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Hel 8.7 Both Mid/Sup Hybrid Build

10 11 26,837
by kayraesn updated July 27, 2021

Smite God: Hel

Build Guide Discussion 9 More Guides
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Hel Build

Mage order / same items different order

Notes As third item, stone of binding gives +10 flat pen which beefs ups damage once you unlock second ability(which you skip early levels).

On dark stance, with this build you reach 645 power (70 power comes from ultimate passive effect) and 150 protections each that is buffed by +20 from lotus, %20 pen + 35 flat pen (second ability + stone of binding which effects teammates aswell) and quite good healing

On light stance, you have 575 power enough for healing, 200-220 protections (you give 35 protections aura to teammates)you have CC clean with second ability

How to play: go light stance, heal teammates, get protection from lotus that way, rush into enemy position, switch to dark stance then combo is : 2,3 and 1 to those who dare try to escape. Always start combo with 2 to get +35 flat pen on enemy and give that pen to friendlies aswell while slowing caught enemies by %40. Retreat, light stance heal, repeat. This way your third ability alone deals 1000 damage to anyone with 100 magical protections due to having %20 and +35 flat pen and you do that damage in a big aoe circle, good thing is rushing into enemy position doesnt get you killed due to all those protections and healing

Dont forget to ask your solo to buy cadu shield which will turn you into a unkillable healer

It is quite easy to do 35k-40k damage (not high single target damage but big circle 3rd ability causes all this combined damage), 30k damage taken 30k mitigations with 20k+ healing in a 30 minute game. Dying is also quite hard if played as mid in early game. If played as support you get very tanky late game but first 5 levels you need to be carefull

Bracer relic works wonders, put it on your side of a teamfight and it will act as a regrouping point, will boost your damage and healing as much as friendlies, do not put it offensively, it is also quite good at securing fire giant to do this put it in front of FG at melee range to ensure solo and jungler will get that buff


As third item, stone of binding gives +10 flat pen which beefs ups damage once you unlock second ability(which you skip early levels).

On dark stance, with this build you reach 645 power (70 power comes from ultimate passive effect) and 150 protections each that is buffed by +20 from lotus, %20 pen + 35 flat pen (second ability + stone of binding which effects teammates aswell) and quite good healing

On light stance, you have 575 power enough for healing, 200-220 protections (you give 35 protections aura to teammates)you have CC clean with second ability

How to play: go light stance, heal teammates, get protection from lotus that way, rush into enemy position, switch to dark stance then combo is : 2,3 and 1 to those who dare try to escape. Always start combo with 2 to get +35 flat pen on enemy and give that pen to friendlies aswell while slowing caught enemies by %40. Retreat, light stance heal, repeat. This way your third ability alone deals 1000 damage to anyone with 100 magical protections due to having %20 and +35 flat pen and you do that damage in a big aoe circle, good thing is rushing into enemy position doesnt get you killed due to all those protections and healing

Dont forget to ask your solo to buy cadu shield which will turn you into a unkillable healer

It is quite easy to do 35k-40k damage (not high single target damage but big circle 3rd ability causes all this combined damage), 30k damage taken 30k mitigations with 20k+ healing in a 30 minute game. Dying is also quite hard if played as mid in early game. If played as support you get very tanky late game but first 5 levels you need to be carefull

Bracer relic works wonders, put it on your side of a teamfight and it will act as a regrouping point, will boost your damage and healing as much as friendlies, do not put it offensively, it is also quite good at securing fire giant to do this put it in front of FG at melee range to ensure solo and jungler will get that buff

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Bracer of Radiance Bracer of Radiance

Support order / same items different order

Notes Different build order but playstyle is exatcly the same when fully built.

You stand with adc until you buy warlock staff. Once you buy it you rotate to get stacks on jungle and player kills. Do not rotate before.


Different build order but playstyle is exatcly the same when fully built.

You stand with adc until you buy warlock staff. Once you buy it you rotate to get stacks on jungle and player kills. Do not rotate before.

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Bracer of Radiance Bracer of Radiance

Hel's Skill Order Notes Sequences are same for both mage and sup roles.


Sequences are same for both mage and sup roles.

Decay / Restoration

1 X Y
Decay / Restoration
2 4 10 11 12

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A B
Hinder / Cleanse
8 15 16 18 19

Repulse / Inspire

3 B A
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 7 9

Switch Stances

4 Y X
Switch Stances
5 13 14 17 20
Decay / Restoration
2 4 10 11 12

Decay / Restoration

1 X
DECAY (Dark Stance) - Hel fires an orb of decay that deals damage and passes through minions. The orb will explode in a 12 unit radius if it hits a god or reaches max range.

RESTORATION (Light Stance) - Hel fires an orb of restoration that damages enemy minions and stops on gods. Hitting an enemy god deals damage. Hitting an allied god provides that god and Hel Health and Mana.

Ability Type: Line, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Light Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 4 per level
Light Mana Heal: 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115
Light Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 8s
Hinder / Cleanse
8 15 16 18 19

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A
HINDER (Dark Stance) - Hel debuffs all enemies in the targeted area, reducing their Magical Protection and slowing them for 3s.

CLEANSE (Light Stance) - Hel cleanses all allied gods in the targeted area, removing all Crowd Control effects instantly and protecting them from future ones for a duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff
Dark Protections Debuff: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 + 5% Magical Protection Reduction
Dark Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Light CC Immunity: 1.5s
Range: 55
Radius: 20
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 7 9

Repulse / Inspire

3 B
REPULSE (Dark Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of dark energy around her, damaging all nearby enemies.

INSPIRE (Light Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of light energy around her, healing herself instantly and applying a heal over time to nearby allies that ticks every 1s. This heal is half as effective when healing minions. Hel gains Increased Movement Speed, and allies gain a reduced amount (10%) for the duration. Hel and allies also gain 20% Attack Speed while the buff is active.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Light Self Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 6 per level
Light Heal Per Tick: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 + 0.9 per level
Light Movement Speed: 20%
Light Duration: 5s
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Switch Stances
5 13 14 17 20

Switch Stances

4 Y
Dark Stance - Hel's abilities cause damage and she gains increased Magical Power.

Light Stance - Hel's abilities heal and support her allies and she gains increased Protections.

Passive - Hel gains increased MP5 and half of all benefits gained, including Physical Power, from Switch Stances are shared with allied gods within 55 units.

Ability Type: Buff
Dark Magical Power: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Light Magical and Physical Protections: 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25
MP5: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1s

Hel Threats

Tap each threat level to view Hel’s threats


Hel Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Hel’s synergies



This build is prepared after countless testing and exploiting abilities, passive ability and ultimate passive stats of hel.

Seemingly low power or pen is not accurate when you add all variables. Items selected are in perfect synergy as you will see in chapters below.


*No mask items, stick to builds dont alter
*Dont buy full hp pots, only hybrid and mana
*Stay safe in early, farm. Hels early is weak.
*Hel is a hard god to play. Spamming abilities are not done randomly, do not play as your first mage nor play without at least 20 casual games with her. She requires very hight skill to decide which abilitiy to throw where and for what purpose (like: throw second dark ability to slow target to prevent chasing me? or debuff him to i can attack? When to use light 2 to cleanse?.... too many timing and decisions)

*Before you say there isnt much power or penetration: you have ultimate dark passive giving 70 power + warlock staff passive 60 power and you have %20 pen but you also get +35 flat pen from (25 from second dark ability + 10 from stone of binding) buffing up your damage if you had 880 power, yes i calculated it with book of thoth :D also all that +35 flat pen effects teammates aswell


*High Heal
*High Damage
*High prot
*Even higher prot on light stance + giving 35 all protections aura to friendlies
*CC clean
*Slow debuff
*+35 flat pen + %10magicalprotfromvoid debuff
*Ä°nner demon skin is a beauty that gives morale boost to all teammates

*Weak early
*Cant build antiheal so no go against anubis if enemy picked it, (you can be sup just no mid
*No escape but still high movement speed with third ability + slowing enemies with 2 in dark stance
*If you pick her in sup role, your meta minded teammates might go full denial insult mode. Even if you go 10-0-20 as support, those meta minded guys might tell you that its because its early game and you will lose late so they will start spamming surrender, just report them.

NOTE: Currently there is a bug with hel, her dark stance gives %20 all damage buff just fine, but her light stance %20 healing increase only effects herself, her healing on teammates is not effected. I reported this issue with ticket and on discord. If you wish to heal teammates then go back to dark stance quickly dont wait for light stance passive bar to fill up just heal teammates and return to dark stance, it doesnt worth it unless you wish to heal yourself with that %20 increased healing

Creeping / Jungling

When playing as sup and rotating/jungling, only take xp farms on duo lane side where red, green and purple buff located. Do not kill/steal xp farms of solo jungle where your team's actual jungle gets his xp. Unless he is dead of couse.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | July 27, 2021 4:04pm
Hi kayraesn,

I'd like to start by saying the comments I'm going to make aren't intended to be mean or degrading (and I know it probably starts sounding dreadful right about now when I intro like that). However, I feel it's important to point out a variety of things that I feel are applicable to the argument of this build's viability.

I will say that I do appreciate and support attempts at going outside the bounds of the meta. I think the meta can be boring, and people that are never willing to experiment or think outside the box may be limiting themselves here and there...though the meta exists for a reason too.

So here goes. As reference, your current build not including situationals contains Pendulum of Ages, Lotus Crown, Warlock's Staff, Stone of Binding, Void Stone, and Rod of Tahuti, both for Support and Mid roles, just in different purchase orders depending on role. Your relics include Meditation Cloak and Bracer of Radiance.
  • To confirm, I did in fact read your writeup before commenting.

  • Here's your corrected list of stats at level 20 (and assuming you haven't replaced Stone of Binding, which you should do late-game), at least based on your current build. 645 base power in Dark Stance, converting to 806 power when attacking an enemy below 50% health (due to Tahuti). 575 power in Light Stance, converting to 719 power when healing a teammate below 50% health. 0-35 flat penetration depending on if you hit the enemy with Hinder. If you don't hit them with Hinder, it's 0 flat pen, and that's important to distinguish because you're unlikely to be able to apply that to more than one or two gods at a time, and then you have to wait for the CD. If you're switching targets in a fight, you're only going to be able to rely on your % pen against additional targets. Said % pen is 20% from Warlock's + Tahuti, not 10%. Additionally you have 10% protection reduction from Void Stone. (Note that you have different stat references depending on section of your writeup)

    You only apply up to 32.5 protections (not 35 but close enough) IF and ONLY IF you're in Light Stance and have healed your teammates recently, and only if you're within 30 units of them (which is a smaller area than most standard aura items). This is also important to point out, because for those that you haven't healed, and aren't quite close enough as if you had Thebes/Sov/Heart/Sent Embrace, and especially if you're in Dark Stance, you're providing 0 protections.

    You're also saying you have 250 protections and healing. It's actually (Light Stance) 176 phys / 163 mag protections (196 phys and 183 mag prots for yourself when Lotus is applied, but lower if you're sharing prots with teammates), and 151 / 138 prots in Dark Stance. I feel saying "250 protections" can be misleading. That said, those are pretty decent protections for what would otherwise be a very squishy mage. As for the "and healing" part, your healing effectiveness is obviously dependent on if the enemy 1) builds anti-heal and 2) applies it to you. If they're building anti-heal, your heals in a fight are going to be significantly handicapped to the point that I would say it's not very reliable.

  • All in all with the stats, I would say your summary of stats provided by the build are misleading and make your actual stats sound stronger and more constant than they would be at any one time.

  • When you do attempt non-meta things, it's important to figure out how to best utilize the god and their kit with items that work toward a specific idea and can synergize to some extent. In that regard, I do see some of that here. Lotus Crown makes a lot of sense for a god that can heal multiple teammates and apply it easily. Rod of Tahuti makes sense for scaling purposes, both in offensive and healing situations.

  • That said Stone of Binding does NOT make much sense to me. That is an item for a god with lots of CC that can easily apply it. No, Hel does not qualify. You have to be on the offensive and you have to hit your 2, and that is your ONLY CC in your entire kit. IMO this isn't a strong item for her in any role, and I feel with the intent to make this a "hybrid" build, you're forcing this item.

    Also, in my definitions, what I think you mean by hybrid is bruiser. Bruiser is a god that builds some offense and some defense. Hybrid is what I would term a god building for both basic attack and ability damage.

  • In a way most of the other items are situationally okay. If you think you're going to get jumped a lot, getting Warlock's Staff (in mid-lane) provides at least a measure of protection, while still providing pretty good offense. I would never suggest it in Support, though, even though I note that you say to leave lane to build stacks once you've completed the item there. Void Stone would be a situational bruiser item against a magic-heavy team in Support, but I usually wouldn't suggest for Mid. In this way my preference would be more meta...if you need prots, my first instinct would be Mantle of Discord as a late-game add, not Void.

  • I personally feel that Meditation Cloak is the troll item, not Beads/Aegis. Sure she can be mana hungry early, but combining that with Bracer of Radiance...just not great especially when you're Hel and should normally expect some anti-heal, which will cut into Med's effectiveness. matter what, you're still Hel. Decent players will know they should dive you and counter your healing with anti-heal. You have no escape. Why in the utter heck would you NOT consider Beads / Aegis?!?

  • In the end, if you want to be a bit more tanky Mid, I'd stick with Warlock's Staff early and perhaps Lotus Crown for the utility, with a consideration for Mantle of Discord late. I would replace Stone of Binding and Void Stone and get an actual flat pen item ( Spear of Desolation, Spear of the Magus, or Divine Ruin) and have an additional slot open for the potential purchase of Mantle or Rod of Asclepius or something else.

    Alternatively, you would consider Conduit Gem, incorporate Chronos' Pendant, and upgrade Conduit into Gem of Focus for some added tankiness, increased damage potential, and movement speed.

  • And for Support, I would build with more actual support function in mind. At bare minimum I would be looking to 1) get at least one strong DEDICATED defense item, and I would not build a stacking item like Warlock's. To have a GOOD supp build, you should have at least one spot available for counter-building of some kind. You SHOULD get demolished in early game sustain and farm if you're not going with a Support starter. A build that is utilized for both Mid and Support is just not a strong build for either. Decent in some cases perhaps, but not good.

  • Because of the inflexibility of this build, you're saying it's a no-go if you find yourself against Anubis in Mid. Shouldn't you suggest a build here that could be used if you find yourself in that situation? It seems like you're set on offering a single item listing just for the concept, rather than creating optimal builds for the specific role.

  • You've commented to ask your Solo to buy Caduceus Shield. What if you're the only healer? You seriously are still going to ask them to get the item? And then, to get the effect, you're going to ask that Solo to...stop being a front-liner (unless you're going to front-line with him), so that he can be attached to your hip?!? This is not sound strategy.

  • You've made a wildly inaccurate statement about your damage potential (where did you get 1,000 damage???). Assuming an enemy with 100 protections and not below 50% health, Hel's Repulse deals a base 280 + 75% scaling. That would be 280 + (645 * 0.75) = 764 damage, BEFORE mitigations. Assuming then you've applied Binding and Hinder, protections would be 100 - 10 (10% prot red) - 18 (20% pen) - 35 = 37 magical protection. 37 protection equates to roughly 73% damage (27% mitigated), which means her end damage would be 557 against a single target. You've overestimated your damage by almost double.

  • Hel has been an acceptable off-meta support in past seasons. These were usually when mages were very strong in combination with hunters and in the midst of a healer's meta (or strong early magical damage options). Not that healing can't still be strong, but healing wasn't what made her a viable off-meta was that, when you played her in that role, you turned that lane into an early kill lane, and tried to use that to snowball to an early win. Otherwise, she just doesn't have what it takes to be a good Support, because there are too many things missing. 1) She provides only a slow, and no hard CC. 2) Other teammates likely have to choose around you to make the position work; as you're not tanky enough to be a true front-liner with your build, others are going to have to compensate by having only 1 front liner (e.g. Solo) or having another off-meta playing bruiser instead of full damage. 3) In this season, we're looking at a significantly bigger map than we ever had before. She has no mobility and you don't even consider either Rod of Asclepius's or Shield of Regrowth's additional MS to give you some mobility you're sorely lacking otherwise.

  • I need to point this out because it ties into your perception of the viability of this build. You say you've created this build after countless testing and by exploiting the abilities (e.g. looking for synergy in the items). But while it looks like you've had some success here and there (your 13/2/11 win as one example, I see a 5/1/7 15 min win as well), I need to reference your level of competition. It looks like you're mostly playing ranked, which is cool...but, and I won't state your MMR here, but it's...low, and that's after almost 500 games in S8. You're playing against very low skill level players at least if we're going by in-game rating. In those games, anything can go, and if you're decent enough skill-wise, you can make poor builds work. In the case of your 13/2 game, note that the Cthulhu built Pestilence and the Ymir built Tainted Steel...but the Baron Samedi didn't touch Divine Ruin.
With all of the above considered (and I know it's TL;DR), my best suggestion is that you separate builds into one more suitable for Mid, and one that's better for off-meta Support. One-build-fits-all just has too many holes in my opinion.

Again, I appreciate thinking of different builds and experimenting, but it's just not a build I would suggest, unfortunately.
kayraesn | July 28, 2021 1:31am
for cadu shield, i added synergies, against anubis i mentioned never pick her regardless of build because anubis overwhelms her, damage comes from %20 extra all damage from her passive that you forgot to mention, also i fixed protections i mentioned on description thx, and added explanation for damage, +35 Flat pen only comes if you hit 2 yes that is only drawback of this fact but it comes with not being for self only for your entire team (mid sup hybrid)
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 28, 2021 7:30am
Oooh, you're right, I forgot the 20% extra damage from her passive, so my calculated damage example would be 668 damage, not 557...though I will point out that this is still a far cry from your claimed 1,000 damage, and all my other points still stand.
boogiebass (46) | July 27, 2021 4:17pm
Great explanations Bran.
boogiebass (46) | July 27, 2021 2:30pm
Hel's not a good support, but if you REALLY wanted to play her in this role, you'll need some better relics.

If you want to play tanky Hel, you can look into Hel solo, though I think there could be better characters for that role as well.

Look, if it's Healing support you want to play, just play a standard Guardian support before trying to make off meta picks work.
Terra, Sylvanus, Yemoja and I'm sure others as well could fit what you're trying to do.

Also, you don't list Odin as a threat? he's one of your biggest counters.
kayraesn | July 27, 2021 7:11am
reaver doesnt do damage when you have 2 damage abilities on dark stance
no beads because you have it on kit
no aegis because you got 200 on dark 250 on light stance each protections + heal

No tank or solo with such protections get aegis especially if they have so much healing
and you can spam your CC clean in kit so whats the point of beads

while you can get very fast healing + mana restoration with cooldown reduction + %10 power increase relics for your entire team

And once again, read chapters first, you have %10pen %10reductionaura from void, and 35 flat penetration. What else do you want :D %40 pen? on a hybrid?
Gulfwulf (81) | July 27, 2021 11:26am
While Hel does have Cleanse, it's not always available and there are times when you cannot use it because you're silenced and/or stunned, so Purification Beads is a nice backup plan.

Hel doesn't have enough base protections to be a front-liner, so that's not a reason to not get Aegis Amulet. Hel support is more of a back-liner that keeps her team healed and gives protections via things like lotus crown, Gauntlet of Thebes and Sovereignty. Any enemy team worth their salt will focus you down first, which means aegis does have its uses. I personally wouldn't play Hel in support because of her lack of ability to take damage/peel. The heals and cleanse are great and all, but she has no CC in her kit, and she's very squishy even with protections.
kayraesn | July 27, 2021 12:26pm
you have 225 physical 200 magical at the end please read first all chapters
i just did 13-2-20 game with 45k damage 40k mitigations 24k healing, and cleanse not being available all the time is simple: you need to time it thats why hel is hard god as i stated
Kriega1 (143) | July 27, 2021 7:07am
No Beads or Aegis on Hel Mid. 10% pen and no Reaver. How is someone supposed to do anything with this build against competent players?

Edit: Nvm you're one of those "Hel is a good Support" type of players.
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Hel 8.7 Both Mid/Sup Hybrid Build
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