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by Ka4Drog updated June 28, 2018

Smite God: He Bo

Build Guide Discussion 25 More Guides
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He Bo Build

Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

Chapter Title

The best hebo everywhere

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boogiebass (46) | June 28, 2018 12:01pm
Actually, if OP reareanged the build order, this would be an ok arena build. Definitely not for conquest though.

@OP specify which game mode you're building for.
boogiebass (46) | June 28, 2018 12:06pm
My arena build:

Shoes of the magi
Chronos pendant
Spear of desolation
Soul reaver
Obsidian shard
Kriega1 (143) | June 28, 2018 3:18pm
Why no early bancrofts or soul reaver on He Bo?
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Kriega1 (143) | June 28, 2018 6:27am
Rod of Tahuti is bad on He Bo. You don't need Chronos' Pendant that early, and 30%CDR isn't necessary on He Bo. I would Swap Chronos' Pendant with Bancroft's Talon, get Soul Reaver third, and get something like a Soul Gem or Ethereal Staff last (or Chronos' Pendant if you really want it).

Just don't get Chronos' Pendant that early on him and don't ever get Rod of Tahuti on He Bo.
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 28, 2018 10:16am
I'm actually curious as to why Tahuti is bad on He Bo. I know it's not a core item on any mage anymore, and I know it's very one-dimensional, with regard to basically only being for power.

And in this instance, I absolutely acknowledge that Ka4Drog is building it WAAAAAAAY too early.

That said, it still provides the highest base power of all mage items, and a significant power boost to enemies below 50% health (when it's already got a solid base of power from other items). Water Cannon has 80% scaling. Waterspout has 75% scaling. Crushing Wave has 115% scaling.

In a build containing Shoes of the Magi, Bancroft's Talon, Spear of Desolation, Ethereal Staff, Chronos' Pendant, and Rod of Tahuti, that's 605 base power, I believe, with a boost to 756 power against damaged enemies. 705 base power with He Bo at low health due to Bancroft's passive. Up to 881.25 total power potential.

Given that he usually will use multiple abilities to finish off an enemy, there's decent reason to believe he'll get that extra power boost in a fight. In a teamfight, he might have opportunity to benefit from it multiple times on multiple enemies. Soul Reaver only has the one, and if it triggers against a squishy god, is only adding ~200 extra damage every 40 seconds or so.

I'm just not getting why you say it's bad.
boogiebass (46) | June 28, 2018 10:44am
Well after reading your reasoning, i wouldn't say it's bad either. However, you won't get the max benefits from his ult if using it on targets with full health.

I think it works better on mages with tick damage like Anubis.

When you accept that asi bridge is love, asi bridge is life, everything will make sense to you my dear friend.
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