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Grandmaster Ravana Jungle

19 2 52,296
by AutoSpeed updated January 1, 2025

Smite God: Ravana

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Ravana Build

Starting Items

Notes Ravana has low mana usage, if you only use your Prana Onslaught it will be hard to run out of mana.


Ravana has low mana usage, if you only use your Prana Onslaught it will be hard to run out of mana.

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Golden Shard Golden Shard
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Full Build

Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune

Other Items

Notes These items would replace Bloodforge.
Spectral Armor if 2+ enemies have Critical Strike.
Mantle of Discord if you prefer a bruiser build.


These items would replace Bloodforge.
Spectral Armor if 2+ enemies have Critical Strike.
Mantle of Discord if you prefer a bruiser build.

Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle

Ravana's Skill Order

Prana Onslaught

1 X Y
Prana Onslaught
1 4 6 7 9

Overhead Kick

2 A B
Overhead Kick
3 15 16 18 19

10-Hand Shadow Fist

3 B A
10-Hand Shadow Fist
2 8 11 12 14

Mystic Rush

4 Y X
Mystic Rush
5 10 13 17 20
Prana Onslaught
1 4 6 7 9

Prana Onslaught

1 X
Ravana throws a powerful punch, projecting his prana with it to damage and slow all enemies in front of him.

Ability Type: Cone, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 (+95% of your Physical Power)
Slow Percentage: 25%
Slow Duration: 2.5s
Range: 20
Cost: 30 / 38 / 45 / 53 / 60
Cooldown: 9s
Overhead Kick
3 15 16 18 19

Overhead Kick

2 A
Ravana performs a high kick, sending a shockwave forward to damage all enemies in a line, increasing his Movement Speed and rendering him CC and damage immune during the action.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 50%
Lifetime: 1s
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
10-Hand Shadow Fist
2 8 11 12 14

10-Hand Shadow Fist

3 B
Ravana's fists fly forward, damaging and passing through minions and damaging and rooting the first god hit. Ravana heals for each enemy hit - with maximum damage sources of one god and up to three minions.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+85% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1.25s
Healing: 6 / 17 / 28 / 39 / 50
Range: 45
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14s
Mystic Rush
5 10 13 17 20

Mystic Rush

4 Y
Ravana leaps to a target location, damaging all enemies in the area and applying a debuff to enemy gods that increases the damage they take from all sources. After landing, Ravana receives a buff that reduces the damage he takes from all sources.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (+110% of your Physical Power)
Damage Increase: 10%
Damage Reduction: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%
Duration: 5s
Range: 55
Radius: 15
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s

Ravana Threats

Tap each threat level to view Ravana’s threats


Ravana Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Ravana’s synergies



Hey, my name is AutoSpeed and I have been a Grandmaster + 3500 (MMR cap) in Conquest, Joust, and Duel in every recent season. I'm happy to share my knowledge of the game with everyone, and I appreciate any and all feedback!

Here are my channels:

Ravana Basics

Ravana's Abilities

Passive - Chain of Blows

Ravana passively gains a shield and movement speed upon damaging enemies.

Chain of Blows gives Ravana sustain, and you should aim to keep Chain of Blows active before entering combat.

Ability 1 - Prana Onslaught

Ravana throws a punch, damaging and slowing all enemies in front of him.

Prana Onslaught is Ravana's main damage ability, and should be used on cooldown to hit enemies and clear jungle camps.

Ability 2 - Overhead Kick

Ravana kicks upwards, damaging nearby enemies and granting him brief CC immunity.

Overhead Kick gives Ravana the upper hand in many matchups - depending on who he is against.

Use this ability when you expect incoming damage

Ability 3 - 10-Hand Shadow Fist

Ravana punches forward, damaging and rooting the first enemy god hit as well as healing him for each enemy hit.

10-Hand Shadow Fist is used to catch up to enemies. You can use it to heal off of Jungle Camps, but only if you are confident no enemies are nearby.

Ultimate - Mystic Rush

Ravana leaps forwards, damaging enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken. He also gains a Damage Reduction buff for a short duration.

Mystic Rush is Ravana's gap closer, use it after the enemy tries to escape.

Ability Rotations:


Blink Rune > 10-Hand Shadow Fist > x2 Auto Attacks > Prana Onslaught > x2 Auto Attacks > Mystic Rush

Ravana gets close, rooting the enemy first so his melee range punches connect.

Use Overhead Kick at any point of the rotation, depending on when the enemy tries to hit back.

Mystic Rush is used to finish off the enemy, saved for last so they cannot escape.

Ravana has faster Auto Attacks in comparison to other gods, so you attack twice between abilities to maximize damage.

Jungle Tutorial

Early Game:
  • Star at the Fire Giant side Speed Buff (or Red Buff), and group up the jungle camps with your mid laner. Once the Red and Speed buff jungle camps are cleared together, head towards your remaining speed buff. Your mid laner should help you clear this buff camp. Finally, head towards the exp camp near the Tier 1 Mid tower, presume you will clear this alone.

  • You now have 2 choices. You can stay in the Jungle towards the mid lane, looking for a gank on the enemy mid laner or clear the Mid-Harpies. The second option is to head straight to duo lane, and look for a gank on the enemy duo lane (and clear Scorpion). Heading to Duo lane has a greater risk, but much greater reward if successful.

  • In your early fights, use Prana Onslaught to hit any minion or god closest to you, and save 10-Hand Shadow Fist exclusively for enemy gods. The rule of thumb is: The enemy mid/adc laner is usually the easier kill, but the enemy jungler is the one who might kill you (or your teamate)

  • Your 10-Hand Shadow Fist is a powerful CC during the early game, and your passive Chain of Blows will give you sustain while clearing jungle camps. Look to blink on an enemy laner as soon as possible, you have a strong early fight.

  • Wander around the map with a priority of: Buff Camps > Rotations > Harpies.

  • Most enemy junglers will struggle to pick you out, but they will try and counter-rotate on you. Keeping tabs on which side of the map the enemy jungler is on will make the process smoother.

  • Once you unlock your first item and Mystic Rush, you have the capability to kill most gods on your own, without any help. Remember the enemy jungler is able to do this as well.

Mid Game:
  • Begins around ~14 minutes, or when most people have hit Level 12 and unlocked their Second Relic. Most enemy teams have gotten around to warding by now, and team fights become increasingly common. Most builds have started to show effectiveness.

  • While Ravana's passive Chain of Blows gives a small boost, Ravana may struggle to keep up with enemy jungler's rotations. For this reason, a movement speed item such as Serrated Edge is a valuable pickup.

  • Ravana has incredible lockdown on certain mages, specifically ones which his Overhead Kick can negate. The standard example of this is Poseidon, as Ravana can immune his ultimate entirely.

  • While Ravana's mage lockdown is high, he has a harder time against an enemy hunter. However, Ravana is strong at setting up for his team, any time he rotates and creates a 2v1 situation is almost always a kill. Working with your team goes a long way.

  • Buff Camps > Rotations > Harpies is still your standard, but make effort to counter-rotate on the enemy jungler whenever possible. Team fights and Objective fights take priority over all else, so watch for them in advance.

Late Game:
  • Almost everybody has hit Level 20, Fire Giant is the most important objective on the map. Starter items become unlocked at Level 20, which results in a damage/defensive spike. This means that everybody dies faster, and Team Fights are the most important thing.

  • As Ravana, you have two tasks during a Fire Giant fight. If your team is the one pulling Fire Giant, look to corner camp the enemy jungler and prevent them from initiating on your team. If your team is rushing to defend Fire Giant, your focus should be blinking on the enemy mage.

  • You almost always want to Blink Rune to initiate, Mystic Rush should only be used if the enemy is distracted by a teammate or has used their escape ability already.

  • There are almost always wards up from both teams around the Fire Giant, presume the enemy team knows of your whereabouts - don't go far away from your team.

  • Ravana does not have any massive AOE abilities or CC, so it is recommended you try to split push the Middle Phoenix during a Siege Fight. Ideally you have your solo laner with you, and aim to Blink Rune on the enemy jungler.


Green = Early/Rotational wards, you don't go out of your way to place these wards. Place them while already in the area, they are used to prevent blind spots while you rotate. They also double as objective wards

Blue = Late game wards, you want to place them as high as possible without getting caught by the enemy doing so. They cut off chokepoints on the enemies side, which lets you know which side of the map they are on. Good wards for a Fire Giant fight

If you find yourself at an enemy buff camp, feel free to drop a ward for the timer if you plan on coming back!

It is very important to recognize which side of the map enemies are on. If you see the enemy jungler on the solo side, recognize they could counter-rotate if you try to play on that side of the map. On the flip side, it means you are free to rotate on the Gold-Fury side of the map!

Final Advice

You have two main goals as Ravana: Using your kit to all-in the enemy, or safely burn an enemies relics with your team. Most junglers cannot frontline as easily as Ravana can, so take advantage of that. Don't be afraid to play with your team!

Throw some hands out there! <3

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