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currently this build is the best after bumba shifter and ancille nerf this build become really strong
frostbound hammer is better than hastened katana but of you don't like it you can take the katana, crit is good just because it's a crit meta and it's also fun to play with it
Runeforged proc with you one and ult so it can be really good if you want and can snowball
Shell is better than aegis except if you are against ultra burst gods like poseidon and his ult
with this build you have a lot of damage prot sustain and move speed :) (min 100 of each prot)
you must take your 3 at lvl 2 if you want to blink mid you need to have an escape and if they blink you, you need to be safe + this skill is pretty good because it give you some move speed. If the mid has no escape you can take your two but be carefull
Tap each threat level to view Gilgamesh’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Gilgamesh’s synergies
Okay so we start with his skills. if you want to play a god you can build him how you want you need to understand how he work else you're gonna just die, die and ... DIE
Before reading this remember one thing, choose the build you prefer if yu don't lke crit, don't play crit if you love crit play crit, i mean it's a game just enjoy.
thx to have read this guide, i hope you're gonna destroy all game with it and i hope you give me some feedback bye
P.S i'm not english sorry for the lot of mistakes ^^.
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I mainly play arena.