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Get beads/blink depending on enemy team comp.
Toxic Blade for antiheal
Frostbound Hammer for cheese
Berserker's Shield for some physical protection/attack speed/pen
Void Shield for physical protection/pen
Atalanta's Bow for more penetration and attack speed, and for the juicy passive
Magi's Cloak for temporary CC immunity and 300 health.
Tap each threat level to view Erlang Shen’s threats
He outboxes and bullies you in lane :)
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 53 [display_name] => Osiris [url] => osiris ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He outboxes and bullies you in lane :) ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Sell Fighter's Mask for
Spirit Robe or
Mantle of Discord
Require antiheal? Go Qin's Sais over
Toxic Blade
Toxic Blade if need antiheal
Mantle of Discord if you don't need additional protections against CC
Berserker's Shield if you want more attack speed in your build.
Void Shield for extra physical protections
Shogun's Kusari for more attack speed but lesser health or additional magical protections
Qin's Sais for more power/attack speed and penetration against high health targets.
Stone of Gaia if enemy comp have a lot of knockups/knockbacks/pull/grabs.
You can pick up a relic depending on how you are going to play. Pick blink if you want to collapse on your duo early, pick sundering spear if you want to do the same but a little bit of less risk. Horrific Emblem is great for teamfights to help engagement.
Toxic Blade if you need antiheal
[[Heartward Amulet] for additional magical protection
Mantle of Discord for additional protections, CC immunity, burst protection and CDR
Winged Blade for magical protections, CCR, health, movement speed and slow protection
Void Shield for physical protection and penetration
Spectral Armor for physical protection and CRITICAL DAMAGE protection
Pestilence for additional magical protection and antiheal
There are 0 builds on this character for this patch so I will go ahead and make some. Erlang Shen is one of the more enjoyable warriors for me, he is viable in many roles such as jungle, solo, and even support. I love gods that have variety in the roles and their builds and Erlang is just that.
Erlang Shen is an auto attack-based character although his abilities are great in setting up kills for you and your team.
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I wouldnt say that, if Erlang is auto based then any builds Osiris or Bellona or Amaterasu would use then Erlang could use it too.
As for the threats/matchups, Osiris isnt his number 1 threat, in fact you can potentially outbox an osiris simply because of your mobility and roots considering hes not mobile at all and would need to ult just to leap away, you can always just 3 out his tethers then go back to fight him. Only big concern is if he ultz you when you ult for heals
Bellona is fine where she is probably even a higher threat but it depends how they would play her against Erlang because Erlangs biggest threats are cripples, silences and disarms. Bellona can only disarm you and block stacks but you still have your CC and ult to out sustain her.
If you wanna add real threats here are some you could add in the correct category
Major threat-Guan Yu, knockup immune in his 3, can dash to slow you, no real escape from his ult, potentially outsustain you if he rushes CD.
Major threat-Amaterasu, she can silence your 3, and her passive and 2 can outbox erlang and her ult late game could impact you and your team since you dont have CC immunity in your kit
Major threat-Nike, she can disarm you and is knockup immune when doing so, can block your 3 with her shield or knock you up with her leap while using your 3, can ult you to slow you alot.
Major threat-Xing Tian, his 1 lowers your autos damage, can root you or can leap out of your roots, can ult you since you have no CC immunity
Major threat-Gilgamesh, can outbox you with his 1, cant escape his ult even in your mink/turtle form due to the slows,
EXTREME threat-King Arthur, can cripple you, is root immune and knockup immune in his 3, can ult you anytime since you have no CC immunity. Basically a big counter matchup here, you'd have to play passively against him until you can pick up Animosity and Stone of Gaia to potentially beating him.
EXTREME threat-Cu Chulainn, has antiheal for your ult, your autos plus your dog doubles his rage buildup, can leap out of your roots, his rage form outboxes you. You lose lane unless you build really tanky.
Everyone else is either a lower or even threat that shouldn't really be listed because those matchups can be stalemated in lane and won lategame or vise versa.
There are definitely plenty of builds for him. Also great comment by the way Erin.