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Get beads if you feel you need it, but when possible blink
Sell crusher for Obow, Boots for bloodforge
Tap each threat level to view Kali’s threats
her ult will kill you at the end of yours. mostly unpickable into serqet
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 56 [display_name] => Serqet [url] => serqet ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => her ult will kill you at the end of yours. mostly unpickable into serqet ) 1
Disarms suck
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Disarms suck ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 48 [display_name] => Geb [url] => geb ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 68 [display_name] => Khepri [url] => khepri ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Lots of peel
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 52 [display_name] => Kumbhakarna [url] => kumbhakarna ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Lots of peel ) 1
Hard to stick to
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 70 [display_name] => Sol [url] => sol ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Hard to stick to ) 1
Get teleport if youre gonna get poked out in lane a lot
If enemy solo is mage, hunter, or assassin only
Tap each threat level to view Kali’s threats
her ult kills you after yours. you will die if she ganks
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 56 [display_name] => Serqet [url] => serqet ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => her ult kills you after yours. you will die if she ganks ) 1
bullies you out completely
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 53 [display_name] => Osiris [url] => osiris ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => bullies you out completely ) 1
Not as big of a threat as people think in lane, but still cucks you late game with disarms
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Not as big of a threat as people think in lane, but still cucks you late game with disarms ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 52 [display_name] => Kumbhakarna [url] => kumbhakarna ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Peel. ) 1
Fairly simple: Max 2 whenever possible, then 3, then 4, then 1 (get your ult at level 5 and jump at 3/4 however)
The combo generally is just 3 > auto > 2 > auto until dead (ult if you are going to die, or are going to be slowed, rooted, or knocked up and lose the kill).
her 1: mobility, good for chasing and running away (duh). but also good sustain. jumping on a 1hp camp will generally heal around 300-400hp lategame, meaning leaving a fight to heal isnt a bad idea if your target is not killable. generally though your best option to sustain in fights is killing your target, of course.
her 2: also sustain, but your main damage tool. 2ing a camp with just one blade gives you plenty of health back from the camp from lifesteal. combine that with the jump heal and you will almost never need to back to heal while jungling. also your main clear in solo, walk up to the melees and aim at the archers to hit the whole wave with all 3 blades. will full clear by level 7ish. also produces the main damage in your combo, along with the aa cancels.
her 3: just a stun. also gives power so can be used for taking towers and dpsing objectives, but really will just be used as a combo setup.
her 4: probably her best ability. gives much more than just death immunity. sure you can use it to survive that kraken that would have killed you, but you can also use it to finish off the 1hp mage juuuust outside of auto range, or use it as an aa cancel to give the combo some extra oomph (way underrated), or even just to immune a slow so you can stick to that damn ra you cant kill cos of his 2. this ability has much more use than press to not die, dont feel like you need to hold it for that.
(Which build should I use?)
Jungle: Default to the attack speed build. can never really go wrong with that. works best against tanky comps, but also works well into immobile mages and hunters. her bread and butter build.
Use the burst build either when they have lots of anti aa (bellona, fafnir) or lots of peel that means you cant stick very well (***ba, kuzenbo, terra), or when they have a very squishy team so you can 1 combo most of their team.
Solo: Attack speed is best into guardians and warriors in lane, as you wont be able to burst these gods. burst build is fine into mages, hunters, and assassins, but its really personal preference here.
Removed ich, added Stonecutting to aa build, swapped order and removed shifters from burst, removed hybrid build. IMO her burst build is even better now with new heartseeker, its the build i default to. also changed some level ordering.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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I must try this in my Kali 0 lvl :D
Also I know it's expensive but you haven't taken speed elixir into account at all.
also speed elixir is just worse than getting a 3k, not really a factor
I don't see how this is so hard to comprehend. At the very least add magi's cloak as a situational option.
If you shuffle things around, you could consider