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Don't ask me why, Hades has by far my top win rate in ranked. And this is the build I use almost every single time. With season 7 it has became even better with this smooth pen we now have on those lifesteal items, and obviously the Hades buff giving him more prots.
My advice would be to build him hybrid, always build him hybrid.
With the buff he had, and Prydwen, you will be unkillable during your ult, and it will allow you to survive pretty weel early ganks.
Typhons will help you with the pen and if you get a mantle of discord after that, you will be full cd ( essential), really tanky for anyone jumping on you, a cray amount of lifesteal, decent pen.
Add that pythags, for more health, more pen, more lifesteal, and then finish with a nice Rod of Tahuti. Every ult will hurt so much, no one can kill you while the ult, and you'll have the Prydwen shield that will allow you to dash safely out right after.
Honestly if you are at least decent with Hades, give this build a try, you'll see how big and difficult to kill you can be compare to a mage going full damage. Especially if you face a non escape mage, (bait the beads, and next ult this is free kill) you can litterally bully all game.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Bancrofts can work pretty well in arena. I usually go
Since I get Pridwin, I don't get Breastplate. I usually run okay with 30% cdr from boots and prid. I figured tyrannical would work fine on him early, since you can build him tanky/bruiserish and be fine. I also like tyrannical a lot from when i started playing cerebus in arena a few weeks ago. Felt like it might not work too bad on hades there, just make sure i fight as much as possible in mid to take advantage of the passive. I usually do go the celestial plate helm route late if i need more physical. I noticed a big difference in survivability with ults vs BoV with Prid and so that's just my preference.
Like bancrofts, cdr boots, breastplate, void stone, stone of binding or mantle, soul reaver. Then sell boots for whatever.
(Also spectral as situational if they build crit).
First things, You have to keep in mind that this is my mid build mostly ! If I go solo your suggestions are totally viable !
Since yesterday, yes maybe magi shoes could be a better option, but honestly Hades just love cdr early, and you will have plenty of lifesteal anyway so I think I will personally continue with cdr boots
Prydwen shield is actually wonderful so I would'nt change this particular item. It synergize so well and saved me many times because it gives you just enough peel to land your 3 right after the ult if needed, allowing you to either finish the guy still living, or at least giving you enough sustain to have the opportunity to dash out if you are really low. Not to mention that I've had several kills with just the explosion of the shield and it's really fun aha ! And it gives you both prots like mantle, so you counter their mid laner and their jungler. You can live through 2v1 way more easily
But again I'm talking mid here :) Solo is another story. I just wanted to make this because I see way too many Hades going full damage mid lane when he's just even more strong by being hybrid.
(Not sure I would play Hades in Mid, but you do you).
But it's true, this does not aim guys playing him once in a while cause you have to be able to play him eyes closed, and have the perfect engage, placements and lead to really bully.
You're right this is not meta, does that mean it don't work ? Hell no aha
But man, if I can see any mages with no escape in front of me, this is just total pleasure. They will die without a doubt. If by any means you have an artemis or a skadi adc on top of that....oh gosh even more pleasure
I'm choosing my games, I never said I play him mid evere games vs every comps :)
But when the moment is right, I've like 5 years experience on him, trust me I can make this work mid too aha
I rely on the ult prots because this is the utility of Hades : Go all in with a big fat ult for you team to engage ! You have to embrace that he's a tanky mage and with your ult you want to everyone to focus you ! Prydwen help a lot with that, and you will be an ult boy for the all late game engaging under phoenix and stuff like that
And I didn't say not to get charon's over lifesteal (except maybe pythags). You can keep the bancrofts and typhons.
Then again you're diving squishies mainly with Hades, not tanks, and if you dive the tanks the squishies will just dps you even easier.
See, the problem lies in that until you get mantle, you don't really get that much prots with pridwen until your ult ends. 30 of each prots from base Pridwen is nothing, and unless you get thorns (and/or nemian, which you could if you were in solo), then a squishy will just dps you in your ult and you'll probably die - especially if they have antiheal.
See this is probably why i'd just stick to Hades in Solo.
You're right before mantle I don't have that much prots yet, but with now the based hp buff, and if you've reached to be ahead the other mid with some early kills, unless you are making big placement mistakes, they shoudl'nt kill you. First part of the game you mostly focus on baiting your mid dash or beads and procede single target ult to putting him behing hard. And when mantle come online, laning phase should be over and you will be able to easy peel an engage for your all team with the ult and lifesteal .
I like pythags just cause it's a great item, pen, more health, more lifesteal, and your mates benefits from it. You could go something like estaff instead of rod tho
All I'm asking if you play hades a lot, give this build a try for few games. If honestly you have bad results please tell me :) But I can guarantee you it never disappointed me aha
Have fun and keep the grind ;)
Have fun