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I personally choose Shoes of Focus over
Shoes of the Magi for the extra mana and CDR. Though that's just preference. You can build
Shoes of the Magi if you want, I can see that for early game pen. Also I build shoes first because a jungler needs to be able to get around quick. Also I would definately get
Chronos' Pendant for the CDR.
All of these items are all REALLY good for magic power. These are here for choice of what you want. Obviously you'd want Spear of Desolation and
Spear of the Magus for the magic pen. Doom Orb is an overall good item for
Merlin because of the MP5, magic power, and mana. Finally,
Shaman's Ring should be used for movement and the magic power.
These items should be used depending on the enemy team comp. I highly recommend Gem of Iso for its CCR if you're going against someone like Da Ji or
Ne Zha.
Stone of Fal is also really for early game power and CDR, and as an added bonus it gives you 40 magic protections. Finally I recommend the
Void Stone if you feel that you're dying too much throughout the game. It gives you +60 magic protection and +150 Health.
Divine Ruin is anti-heal. Best used against healers like
Obsidian Shard is tank shredder.
Soul Gem and
Pythagorem's Piece are both extra lifesteal.
This is my personal Merlin build. I try to build CDR as all of his abilities have pretty long cooldowns. Shoes of Focus and
Chronos' Pendant should be all you need in terms of CDR.
Spear of Desolation is just an added bonus to max out your CDR, +100 Magic power, and the +15 magic pen.
Bancroft's Talon is really good for early game power and lifesteal.
Gem of Isolation is really good for CCR and the extra health. You want to be able to do as much damage as possible. Finally, replace blessing with
Doom Orb.
I know that you can't have 3 relics equipped but these are the ones that I find to be really useful. Meditation Cloak should be used to regain health and mana, though I think it's more useful for getting mana back. Purification Beads is for getting out of stuns like
Hun Batz or
Da Ji ults. Blink Rune is the one I'm kind of iffy on since Merlin has his escape
Flicker. I'd say only use Blink Rune if you aren't building CDR.
If anyone is wondering where Chronos' Pendant went, the Shoes, Piece, and Spear of Deso all give you +10% CDR. You wouldn't need the pendant at that point.
Soul Gem finishes off the CDR and gives you +150 health, +65 magic power, and of course, lifesteal.
Tap each threat level to view Merlin’s threats
Welcome to my first SmiteFire Build/Guide. I've this site a lot in the past and now I would like to help newcomers to Smite. So let's get into my Jungle build for Merlin
I believe that Merlin is one of the most underatted junglers in Smite. People seem to think that because he's a mage that he must be played either in Mid or Solo Lane. This couldn't be farther from the truth, and my proof is Ao Kuang (Who is my main jungler btw.) All of his abilities do really good damage and has good range for crowd control. He's one of the few junglers who can fend for himself late game, and he's really good when teaming up for a team gank late game. So let's get into to everything else and I hope this helps everyone out there that wants to try out
Merlin in the jungle!
Merlin is a Stance Changer, so he technically doesn't have an ult. There are 3 stances that Merlin can use... Fire,Ice,and Arcane (Magic)
Fire Stance does the most damage out of the stances and is the stance I recommend if you're ganking a lane. However, this comes at a cost as you need to get slightly get closer to an enemy if you use Radiate. This shouldn't be too much of an issue because you should be doing a ton of damage. Recommended combo in this stance is
Dragonfire quickly followed by
Radiate for max damage potential.
Ice Stance is best for clearing jungle camps and minion waves if you're in lane. If you hit enemy gods with the combo Blizard then Frostbolt, they will be slowed and damaged.
Arcane Stance is best for dealing with multiple gods at once. The combo of Vortex then
Eclipse can devastate multiple gods. This combo is especially in Duo Lane.
Flicker is Merlin's escape, it basically speaks for itself.
Elemental Mastery is Merlin's stance change. Merlin has this at the start of the game, albeit all it can do is change the stance. Once you reach level 5 his "ult" will evolve. In your stance change, an explosion AND implosion will occur. Here's how it works... let's say you're in Arcane Stance and you switch stances. When you use the stance change an explosion will occur with differing effects depending on what stance you're in. If you're in Arcane stance you will knock the enemy up, and if you change to Fire Stance, the following implosion will burn enemies caught in the AOE. Switching to Ice Stance will slow enemies in the AOE. Ans that's it for Merlin's abilities.
So what do y'all think? Please leave comments and let me know if this build helped you out or if there are any changes I need to make. Again, this is my first build so let me know how I did. Thanks!
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You also have yet to fix some of the builds.
Spear of the Magus should be listed in all the builds. Not having it shows a massive failure in understanding Merlin's kit.
Also, you really need a different avatar for your account. Here are some suggestions:
In terms of damage dealer item listing,
With regard to the additional builds:
Alright, I'm going to explain a bit of the other questions you had above.
Two other considerations here. 1) An enemy that builds 0 protection items, at level 20, is going to have 48 magical protection. This means you will deal TRUE damage to those enemies with this item. 2) Outside of
And in any case, you don't ever HAVE to max CDR. Every item has some form of inefficiency, or way to counter. In the case of CDR, you're not getting the most out of that stat unless you're casting immediately as it comes off CD. When you disengage from a fight you won, maybe you want to push a tower. Lifesteal on minions in these cases might get your health back up a bit, making it safer for you to stay out, or engage in another fight that might be happening. That's just one example. But you see where I'm going.
The stats on Deso are fine, but they're not necessarily more important at that stage of a game, compared to other item options. If you want to build it, that's fine, but other items are also very functional. And if you're comparing to
Second, I said "I would give" and not "I gave", there's such a big difference between the phrases.
And for last, I don't have alternative accounts. I don't even know which account you're talking about, but if it isn't xmysterionz, it is not mine.
Now my question: how about instead attack people (with wrong information) you don't go give some feedback away or just take care of your (and only your) life?
Isn't this guy the 4