Warrior Tabi
Warrior Tabi its a really good tool for Pele and for barely all physical gods in game.
Having 40 physical power and 18% movement speed at almost 3 minutes into the game, its really useful for rotating and ganking easily and more effectively. Boots increases your damage a lot, and allows you to chase enemies more efficaciously. Get this item as soon as possible.
Soul Eater
Soul Eater its not an item that you see a lot nowadays. This is not a bad item, but there are better options out there. Stacking only for 60 physical power and some healing its not always the best option. But for some gods like
Pele, this item is insanely useful. Pele can heal all her HP with
Everlasting Flame when this is alongside
Soul Eater. It gives you cooldown reduction too, which is also useful on pele.
The crusher and Jotunn's wrath
These two items can be picked up together or one or the other too.
Jotunn's Wrath contains some mana, a huge CDR boost allowing
Pele to spam her abilities more repeatedly, physical power and the most important; penetration.
The Crusher has no CDR in it, but has more penetration, some useful attack speed (The conic basic attacks are easier to apply) and a damage passive.
This item on
Pele's performance is yet to be seen, but what i think and what i expect is that having such a high movement speed with this passive and including that pele in
Magma Rush is the speediest ***** in the city, its insanely useful. Also, this item includes the good old CDR, and the damage passive its really really good too.
I personally don't run SEater on her. She gets in bursts hard and gotta get out. I like to blink, knockup, ult, spam "1" x2 and use 3 to run away.
Also, does Crusher proc w/ "3" per tick? Most times I go Jotuun.
Yeah, it was hard picking between
Anyways, 60 physical power is more than a lot of items can provide. Yes, she needs instant burst, and
I'm staying away from Pele but next time I'll try prioritize 3 and get crusher. Maybe much faster clear, but doubt its much
... Excuse me, I seriously don't know lol."
Falls off lategame, gets countered heavily by anti-heal, vulnerable to slows and roots (and hard CC of course even more so).
Falls off lategame
Idk what you mean, her late game is OK, she should build tanky to have a better performance and yes, gods like loki or freya or whatever's lategame are better but she has valuable CC in insane range.
I don't think she get's countered by antiheal. She has a HUGE heal, yes, we can agree in that, but it pops up once each 30 seconds, and the enemy never knows when
All gods are vulnerable to CC, idk what you mean there
Idk what you mean, her late game is OK, she should build tanky to have a better performance and yes, some of the late games are better but she has crowd control to help herself and her team.
It's OK yes, but not that great compared to her early to mid game. Do you not know what falling off lategame means? Like
I don't think she get's countered by antiheal. She has a HUGE heal, yes, we can agree in that, but it pops up once each 30 seconds, and the enemy never knows when
All gods are vulnerable to CC, idk what you mean there
She DOES get countered by anti-heal, especially considering
All gods are vulnerable to CC, idk what you mean there
In the case of
But you're listing 9 gods only. She has a CC immune dash, and she can use it whenever he wants. Ultimates regenerate in time, more with all the CDR i included in all the builds.
But anyway, let me add the anti-healing counter
You can if they have a windup (Baron, Chronos) or if you pre-time it before they hit.
CC can stop her from doing her thing
Antiheal hurts sometimes
Altough i disagree with the CC part, i included it. I always try to cover all points of view from anyone who wants to share them.
So, e.g. Weaknesses:
1. Especially vulnerable to roots and slows.
2. Passive/Sustain gets countered hard by Anti-heal.
3. Lategame isn't as strong as her early to mid game.
In most cases/scenarios it will be on CD so you will have to rely on your movement speed bonus from
This increased time gives the enemy more time to use any close range ability (or AA) before needing an ability to close the gap to catch up. or makes it harder to dodge stuff.