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by vladan354 updated August 18, 2018

Smite God: Bacchus

Build Guide Discussion 8 More Guides
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Bacchus Build

Notes i dont know if its a good build or if i was fighting against noobs so dont expect this build to work everytime you play


i dont know if its a good build or if i was fighting against noobs so dont expect this build to work everytime you play

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

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Gulfwulf (81) | August 18, 2018 12:05pm
You were playing against newer players because, as Kriega pointed out, this is a bad build.

If you're facing 3 physical and 2 magical opponents in arena, go with: Shoes of Focus, Breastplate of Valor, Void Stone, Gem of Isolation, Spirit Robe, situational.

If it's 3+ magical, swap out bov for Genji's Guard and delay void until your 4th item if you need physical protections. If you're facing a heavy healing comp, swap out void in both builds with Pestilence.


Bacchus has great crowd control (CC) abilities, so you want a mix of health, protections, cooldown reduction (CDR), and crowd control reduction (CCR). All of the items I've listed provide at least two of these traits, except for boots, which provide movement speed.

Situational items would be things like pestilence (health, protections, and anti-heal), Sovereignty (health, HP5, protections, and extra protections for your teammates. This is usually what supports build in conquest after boots), Midgardian Mail (health, protections, and enemy attack speed slow when hit by a basic attack), Witchblade (health, CCR, and slows enemy attack speed), Shogun's Kusari (health, protections, CDR, CCR, and speeds up both your and your allies' attack speed), Gauntlet of Thebes (health, HP5, and protections when fully stacked), and Hide of the Nemean Lion (protections, mana, MP5, and it reflects a portion of basic attacks back at the attackers - it's a great anti-crit item).

Now for your build:
  • Bacchus doesn't need Soul Reaver. Your job is to disrupt the enemy team so your damage dealers can either finish them off or cause them to back. I would only consider this if my team had a significant lead and I didn't feel as if I needed the extra protections and health from other items.
  • Stone of Gaia is very situational, and isn't all that good in the situations where its passive would apply. You can get your HP5 elsewhere with items like sovereignty and Thebes. Plus having extra health without protections is just asking for trouble.
  • Soul Gem just doesn't bring enough to the table to justify its place. It's good on gods who have a bit of healing in their kit, like Baron Samedi and Chang'e, but guardians should be looking at other items, like sov and Thebes for HP5. Get Pythagorem's Piece if your team needs extra life steal.
  • The problem with Mantle of Discord on a front liner is that its passive won't be up very often. Sure it has good protections and some CDR, but it's more for squishy gods without an escape like the aforementioned Baron or hunters like Skadi and Artemis. You're better served with spirit robe last if the enemy team has a lot of hard CC because its passive cooldown is much shorter and that extra 15% damage mitigation can help.

The above information is just general advice on how to build Bacchus or any support guardian. If you want an in-depth guide, check out Bran's guide.
Kriega1 (143) | August 18, 2018 10:55am
Someone fix this Bruiser Bacchus build. Build order and items. Especially Gaia and Soul Gem.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 18, 2018 11:40am
Void Stone and Mantle of Discord are the items appropriate for a bruiser build. Soul Gem and Stone of Gaia absolutely are not. Soul Reaver might work, but the passive's increased function is reached with high enemy health. Why the heck is this being built 3rd? If anything, you'd build it 5th or 6th.

The point of a bruiser build is to get in, deal your damage, get kills, and get out, because you're not building as a full tank to absorb tons of damage. Gaia's HP5 is a sustain item, and that's not what you need.

With the ease at which he can apply CC, Stone of Binding should probably be a key item. And getting magical protection 2nd, but no physical protection until 6th when you get Mantle is just asking to be focused.

This build definitely could see improvements, and no build is just a single build...alternative options should always be there.
DV-8 (35) | August 18, 2018 11:42am
Bacchus can't build Void Shield...

Did you mean Void Stone? xD
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