starter items
Item 1
Guardian's Blessing is the only starter item you need out of the the starter section it cost's little to nothing allowing you to get tier 1
Shoes as well giving you that extra needed movement speed at the start of the game. With
Guardian's Blessing you can allow your ADC to get stacks while being in assist range of the minions using the item to its fullest potential getting the gold and extra health and mana from using the item correctly.
Item 2
Shoes should be picked up before any defensive items because with
Cerberus movement speed he is rather slow and giving him that slight added 6% speed boost it will help getting to the minion wave faster and branching off to the buff camps.
Item 3
Healing Potion at the start of the game is so needed for
Cerberus because of his small health i am sure he has the lowest health out of the guardians and he is really squishy early game so keeping
Healing Potion on you will increase your survivability throughout the early stages of the game and allow you to attack and protect for much longer before having to back.
Item 4
Mana Potion are needed just like the
Healing Potion
Cerberus early game doesn't feel like other guardians that can deal with having no
Healing Potion and just go
Mana Potion or
Chalice of Mana he has no choice but to go both or else he would have to play like an assassin and stay back until he has started building his protections.
Main items
Reinforced Shoes the reason behind using these shoes is the fact that
Cerberus is very squishy and does take alot of damage early game and the added stacks which cap at 18 magical and physical protections helps out alot because of being poked early game
Reinforced Shoes also gives you a little extra health (75) it also gives you 20% crowed control reduction.
Shoes of the Magi helps if you are very good at your positioning and can play really aggressive because you have that 10 penetration plus the
Ghastly Breath also burning down protections allows you to melt down the weaker gods like mages, assassins and hunters allowing you to deal huge damage and forcing them to have to back because of the extra damage you would do with the 40 magical power and 10 penetration.
Items 2&3
Stone of Binding is the best item for you to support your teammates and self sustain yourself becuase of its 30 protections it add's as well its passive of putting a crowed control on an enemy god to give your teammates a 10 penetrations for 5 second which allows your teammates to deal alot more damage over those 5 seconds then they would do without having the extra penetration
Hide of the Urchin this is a good item to have on all guardians because of its 250 health, mana and 30 base protections as well as this items passive giving an extra 3 protections for each god killed a max stack of 10 totally giving 60 protections
Pythagorem's Piece this item isn't just for cool down i use this item over
Spirit Robe when i am ahead because of its passive giving your other team mates life steal and also giving it to yourself this allows you be a healer in a small sense because you are allowing your team mates to get life steal for the magical gods they gain 30 magic power, 12% life steal and for the physical gods they gain 20 physical power and 10% life steal.
Spirit Robe i normally buy this item if i am behind and struggling with surviving in fights and i think i am taking too much damage i would grab
Spirit Robe passive allows you to gain a additional 15% damage mitigation for 3 seconds after taking a hard crowed control this would help you from enemy's trying to burst you down and let's you have a chance of making it out.
Stone of Gaia gives 400 health, 25 HPS and 15 MPS with 2 really good passives the first one being gaining 10 percent of your maximum health over the next 10 seconds after taking a knock up, knock back, pull or a grab this is really good because it will gain you around 250 health over the 10 seconds. The other passive provides 2% of your maximum health every 5 seconds this heals you when you are in and out of team fights giving you around 20-30 health every couple of seconds.
Gem of Isolation this items passive slows down your enemy's when you are hitting them with a ability makes them slower for 25% of there movement speed combining this with
Ghastly Breath which slows enemy's down when they are in the middle of the cone ability this ability would make the maximum slow up to 37% which would help your team mates be able to gain on them and stop there escape.
Bulwark of Hope this ability is a really good thing to build late game because it helps you have shield that can be up to 350 after your health drops to 30 percent of your maximum health this will be able to help you escape and also survive in the team fight and stay in there longer.
Hide of the Nemean Lion is what you should build when fighting more physical enemy's then magical because 25% of there basic attacks will be reflected back to them which also counts with crits so if you are being hit with a 600 crit you will make them take back 150 damage back this helps in all situations because being a guardian you are meant to protect and take damage in the fights but while using this you are doing all 3 because you are getting physical enemy gods to hurt there self.
Alright, you were looking for some feedback on your guide. Here we go.
As long as you get 3 basics in to awaken all heads, your spit is going to drastically out-damage Breath. I haven't experimented enough to get a feel for that clear at particular stages of the game, but at a certain point, you're going to clear waves easily with it's basically just trying to level it when possible without clearing wave while grouping near teammates in-lane. Yes, it's hard to hit all 4 on a moving target, but it's still a very important ability. Prioritize Breath 2nd, and level it only when leveling Spit would mean you'd take the minion kills from teammates...make sense?
Keep in mind, with S5 changes to minion health and item changes, this might change things more, but for now, that's where I stand with skill leveling.
Within these two sets of priorities are what you choose to build...there are items that provide your teammates with additional help, or for you to make it generally tougher for the enemy team. You've got 3 items that provide offensive utility...Binding, Pythag's, and Gem. However, you don't have any utility items that provide the defensive portion. Now, you chose a more selfish early game by going Urchin instead of things like
Anyway, hope this is helpful...would like to hear your thoughts.