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How to be a Dog [Updated 11/29/2015]

4 0 19,797
by Wolfman5665 updated November 29, 2015

Smite God: Fenrir

Build Guide Discussion 16 More Guides
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Fenrir Build

The Start

Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

The First Item

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi

You'll Need This

Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal

Optional Offense

Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Rage Rage

Optional Defense

Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield

MY usual build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Rage Rage


Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Wrath of the Gods Wrath of the Gods
Build Item Weakening Curse Weakening Curse
Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse

The safer start (Not reccommended)

Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Pros / Cons of Being a Dog

Lots of Escapes

Can latch onto enemies

Can be tanky but still deal damage

CC Immune ult

Great for ganks

Enemies control your movements in Brutalize

Weak to stuns

Needs beads

Cripples are your doom

Gets focused

Skills of The Dog

Unbound Runes is very important to the Dog. When at full runes, each of your ability gains a special power-up sort of thing. Whenever you are going to gank a lane, you MUST have every single rune. So make sure to always stop at a camp and charge up your runes before ganking.
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Unchained is a jump. If it hits enemy gods the cooldown is halved, and when at full runes it stuns for 1 second. When you gank, this is the ability you want to use(at full runes, of course). Make sure to hit an enemy and stun them, after which it can easily be combined with Ragnarok to bring the enemy towards your teammate or into a tower.
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Seething Howl is great later in the game. Early game it isn't as good because the buff only works for basic attacks, and since Fenrir is more ability reliant early game, you wont need this until later in the game. This is good for clearing camps, or for when you're low on health and need to return to the fight quick.
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This ability... oh boy, this thing is THE thing! It is your best ability that not only does MASSIVE DAMAGE, but latches on to the enemy! Whenever an enemy is low, use this to finish them off, or if they have full health, this is also a great way to initiate. Early game, this is your best camp clearing ability. To successfully use this to clear, hit the buff monster (or big harpy at the exp camps) a few times until your runes are charged, then pop this ability and watch the chaos.
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This is yet another great ability, whenever there is a teamfight in lane, I always grab either the tankiest person with this or the highest bursting god, and pull them into tower. This is a great way to follow up an Unchained stun, since they are much much easier to grab when stunned. Along with being the greatest pull in the game, it also makes you CC immune, so this is a great escape from a fight with an enemy with a lot of CC.
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The Items

Warrior Tabi
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Mail of Renewal
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Jotunn's Wrath
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The Executioner
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Frostbound Hammer
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Soul Eater
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Hydra's Lament
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Mystical Mail

Basic Playstyle (For a Jungle Dog, of Course)

Early Game (Levels 1-8)

This is the hardest part of the game for a dog, you must avoid dying at ALL COSTS! If you die early game you WILL fall behind and it is very hard to catch up. You must use your early game protections to your advantage, and try to avoid fights you cant win. Besides that, you should gank lanes when needed. Make sure that your team wards, and check the map ALWAYS before you gank. As a jungler, the map is your greatest friend, it allows you to know where any enemy is, at all times. When ganking use your (fully charged) Unchained to stun the enemy, and either Brutalize them, or use Ragnarok to drag them to your team. ALWAYS gank the people who are having the most trouble, it doesn't matter if it's a 3v2 in duo, if they are doing fine and your mid is dying, GANK MID FIRST! NEVER let your team die, as it results in them falling off too.
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Mid Game (Levels 9-15)

Now, you should start using Seething Howl to kill camps, since the buff and lifesteal it gives helps you clear camps a lot faster than the other jungler. Basically, that's the only change. You should still be ganking in the same way, etc. etc.
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Late Game (Levels 16-20)

Here's where teamfights start to happen, in which you should most likely be the second one in, hopefully after your guardian initiates. You should try to start off by stunning as many enemies as you can with Unchained, then pulling the tank to your team with Ragnarok. From there, Brutalize everyone, stun with Unchained whenever you have full runes, and use Seething Howl for some lifesteal if you start to die. Hopefully, if luck is on your side, you will win the fight. From there try for fire giant, push as much as you can, and WIN!!!

Warding Spots

Defensive Warding

Defensive Warding
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Offensive Warding

Offensive Warding

When to ward

One of your main duties as a jungle is to protect your team from being ganked. Usually your teammates will be warding their lanes, but sometimes they are unable to, most likely due to them not having enough gold after buying an item. So it is your duty to ward for them, or if they have all warded, in one of the spots shown above.
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Why Ward?

Warding is an essential part of conquest, especially in the higher levels and in leagues. Wards help you, as the jungle, see where all enemies are at all times. This allows you to know where to gank or where to steal a buff from, so you aren't just stuck wandering the jungle pointlessly. Wards also help amazingly with retreats, since they show you if there are enemies nearby, so you don't get jumped while recalling and die.
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Is the jungle the only one who wards?

No. If you are the only one on your team who is warding, then yell at your team to buy wards. The support and solo are the main warders on your team (besides you), and if they aren't warding, then they are doing something wrong. Like I said before, wards are a must-have in leagues, since they can make or break it for your team.


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The Gank
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The Carry

The Counters

But who could counter a dog?
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For this I am mainly going over abilities and actives, NOT individual gods.
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CC immunity

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Well, you made it through the guide, nice one. Here are the people I stole from in order to make this guide possible:
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If I missed anyone feel free to tell me, have a nice day!
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Wolfman5665 (6) | November 29, 2015 10:14pm
Zilby wrote:

Much doge, such wow
(I gave it my +1 after the updates btw)

Many thanks, such zibly
Stuke99 (56) | November 29, 2015 8:37pm
Zilby wrote:

Much doge, such wow
(I gave it my +1 after the updates btw)
Zilby (132) | November 29, 2015 8:25pm
Much doge, such wow
(I gave it my +1 after the updates btw)
Wolfman5665 (6) | November 29, 2015 7:19pm
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Wolfy, ahhhh, much more fleshed out. Good job. +1.

Thank you!!!
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 29, 2015 4:40pm
Wolfy, ahhhh, much more fleshed out. Good job. +1.
Zilby (132) | November 13, 2015 12:28pm
@Flaredro, that was edited in later, when I wrote that it didn't specify :P
Flaredro | November 13, 2015 11:50am
Zilby wrote:

@Wolfman & @Branmuffin,

Firstly I like the guide, its layout and design are really nice and the tips overall are insightful. However, there are quite a few things that I cannot agree with as an experienced jungler.
  1. Not starting with Bumba's Mask and potion of physical might There are several reasons why your start isn't as effective during the first 5 minutes of the game, which is especially important for Fenrir since this is when he's at his most potent.
    • You're worsening both your jungle clear, sustain and gold sharing without Bumba's Mask. Since you're intended to share the early buffs with your solo laner, and the mid/back camps with your mid laner, you will fall far behind in gold from the enemy jungler. On top of that, you will have to back earlier without the heal from bumbas, have a harder time clearing allowing them to spend more time helping their allies than you, as well as counter-jungle as well.
    • Finally, not starting with potion of physical might means you will be less powerful than the enemy jungler during early engages, and Fenrir should always be more potent than the enemy jungler in early engages (with the exception of maybe Thor and Thanatos). You will be unable to contest mid camps effectively, and have a much reduced early game presence without it.
  2. Building Mystical Mail before Warrior Tabi. Full boots are ESSENTIAL for every jungler. They roam the map more than any other player, and without them you will be wasting a LOT of time moving around that you could be using ganking or clearing camps.
  3. Not building Jotunn's Wrath early. This is easily Fenrir's best item, and 25% CDR means a lot more ultis and ganks during the beginning of the game when less people have likely purchased beads. While you can build protections first, I'd recommend this no less than 3rd item, if not 2nd. To quote you "Basically, this build is made to excel in late game with damage, and be hard to kill early game." This shouldn't be the case, and it doesn't have to be! Early game you out-dps almost every god in the game, take advantage of that.
  4. On the topic of dps, you won't be doing much of anything without some form of penetration. I'd grab either Titan's Bane or The Executioner depending on how many basic attacks you can land given the enemy team comp. The Executioner works better with Rage though.
  5. Finally, as Branmuffin did indeed mention, while physical protection is more valuable, if you're building tanky you need some magical as well. I'd recommend either Spirit Robe or Hide of the Urchin.
As a sort of personal preference side-note, you don't necessarily need to level up your ult more than once until your final levels since the damage difference isn't really all that much. Regardless, that's not a huge change to your dps either way.

With all that said, a final build could look something like this:
Warrior Tabi -> Mail of Renewal -> Jotunn's Wrath -> The Executioner -> Hide of the Urchin -> Rage

I know there's no Runeforged Hammer in there, but in reality you'd only be getting ~23 physical power from that item, that's really not all that much. Anywho good guide wolfman!

You do realize at the very start it says NOT FOR JUNGLE?
Wolfman5665 (6) | November 12, 2015 3:36pm

Secondly ,your builds, If your first build ,"Basic Dog" , is for solo lane iam guessing that is not the best build , you will be shut easily from solo lane , iam X Fenrir and a little tip ,
Yes you need defense but not that kind, if you see his kit ,early -mid game you need damage , late game you are basically a bruiser dog that just wants to poke the squishes and get out . Your solo lane build should be like

The basic dog build is a build I use for all gamemodes, as I don't usually solo Fenrir. As I have stated in a comment above, I plan to remove that build in order to make more for different situations, instead.
Devampi (105) | November 12, 2015 2:04am
those drop down columns are spoilers or didn't you mean these things:

just a spoiler
Wildstorms414 | November 10, 2015 10:49pm

Firstly , iam new in smitefire, so seeing this kind of guides amazes me , could you please tell me how to keep that drop down column you have done for Warrior Tabi , all around i like the guide format

Secondly ,your builds, If your first build ,"Basic Dog" , is for solo lane iam guessing that is not the best build , you will be shut easily from solo lane , iam X Fenrir and a little tip ,
Yes you need defense but not that kind, if you see his kit ,early -mid game you need damage , late game you are basically a bruiser dog that just wants to poke the squishes and get out . Your solo lane build should be like

Starter :
Death toll (If you have a burst damage enemy solo lane partner , like Zeus , Bellona , Chaac )
Bluestone Pendant ( If you are lanned against a squishy , like hel ,Aphro , Ravana , Odin)
3 health potions
3 Multi Potions

From there your core items should be : Warrior Tabi : Jotuns wrath : Runeforge Hammer (if physical ) Pestilence (If healer) Ancile ( If magical)

Then your damage should be : Titans bane : Executioner : FrostBound hammer : Rage/Deathbringer get only one crit item , you dont need 2 of them

Incase of defense you need : Stone of gaia : Midgardian mail ( Not mystical mail on fenrir , not at all) Void stone : Runic Shield .

Usual final build should be a)Against physical : Warrior Tabi : Jotuns Wrath : Mail of renewal : Frost Bound hammer : Stone of gaia : Executioner /titans bane .

b) Against Magical : Warrior tabi : Jotuns wrath : Ancile/pestilence : Frostbound hammer : Midgardian mail : Executioner /titans bane

As a jungler , you never want all that defence , Because you will have more Tank potential but zero assassination potential, which a jungler never does. Tanking is the work of the solo lanner not jungler .

So jungler start : Bumbas Mask , Power pot , 2 health potions , 3 mana potions

Usual build : Warrior Tabi , Jotuns Wrath , Mail of renewal , Titans Bane , SHifters shield , Executioner/Frost bound hammer.
Wolfman5665 (6) | November 10, 2015 9:08pm
The site seems to not want me to add another purchase order, I'll do it when it fixes.
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Also, zilby and bran, I plan on removing the basic dog build and adding more builds for different situations (magical jungle, tanky team, etc.).
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