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Swap Warding Sigil for
Bluestone Pendant if you want a more aggressive start.
Top of the mornin' to ya, Stuke here with a new guide. With this guide we'll be taking a look at the first Celtic warrior to be released into Smite, in this guide I will teach you how to play a god with more rage than I have. Allow me to introduce Sétanta, or known as Cú Chulainn.
Note: you don't have to follow this guide to the smallest detail, these are suggestions on how to play Cu Chulainn. I encourage you to look at the comment section below and see other suggestions.
Remember when I said Cu Chulainn has no mana, here’s why. Instead of having a mana pool, Cu builds up a new type of energy called Rage. His mana bar is at a constant 100 and every item that would give mana/mana regen is instead converted into health and health regen respectively. Cu can regenerate up to 25 Rage naturally but needs to land a hit, get hit, or have an ally get hit to build it up. Here's the kicker, once you hit 85 rage points, and with a short build-up, Cu goes Berserk which increases his damage, gives him a small health shield, and makes his second ability, Vent Anger, constantly active during the duration. While Rage works similarly to mana, it can also be regenerated in a greater number if any of your abilities besides Vent Anger hits an enemy. |
One of the most mechanically challenging abilities in his kit. While it seems very simple, giving Cu Chulainn a built-in ![]() |
Cu Chulainn is a bruiser through in through. He's built like a tank and hits like a cannon, building protections, CDR, and health to maximize his potential during fights. Here is a selection of items that can synergize with Cu Chulainn that could be a nice addition to your build.
A go-to for when you want to be tankier. Every time a damaging ability hits you, you gain additional protections for a short duration that occurs once per ability. Making this a good item for when you're going against someone who spams abilities. At Lvl 20, we will upgrade this to ![]() |
If you're looking for a safer starter for Solo then this is the item for you. Every attack made against an enemy god will take that target's health and give it to you before going on a short cool down. At Lvl 20, we will upgrade this to ![]() |
A starter for the highly aggressive ability-focused gods. Every time an enemy is hit by a damaging ability, they take damage over time. Since all of Cu Chulainn's abilities deal damage, that means you not only can apply constant annoying damage but also that increased damage output will give you better pressure during the lane phase as well as team fights. At Lvl 20, we will upgrade this to ![]() |
A nice defensive item for when you or your enemy likes to get too close. Once bought, this item provides an aura that puts out magical damage over time every second. Also, a very good item against stealthed enemies so makes use of the damage over time to either make them visible or pop their stealth. And when paired with ![]() |
Whenever your health falls below a certain threshold, you will gain a health shield based on a percentage of your maximum health. After activation, this item will go into cooldown before this effect can be used again. |
After using your ultimate, you gain a health shield that explodes and deals damage to any enemies standing too close after a short duration or when depleted to zero. Since you're mostly using your ultimate in the middle of a fight, the added protection is perfect for what Cu Chulainn needs. |
A favorite item for many bruisers. Get close to an enemy and reduce their physical protections as long as they stay within the debuff radius. |
A very nice item for any bruiser to have in their arsenal. You gain stacks of protections of physical and magical protections based on how many enemy gods are near you. Similar to ![]() |
Once your ultimate is activated, all enemy gods within a large radius are revealed, gain a movement speed increase when going towards an enemy, and the first enemy god revealed is attacked takes additional damage. Perfect for when you need to chase down a fleeing target. Since Cu doesn't have many options to chase, this makes a nice addition especially when you go Berserk and can't get the movement speed boost from ![]() |
A classic item for physical bruisers. Based on how much health you have, you gain additional damage when above the threshold and you gain protections when below. |
A perfect item from front-line bruisers. Every kill and assist provides you with a stack of protections. At max stacks it upgrades and gains a new effect: while out of combat you gain a health bubble that increases the longer you don't take damage. |
Have trouble with enemy healing? When you get near an enemy god, their healing percentage is reduced until they get far enough away from you. |
A classic physical protection item for Solo, especially for those who are ability-focused. Not to mention that the increase to mana and MpS gets transferred into health makes Cu better at surviving. |
You gain stacks of damage mitigation the more enemies that get close to you. This item is good if you're having a hard time during team fights, getting ganked early, or getting swarmed by the enemy team. |
In conclusion, Cu Chulainn is a bully in the lane during the Early-Mid Game and an unstoppable force during team fights while he goes Berserk. Always remember to keep that Rage high but not too high so you don't go Berserk during a lane or camp clear, Use Calm Mode to build up Rage for Berserk Form, and show the enemy team why they shouldn't let you get angry.
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Back when i was playing he was pretty op,and i had so much fun with it but now i think he needs some buff to be a viable pick
Secondly, I am seeing some serious flaws (in my opinion) in the guide:
1. You are leveling the 2 before the 3. This in my opinion is quite a big mistake and you miss out on a lot. I think the 3 should be skilled up before the 2 regardless of your playstyle because:
a. The 2 is mainly used for avoiding berserking and the MS boost
b. The 3 has very good damage as you level it up, and it scales decently as well (in both forms)
c. Against any decent team, you will not be able to get more value out of the DoT from 2 over the actual dmg from the 3
d. Even if you opt to use the 3 defensively, on those few ocasions where you use it offensively it will still be more effective than leveling up the 2
e. There are quite a few solo laners who build Mark of the Vanguard either first or third item, which negates a decent portion of the dot from the 2
f. This ties to a few of the other mentions I made previously: instant damage is easier to confirm and a lot safer than the dot from the 2 (which would imply in a lot of cases you chasing the enemy towards their territory to confirm that DoT)
2. You have a few items in the build which lose efficiency on Cu Chulainn (some more than others), such as Bluestone Pendant, Breastplate of Valor and Shogun's Kusari.
While mana and MP5 do get converted to health and HP5, the conversion rate is of only 15%. This means that the 300 Mana from BoV is only 45 Health, the 10MP5 is only 1.5HP5. Hardly noticeable.
Also, when describing why Bluestone Pendant should be taken first, you did mention that it provides a small amount of health and HP5. I would call 7.5 health and 0.75HP5 insignifiant even at level 1 and not even worth mentioning, to be honest.
While Bluestone and Shogun's don't lose that much efficiency (Bluestone's passive is still great), BoV actually loses quite a lot, so I would avoid that item, even if the 20% CDR is quite tempting.
A few items that you might want to include in the build (after you test them out yourself, of course) are Runeforged Hammer (especially if you will also build Frostbound), Mail of Renewal and the El Classico Bulwark of Hope. If you are ahead (or if you can fit them in the build), you can also opt for Qin's Sais or The Executioner, since, as mentioned, his attack speed is decent. You would usually not be able to include these in the build, however, since it is expected of solo laners to be able to frontline quite a lot for their team.
You really should mention Death's Toll as a starter item, as it works decently with Cu Chulainn, since he has decent attack speed by default. If you pair it with the regen from healing chalice + healing pot, you will be able to outbox almost anyone in early game.
I also think you should discuss the potential of him getting a solo kill at level 2 or even level 1(though this will happen in extremely rare situations), with proper planning and rage management, considering he actually has 2 abilities at lvl 1 and 4 abilities at lvl 2.
Finally, regarding actives, depending on the enemy team comp, you could also go into blink, for the setup potential with the 3 in the berserk form or the ultimate in the calm form (this leaving you the 3 for escaping). This is especially beneficial when your support is one with bad initiation (or if you are the support and paired with an offensive/aggresive hunter which is decently effective earlier than the hard carries).
Last edit: It might have been a good idea to publish this guide after the next patch hits, as it will bring A LOT of changes to items, among other things.
Arguable, but...LOL so awesome.
Before I talk about anything else, I think a cleaner organization for abilities would be extremely helpful. Give you an example.
Anyway, on to comments.