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Kukulkan Compliment Passive Joust/Arena (Power)

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by Alluring Mystique updated July 16, 2018

Smite God: Kukulkan

Build Guide Discussion 7 More Guides
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Kukulkan Build

Purchase Order

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon

Alternative Items

Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Situational Items

Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Armored Cloak Armored Cloak
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor


Kukul's Passive

Power of the Wind Jewel
Key Bind: Passive

Increases Magical Power by 5% of maximum Mana.

Ability Type: Buff

The build is heavily mana-based as it compliments his passive.

Warlock's Staffto start building stacks as soon as possible again for the extra mana to compliment his passive and all the other perks that come with the staff. His 3 ability is good for minion clean up.

Shoes of Magi for extra damage

Spear of Desolation For pen and cooldown reduction but obsidian shard is an alt option depending on situation and/or preference

Chrono's Pendant for the cooldown reduction or Spear of Desolation for the cooldown but if you want or need extra penetration then the spear is better. I tested it in jungle and it overall provides more power than the pendant because of the penetration of course.

Gem of Isolation is a good pick because it provides a health boost and a slow effect to his abilities. His abilities already have a slowing effect making this item ideal for him. Its also good in conjunction with polynomicon. Slow them with your 1 ability, then you hit them with his already hard for a mage auto attack, and then his 3 tornado, youre looking at some good damage output. As long as you can hit your one easy then this is a good combo item.

Polynomicon is good for its lifesteal but not only that but it give extra power and more mana to compliment his passive. Whats good about this item is that after using an ability his next basic attack is boosted. This is good because KuKu already has a powerful basic attack so its almost like having the ability to use his 1st ability twice in a row.

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Gulfwulf (81) | July 17, 2018 8:46am

I'm guessing for the extra health. I'd get the book instead because its passive works well with Ku's.
boogiebass (46) | July 17, 2018 7:37am
If you're getting chronos pendant, get shoes of the magi.
Kriega1 (143) | July 18, 2018 5:11am
Depends on the build, also Shoes of Focus is really good on Kukulkan.
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Gulfwulf (81) | July 17, 2018 4:20am
Don't forget Spear of the Magus.

Oh, and leave the defense items like Pestilence to your tanks. If you need defense, both Mantle of Discord and Magi's Cloak will serve. None of the other items are going to keep you alive long enough if you don't have a tank/front liner to soak up incoming damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Alluring Mystique
Kukulkan Compliment Passive Joust/Arena (Power)
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