] your ult has a short moment of cc immunity like sol's ult. It's very hard to get the timing right, but it's there.
[*] INCREDIBLY USEFUL TIP - use walls to your advantage. When defending phoenix, drop a ward in front of phoenix and hide behind a wall. You can use your combo safely and can kill the squishies very easily by doing this. Very similar to thoth phoenix defense playstyle.
-you can use bancroft instead of book of thoth if you enjoy health sustain better
-CDR is important on discordia
-shamans ring is better in arena or other game modes. not my favorite for conquest
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Nice quick writeup and the build seems solid overall. I've still never used
You list various situational items, but in addition to your writeup of the anti-tank use of
On tips/tricks, you talk about the leap not being able to go over actual walls, but it can in fact...not ALL walls, but some walls, or at least some areas of some walls where it gets thinner.
Solid overall tips for the various abilities and gameplay. +1
Sure, I'll do a write-up on estaff soon and explain my other situational items. Sorry for the bad formatting.
And about the walls, can you tell me which walls in conquest I can jump over? Not saying you're wrong, I just want to learn about it (also don't want to spread false info). I've only jumped over joust and arena walls, as well as cut corners on conquest.